Rspec is automatically adding the lib directory for my project to the load_path. Is there any way to tell it not to do this?
No. As far as I know, no one's ever wanted it to not do this before.
What problems is it causing for you? Most users find it very convenient that rspec adds lib to the load path.
You can always remove the directory from the load path if you don't want it there.
I would like to place the .irbrc file in my project folder to configure the irb console just for that specific project. I am aware that i can configure .irbrc placing it in the home folder but i would like to avoid that, i just want to require all the files of my project when i get into the console, but i am not looking for a permanent behaviour
I am trying to place .irbrc file in the project root but it does not seem to be requiring anything if i place it there.
Is it possible to do it??.
Any suggestion would be much appreciated.
Thank you so much
Does your project have a ./bin/console file? Probably that's what you're looking for.
Here is some information about it: Your Ruby App Should Have a bin/console.
However, you can pass another file to be loaded in irb:
IRBRC="~/Documents/.irbrc" irb
You can look at how irb loads it in init.rb, if you're interested.
I have just started using cucumber and am seeking clarification whether the folder having my step definitions must be named exactly as step_defnitions or can it be anything (e.g. my_defs). I tried renaming in my local machine but sometimes it works and sometimes doesn't.
|-- step_definitions/
Cucumber will automatically load any files within the features folder. This means that your step definition files can be located in any folder name/structure as long as they are in the features folder.
Note that it is possible to override this setting and explicitly state the location of your steps by doing:
cucumber -r your/steps/folder/location
For more details you can see the help - cucumber -h:
-r: Require files before executing the features. If this option is not specified, all *.rb files that are siblings or
below the features will be loaded auto-matically. Automatic loading is
disabled when this option is specified, and all loading becomes
explicit. Files under directories named "support" are always loaded
first. This option can be specified multiple times.
In every reference I've seen (including the RSpec Book), they always have a "step_definitions" folder for definitions. A lot of things in Ruby (and especially Rails) utilize a "convention over configuration" philosophy, and I believe this is one of those things. I think it'd be less hassle for you to just make the "step_definitions" folder inside the "features" folder and know that it should work than to try and figure out how to change the configuration.
... and remove it upon un-installation, of course.
The issue is that other programs being called from my gem need to be able to find a certain file in the system PATH - setting the PATH programatically doesn't work, as these programs are being called in a way that they get a fresh environment.
I tried including these .dll files as "executables" in the gemspec, but that only seems to get some symlink type files in the {ruby}/bin folder, which causes errors because the programs in question are expecting the actual .dll.
As it is, I just have a note in the README asking people to manually copy the .dll files to a folder in the PATH, but it seems like there should be a better way to do this.
Any help would be appreciated - thanks!
I guess the dll is a native lib required by a java class?
If so, you can just put it somewhere in the lib folder and call java.lang.System.load to load it before the java class is used. It doesn't have to be in system PATH this way.
As we all know, the common structure of rubygem assumes presence of lib directory. I noticed, that generally in this directory are two items: gem_name.rb and gem_name/ directory. The gem_name/ directory hold main sources of project. It is heart of application. So, the question is about gem_name.rb file. What does it stand for?
The reason it's structured like that is if you had files other than gem_name.rb in the lib/ directory (say another_file_name.rb), you'd be liable to cause problems if there was a gem with the name another_file_name and someone did require another_file_name - it'd load your file, rather than the other gem's file.
If your code is small enough it can all fit into gem_name.rb, then put it there, otherwise put it into gem_name/other_file_name.rb.
Typically that just requires everything from the gem_name/ directory that's needed. It's used to keep all the requires in a central location and separate from the actual code
I have written a module that has some generic, reusable code that I would like to be able to use in other projects. Is there a place I could put this file on computer so that Ruby can find it regardless of where I saved the file that is including it? I am using a Mac.
There's no standard place to put code like this. You could put all your code in a gem and install the gem, or create a directory to put this code in. Once you create the directory, alter the LOAD_PATH global variable to include this directory. You can do this either in each script that uses these, or with the RUBYOPT environment variable. For example, you could put ~/my_ruby_stuff in your path and put your files there. One warning if you do that, make sure the path you add is at the end of the gem path and try to avoid any name conflicts with existing Ruby libraries or gems.
Consider making a "gem" out of your code. The advantages are: separate project, better defined interface, separate source control, can share with other developers in your company, etc