List of default themeid values - themes

I would like to change some default parameters using a theme. For instance the collapse/expande image. I could ofcourse change the themeid for every categorized column but it would be best to set these values as default in the theme.
I came acros a post about a list of default themeid's but ofcourse this link is dead. Is there any other way of finding out the default theme id for xpage components?

Here's a list of theme ids for core controls:
You can use the following code snippet to find the theme id of a control:


Styling/images/tables in email templates

Is it possible to do the following things in an email template for Dynamics CRM online:
Change the default font
Insert an image
Have a table/multi-column layout
Yes, it is. There two ways to achieve this:
Using Design Tool on UI. You can change Font Name, Font Size, and Font Color with buttons on the UI Tool. However, there is no controls to insert Image, Table, or other stuffs. To achieve this, you can create your template somewhere else in HTML, and copy-paste the result to template create form. More here and here.
Another way is to create a workflow which is triggered when a template pre-creation. And update the template body with your HTML template.
Hope it helps!

visually enhanced joomla 2.5 List of Categories component (Default is ugly)

I have a menu item that loads a List of Categories.
The problem is that I don´t know if there is a visually enhaced component other than the default one.
Could you please point me to the right direction
I am using Joomla 2.5
Just to add a link to the suggestion from Marko D about template overrides (which would be the correct answer):!_core and explains how the template overrides work
This is indeed the simplest way to adjust how the list is created. And of course using CSS within your template.

How can I preview Virtuemart2 Order verification email layout changes?

I am trying to change the layout ( css/html structure) of Virtuemart 2 order verification emails. Problem is that I have to make a fake purchase each and every time I do a change in the 10 different files (located # components/com_virtuemart/views/invoice/order/tmpl) that create this email template.
The closest "preview" I got was this direct access url ""
But again it loads Joomla's head/body elements not the actual email template.
So how can I have a "preview" of how the template looks like with my new changes BEFORE make an actual test purchase? Is this possible?
You shouldn't change the core files otherwise the next update of VirtueMart (of which there are many) will erase your changes.
You should use Joomla!'s template overrides which VM2 supports that way you can update as needed to new versions without loosing your changes. See this article on on "How to override the output from the Joomla! core" and this one on template overrides.
3. You need to add the &format=raw at the end of the link to retrieve just the output of the component with out the template/html body wrapped around it. Of course that relies on the component as well.
I was going to suggest using raw, but looking at the current VM2 it doesn't properly support the format=raw option. Looking at the mail layout in the invoice view it not structured to return it the way you expect, it actually generates a HTML version by default with a matching text only version.
The best I could come up given those two options
Return a close equivalent of the HTML email
Return the text version, albeit wrapped in the html page... you may have to view the source to see your invoice text.

Custom section/category viewing in Joomla

I have written some modules to have it look nicely. What I need now is to re-order Joomla's standard viewing of the content. I have looked into com_content, and my first idea was to write my own component for it. But now I realized it would be about 90% a copy of com_content.
The problem is: When you open a link to a section, com_content views a list of the categories. But I want a list of the articles in category News of each viewed, and a link to every article in category Infos on the menu to the left. And of course, view each on click.
Is there a way to achieve that without writing an own component? Or would it be advisable to customise com_content to my needs? I want this done with a minimum of fuss and complexity.
You can override components view-templates in your theme.
In your case, for articles: Articles are part of the content component. components/com_content/views/article/tmpl/default.php is the default view of an article.
To override it copy the file to templates\<yourtheme>\html\com_content\article/default.php.
As an example, see the default theme ja_purity or beez, which also override it.
That way, you will only change the layout and only for your theme. The component will stay in tact and updates will not be as complicated as otherwise.
The visible components on your website are called modules. See the modules section in the admin section. The category-view is one of the default modules. There is also a module to display a list of categories (AFAIK). That is what you want, right? The modules listed in the module section are not all available ones, but all that are created. You can create a new one and set its type to the category-list for example, and define in what block of the theme it should display.
If you want to do your own Module, do so. Code it, then add it in your admin section and you’re done.

Magento - adding a new field to the product options in admin

I'd like to add a new tab to the 'catalog->manage products->product information' page in the admin. Underneath the 'images' tab, I'd like to add a new tab for video, with a simple text input for adding a video url, which I can then grab for the frontend.
Anyone any ideas where the files are that I need to edit? I've been looking for the last couple hours with no joy. I found the list of current options in Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Setup but can't figure out how to add to them...
Seems it gets some from Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tabs. If I copy one of the tab sections here and change the title to Video, I can get it to display in the tabs on the left. But how do I then add the options for it?
What you are trying to do, from the sounds of it, is to create a custom field and add it to your catalog data. The good news is that you don't need to muck around in the PHP for that.
Head to Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attributes and create a new attribute for yourself called "Video URL" (or something to that effect). This will probably be a text field, and you may want to hide it from comparison on the frontend of the site (select "No" for all those boxes at the bottom of the form).
Once you've created an attribute, you will need to add it to an attribute set. If all your products are of one "type", and if you didn't create any other attribute sets, this should be only one step. Head to Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attribute Sets and create a "New Group" called "Video" and drag your new video url attribute into it. Save the attribute set and you should now have your new tab.
The only complication from what I read in your post could be positioning it underneath the images tab. Magento adds several tabs statically (the long way, in the PHP) and doesn't generally obey ordering of the tab groups. Consider the time tradeoff.
Hope that helps. Thanks,
Per your other comments, for the URLs a simple attribute would work but files would tend to be more difficult. To add a custom tab, as you said, you can edit (or in the case of a plugin, override) Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tabs::_prepareLayout and add your tab. You'll need to add a block or template to display your tab contents.
After that, you'll need to store the data somewhere. Looking in Adminhtml/controllers/ProductController, you should be able to hook into the catalog_product_prepare_save event to get data from $event->getRequest() and push it onto the product or save another entity as necessary.
I'm not sure how well file saving semantics would work on a product, so you may want to do your own data storage in the extension and then provide something like a getVideoForProduct method to retrieve it.
Then the only thing left to do is modify the catalog/product/view.phtml template file to include your thumbs and create a controller in your extension to provide a modal w/ the video (or do it in JS).
I know that's a bit of a general answer, but it's the rough path you would need to take for tabs. Let me know if any specific part of that is unclear.
