jqplot help for barclustered type chart - jqplot

hFollowing is the code for barclustered jqplot. can anyone please guide me gow to create a highlighted array in following code dynamically
// For horizontal bar charts, x an y values must will be "flipped"
// from their vertical bar counterpart.
var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2', [
[[2,1], [4,2], [6,3], [3,4]],
[[5,1], [1,2], [3,3], [4,4]],
[[4,1], [7,2], [1,3], [2,4]]], {
seriesDefaults: {
// Show point labels to the right ('e'ast) of each bar.
// edgeTolerance of -15 allows labels flow outside the grid
// up to 15 pixels. If they flow out more than that, they
// will be hidden.
pointLabels: { show: true, location: 'e', edgeTolerance: -15 },
// Rotate the bar shadow as if bar is lit from top right.
shadowAngle: 135,
// Here's where we tell the chart it is oriented horizontally.
rendererOptions: {
barDirection: 'horizontal'
axes: {
yaxis: {
renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer

You have a problem with your Javascript syntax and algorithm. The loop should looks like :
var a = new Array();
var split_fst = VData.split("|")
for(m=0;m<split_fst.length;m++) {
var split_snd = split_fst[m].split(",");
a[m] = new Array();
Your a variable now looks like : `[["9","453","470","232"],["488","378","375","142"],["365","275","255","434"],["217","317","479","89"]]


Drawing target line (plotLine) on Kendo Angular Pie Chart

Is it possible to draw a target line on pie chart?
For example, goal is 90% but installed is 70% and not-installed is 30%. I need to show the goal as dotted line as shown in the image below.
You can use the render event of the grid to draw the dotted line on the chart. I would use the visual property of the series to get the center point and radius of the pie, then in the render, draw a path from the pie center at the correct angle.
var center;
var radius;
theme: "Bootstrap",
legend: {visible: true,position: "bottom"},
seriesDefaults: { labels: {visible: false, }},
series: [{
type: "pie",
data: [{
category: "Installed",value: 45,color: "#52B84D"
}, {
category: "Not Installed",value: 25,color: "#E64F49"
visual: function(e) {
//use this function to get the center and radius
//for use in the render function
center = e.center;
radius = e.radius;
// return the default visual element
return e.createVisual();
render: function(e){
var draw = kendo.drawing;
var geom = kendo.geometry;
var chart = e.sender;
//angle is 90% of 270 because 0 is horizontal
var cornerRad = (0.9 * 270) * Math.PI / 180;
var nx = Math.cos(cornerRad)*radius + center.x;
var ny = Math.sin(cornerRad)*radius + center.y;
// The center and radius are populated by now.
var path = new draw.Path({
stroke: {
color: "#000",
width: 2,
dashType: "dash"
path.moveTo(center).lineTo(nx, ny, 0).close();
// Draw it on the Chart drawing surface

Chart.js: How to get bar chart labels clickable?

I use chart.js 2.8.0 to create mainly pie and bar charts. The clickable legend on pie charts is really useful, filtering out unwanted data from the result.
When creating a chart there are two kinds of labels:
* An array of labels on chart level, label 1 corresponding to item 1 in each dataset.
* Dataset labels, one for each dataset.
A pie chart as standard get the chart label array turned into a legend with clickable labels, click on a label and that item is filtered out from the chart.
A bar chart, on the other hand, gets the labels shown below the bar but not clickable. Instead the legend here is made out of the dataset label. If you have more than one dataset, a whole dataset is filtered out if you click on that label.
Since I sometimes have several datasets I can not use the "trick" that consists of putting data item into a separate dataset (that was otherwise the closest to what I wanted that I found in my search, the "extra" clickable legend that would create would work as well). The situation is also that the end user should get a drop-down (or similar) so he, from the same data, can select chart type. So the soultion need to work both for pie and bar charts. the same data and (standard) code creates the two shown charts (except for the colors).
The question is now, as stated in the title: Is it possible to get clickable labels for a bar chart with the same filtering functionality as when the chart is of pie type?
I understand that it isn't doable by just setting some options, it would probably have to be done by creating a plugin, but is it at all doable? if so, any pointers for help?
If not clickable labels, maybe make the bars themselves clickable (with the same result)...?
With a slight change to the fiddle given by https://stackoverflow.com/users/3963330/tob%c3%adas in his answer here: Click events on Pie Charts in Chart.js I get a fiddle that also can handle multiple datasets, and on my second try I managed to hide a segment when I clicked on it. And then I relized that if it wasn't a pie chart there would be no clickable legend to use for unhiding that element - so that's not a solution for my bar charts.
Tried combining a couple of SO questions/answers (generating labels by #GRUNT : Bar labels in Legend) but can't get legend labels for bar charts to filter out segments instead of datasets.
Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/tommypeters/24ra6egy/9/
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.6.0/Chart.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'bar',
data: {
datasets: [{
data: [300, 50, 100],
backgroundColor: [
data: [400, 60, 101],
backgroundColor: [
labels: [
options: {
scales: {
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true
legend: {
labels: {
generateLabels: function(chart) {
var labels = chart.data.labels;
var dataset = chart.data.datasets[0];
var legend = labels.map(function(label, index) {
return {
datasetIndex: 0,
fillStyle: dataset.backgroundColor && dataset.backgroundColor[index],
strokeStyle: dataset.borderColor && dataset.borderColor[index],
lineWidth: dataset.borderWidth,
text: label
return legend;
canvas.onclick = function(evt) {
var activePoints = myNewChart.getElementsAtEvent(evt);
if (activePoints[0]) {
var chartData = activePoints[0]['_chart'].config.data;
var idx = activePoints[0]['_index'];
var dIndex = myNewChart.getDatasetAtEvent(evt)[0]._datasetIndex;
var label = chartData.labels[idx];
var value = chartData.datasets[dIndex].data[idx];
// Doesn't hide a slice but a whole dataset...
// var meta = myNewChart.getDatasetMeta(dIndex);
// meta.hidden = meta.hidden === null ? !myNewChart.data.datasets[dIndex].hidden : null;
// myNewChart.update();
var i, ilen, meta;
for (i = 0, ilen = (myNewChart.data.datasets || []).length; i < ilen; ++i) {
meta = myNewChart.getDatasetMeta(i);
if (meta.data[idx]) {
meta.data[idx].hidden = !meta.data[idx].hidden;
var url = "http://example.com/?label=" + label + "&value=" + value;

