shell script to login in another server using another name - shell

I want to write a shell script to ssh to another unix server with another username.
Unix server which I am using is SunOS.
I have tried many options such as expect tool and sshpass but none of them worked, can someone help me with the script using sshpass as I have heard that it provides a secure login.

If you are user bob on the localhost and want to ssh to sunmachine as fred you would do:
$ ssh fred#sunmachine
This would log you into sunmachine as fred, not bob.
You can also use the config file ~/.ssh/config to set aliases:
Host sun
User fred
Now you can just type (as any user):
$ ssh sun
# ssh <- the un-aliased command that is run
Note: Set up key based authenitication so you are not prompted to enter your password.


Running a script that's requires password in between

I'm running a script that copies files from another server.... It's prompting for a password of that server... Every time I need to enter the password manually... So s there any way to automate this?
scp root#ip:file_location destination
Note for security purposes I was not supposed to use password less login, or ssh
You can try to use sshpass which takes the password from an evironment variable named "SSHPASS" if switch -e is provided. So you can use something like:
export SSHPASS=<yourpw>
sshpass -e scp <sourcefile> user#ip:<targetpath/filename>
But of course it still uses ssh underneath, like Sergiy explained in the comment.

Shell script to copy one directory from one server to another without asking for password

I want to write a shell script and put it in a cron. This shell script will copy one particular directory from my server to another server everyday once. So, I don't want it to prompt for passwords. Is there something that I can add in my script so that it wont ask for passwords everyday?
You need to have a password less SSH Login in your Unix Boxes
Below link describe how to set password less SSH login
you can use FTP or NDM to transfer the Files
In this way you can achieve your requirement.
Using the below script, I am able to achieve what I mentioned :
com="sshpass -p Password0 scp arul# ."
eval $com
You can use RSA key option also for this. Using RSA key you can authorized your second server in first server. This is one time operation.
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ [Your 2nd server IP]
[root#vasmon home]# ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/'s password:
Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh ''", and check in:
to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't expecting.
[root#vasmon home]#

Bash Script : Execute unix commands inside a remote server

I am trying to login to Server B from Server A and perform simple UNIX commands on Server B using a shell script. The code is as follows. But ls -al is displaying the result of Server A and not the one that is logged on to i.e Server B. Any inputs are highly appreciated. Thanks
sshpass -p password ssh hostname
ls -al
When the shell interprets a script file, it creates a child process to
execute each command line. So, the command lines after sshpass -p password ssh hostname are not actually executed inside the ssh
session to hostname, but in the host where the bash instance is
To achieve what you want, you can check ssh(1) usage line and note that there is a [command] argument, that says:
If command is specified, it is executed on the remote host instead
of a login shell.
So, one way to do it is sshpass -p password ssh hostname ls -la. Another way which can provide some more flexibility is:
cat | sshpass -p password ssh hostname <<EOF
ls -la
Which would make ssh start a login shell in the remote host and pass
to its stdin the lines provided in the Here Document. The remote
shell would then interpret those strings as commands and execute them.
If you just want to run ls -al on the remote server, put it on the same line as the ssh command like
sshpass -p password ssh hostname ls -al
it will automatically exit when it gets to the end of the command so you don't need to put exit
Also, if you're going to be doing this and don't want to interactively enter the password, you might want to look at sharing public/private keys and using that so it won't ever ask for a password (unless you password protect your private key)

ssh to another server with different username

I have to write a shell script which ssh to another server with other username without actually asking for a password from the user?
Due to constraints I cannot use key based authentication.
Source Server --
Source UserName -- tom
Source Password -- tom123
Destination Server --
Destination UserName -- bob
destination Password -- bob123
I have to place the bash script in source server.
Please let me know if something could be done using expect tool and/or sshpass.
It is okay for me to hardcode the password for destination server in the bash script but I cannot bear an interactive session, simply when I run he script, I want to see the destination server logged in with another username.
Thanks in Advance.
You want to use key-authentication
Generate your keys ssh-keygen
Copy the keys to your new box ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/
ssh to other host without password ssh
You can use expect to wrap ssh, but it's pretty hectic, and fails easily when there are network errors, so test it well or use a script specifically designed for wrapping ssh passwords. Key based authentication is better.
You can prevent interactive sessions by redirecting standard input from the null device, ie.
ssh me#destination destination-command < /dev/null
About placing the script in the source server, if the script you are running is local, rather than remote, then you can pass the script on standard input, rather than the command line:
cat | ssh me#destination
You can install the sshpass program, which lets you write a script like
sshpass -p bob123 ssh
The answer is that you can't as OpenSSH actively prevent headless password-based authentication. Use key-based authentication.
You may be able to fork the OpenSSH client code and patch it, but I think that is a bit excessive.

Need shell script to auto login to remote server

I have 10 Linux servers.
To connect to server every time I have to execute the ssh command to login.
I need one single shell script to login to a remote server.
e.g if server is host name is, user is user1 and pass password
when I give the user name user1 in terminal, it should automatically execute the shell script and logged in to remote server for the user user1
Hi i know this is an old question but here is a way to do it follow the link above from the #nick hartung then after that since you have 10 servers you call each server by name so say 'server1' or any name you like but for this example ill name one of the servers 'server1' also remember to change the port from 22 to something else eg 22277 so create a script and name it server1 and the put this in it
ssh username#hostname -p22277
then move the script to user bin
$ sudo chmod 600 server1
$ sudo mv server1 /usr/bin/
then now u can just login to the remote host like this
$ server1
the you will be automatically logged in.
You can write a script that will take a username as a parameter and ssh to the correct host based on that. A quick example:
if [ "$1" == "username" ]; then
ssh username#hostname
if [ "$1" == "username2" ]; then
However, the ssh command doesn't have a built in way to provide a password AFAIK. You shouldn't be storing your passwords in a script anyway. The way to get around this is to set up automatic authentication by creating a key pair using ssh-keygen. Here is a link that will show you how to set this up.