jqplot y-axis scale on bar charts

In jqplot, why is the auto scaling on bar charts so very different from on line charts?
Using the exact same data, I get these two plots:
The options I use for the two plots are:
var bar_options = {
axesDefaults: { labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer },
seriesDefaults: { renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer, rendererOptions: { highlightMouseOver:false, barMargin:5, shadowOffset:1 } },
axes: { xaxis: { renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer }, yaxis: { tickOptions:{show:false} } },
var line_options = {
axesDefaults: { labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer },
seriesDefaults: { rendererOptions: { smooth: true } },
axes: { xaxis: { min:1, max:30, tickInterval:1, pad:0 }, yaxis: { tickOptions:{show:false} } },
The line plot looks really good, but the bar chart is next to useless with the scaling shown.
Why is the default scaling so different between the two plots, and how can I get the scaling on the bar plot to be the same as the line graph?
I have created a simpler example, with data as follows:
[38.23, 39.33, 41.67, 40.21, 45.01, 44.47, 37.04]
And the resulting graph shown is this:
Adding a y-axis scale, shows that the data is starting from 0.
I changed my plot code to this...
var home_bar_options = {
axesDefaults: { labelRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer },
seriesDefaults: { renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer, rendererOptions: { highlightMouseOver:false, barMargin:5, shadowOffset:1 } },
axes: { xaxis: { renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer }, yaxis: { min:30, max:50 } }
But the plot doesn't change, and completely ignores the 'min' and 'max' values that I have entered for the y-axis scale.
Why is this?
I have not found any 'proper' way to move the axis on the bar chart, but I have managed to find a workaround.
My page is in PHP, and the data is coming from a mysql database.
So, after I have the data, and before I draw the bar chart plot, I get the minimum data value, and subtract that value from all my data!
So if my data is
35, 38, 36, 42, 40
I subtract 35 from all data, giving a new data set of
0, 3, 1, 7, 5
The bar chart will then plot this in a much better looking way!
Because I don't need to see actual data numbers, just the trend, this works ok for me - but wouldn't work if you needed a y-axis with a scale.
If anyone has a 'proper' way to properly adjust the bar plot y-axis away from zero, then I would be very happy to hear it!
But, for now, my workaround will suffice!

jqplot pie chart percentage adding

Consider this code snippet:
function drawChart() {
var slice_1 = ['A', 15];
var slice_2 = ['B', 40];
var slice_3 = ['C', 50];
var slice_4 = ['D', 40];
var series = [slice_1, slice_2, slice_3,slice_4];
var data = [series];
var options = {
seriesColors: ["#00aeef", "#FFBF00", "#0CDA08", "#FF1926"],
seriesDefaults: {
renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer
legend: { show:true, location: 'e' }
$.jqplot('chartDivId', data, options);
In the above, how do i get percentage inside the pie chart? I tried many things but can;t make it work.
I added this:
rendererOptions: {
// Put data labels on the pie slices.
// By default, labels show the percentage of the slice.
showDataLabels: true,
dataLabels: 'value',
But percentage didn't appear inside the pie chart.
I used the above snippet (the one you posted) and I was able to display labels in 'percentages'
You just need to use showDataLabels: true inside rendererOptions
By default, showDataLabels displays the labels in percentages.
No need for the code below. Remove these two lines
dataLabels: 'value',
Here's a working JSFiddle for your code : Pie Chart - Show labels in percentages
Also make sure that you add rendererOptions inside seriesDefaults
You can also check the example over here: jqPlot - Pie Chart
Hope it helps.

Jqplot line chart multiple series

Above data contains two series. x values of each series are same. if the x values are numeric the jqplot displays line chart with two series as normal. but we need to display strings on x axis and for each string corresponding series values.
How to set strings on xaxis for multiple series line chart of jqplot?
I have preapared an example for you based on the data you gave:
JsFiddle link
$.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true;
var chartData = [[["09251A0428",90],["10251A0547",37]],[["09251A0428",4],["10251A0547",54]]];
function PlotChart(chartData) {
var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart1', chartData, {
title: 'Mouse Cursor Tracking',
seriesDefaults: {
pointLabels: {
show: true
axes: {
xaxis: {
pad: 1,
// a factor multiplied by the data range on the axis to give the
renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
// renderer to use to draw the axis,
tickOptions: {
formatString: '%b %#d'
yaxis: {
highlighter: {
sizeAdjust: 7.5
cursor: {
show: true
