Difference between Hadoop jar command and job command - hadoop

What is difference between the two commands "jar" and "job".
*> Below is my understanding.
The command "jar"could be used to run MR jobs locally.
The "hadoop job" is deprecated and used to submit a job to the
cluster. The alternative to that is the mapred command.
Also the jar command would run the MR job locally in the same node
where we are executing the command and not anywhere else on the
cluster. If we were to submit a job that would run on some non
deterministic node on the cluster.*
Let me know if my understanding is correct and if not what exactly is the difference.

They both are completely different and I don't think are comparable. Both co-exist and have separate functions and none is deprecated AFAIK.
job isn't used to submit a job to the cluster, rather it is used to get information on the jobs that have already been run or are running, also it is used to kill a running job or even kill a specific task.
While jar is simply used to execute the custom mapred jar, example:
$ bin/hadoop jar /usr/joe/wordcount.jar org.myorg.WordCount /usr/joe/wordcount/input /usr/joe/wordcount/output
hadoop jar
Runs a jar file. Users can bundle their Map Reduce code in a jar file and execute it using this command.
Usage: hadoop jar [mainClass] args...
hadoop job
Command to interact with Map Reduce Jobs.
*Usage: hadoop job [GENERIC_OPTIONS] [-submit ] | [-status ] | [-counter ] | [-kill ] | [-events <#-of-events>] | [-history [all] ] | [-list [all]] | [-kill-task ] | [-fail-task ] | [-set-priority ]*
For more info, read here.


Excluding lists of hosts from SGE job submission

I am using a cluster running SGE 8.1.9. Some nodes on the server are broken and some are working. I have a list of node host-names which are working OK, so I want to submit my array job to those nodes only.
I have successfully submitted jobs to a single node which works:
qsub -t 5:18 -l h=nodeA myScipt.sh
However, I want to submit my jobs to a list of working nodes, e.g.:
qsub -t 5:18 -l h=nodeA,nodeB,nodeC myScipt.sh
But this throws:
Unable to run job: unknown resource "nodeB"
What is the correct syntax to submit your array job to a list of nodes if you have their hostnames?
I figured you can include the flag:
#$ -l h=!(nodeA|nodeB)

Run pig in oozie shell action

I have created a simple pigscript which loads 10 records and stores in a table.
When I invoke this pig(stored in HDFS) file using oozie Shell action,I get and error as follows:
>>> Invoking Shell command line now >>
Exit code of the Shell command 5
<<< Invocation of Shell command completed <<<
<<< Invocation of Main class completed <<<
Failing Oozie Launcher, Main class [org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.ShellMain], exit code [1]
Oozie Launcher failed, finishing Hadoop job gracefully
I have put the shell file in the lib folder in the workspace and added all the required jar files in the same lib folder. Please help me to solve this issue.
I solved this this issue by the following steps:
1)Created a workflow in hue placing a pig action to invoke pigscript.
2)Generated the workflow.xml file by clicking the run button.
3)Ran the workflow.xml through commandline by adding a shell wrapper class which iterates and gives dates as input parameters.
oozie.wf.application.path = /user/hue/oozie/workspaces/hue-oozie-1470122057.79/workflow.xml
shell file:
for date in 20160101 20160102 20160103
oozie job -oozie http://<serverip>:11000/oozie -config job.properties run

How get information of completed PBS or Torque jobs?

I have IDs of completed jobs. How do I check its detailed information, such as execution time, allocated nodes, etc? I remember SGE has a command for it (qacct?). But I could not find it for PBS or Torque. Thanks.
Since job accounting requires root access to view completed jobs, or that the cluster admins have installed pbstools (both out of the control of a user), I've found that the easiest thing to do is to place a
tracejob $PBS_JOBID
on the last line of the submission script. If the scheduler is MAUI, then checkjob -vv $PBS_JOBID is another alternative. These commands could be redirected to a separate outfile:
tracejob $PBS_JOBID > $PBS_O_WORKDIR/$PBS_JOBID.tracejob
Should also be possible to have this run as a user epilog script to make it more reusable from job to job.
I was looking at this thread searching how to do this in my HPC running PBSPro 19.2.3 and as of PBSPro 18 the solution is similar to John Damm Sørensen's reply, but the -w flag is used instead of -1 to display output of each field in a single line and you need to add -x flag to see the details of finished jobs as well, so you don't need to run it within the job script. (p.203, section of the Reference Guide)
qstat -fxw $PBS_JOBID
You can then grep out of it the requested information, such as resources used, Exit status, etc:
qstat -fxw $PBS_JOBID | grep -E "resources_used|Exit_status|array_index"
For Torque, you can check at least part of the information you seek using the "tracejob" command.
Official documentation:
One thing you should notice is that this tool is a convenience that parses the logs. By default it will only check the last day. Be sure to read the doc for the "-n" option.
On a Torque based system. I find that the best way to get stats from a job is to add this to the end of the submitted job script. The output will be added to the STDOUT file.
qstat -f -1 $PBS_JOBID
Right now the only way to get this in TORQUE is to look at the accounting logs. You can grep for the job id and view the accounting records for the job, which look like this:
04/30/2014 15:20:18;Q;5000.bob;queue=batch
04/30/2014 15:33:00;S;5000.bob;user=dbeer group=dbeer jobname=STDIN queue=batch ctime=1398892818 qtime=1398892818 etime=1398892818 start=1398893580 owner=dbeer#bob exec_host=bob/0
04/30/2014 15:36:20;E;5000.bob;user=dbeer group=dbeer jobname=STDIN queue=batch ctime=1398892818 qtime=1398892818 etime=1398892818 start=1398893580 owner=dbeer#bob exec_host=bob/0 session=22933 end=1398893780 Exit_status=0 resources_used.cput=00:00:00 resources_used.mem=2580kb resources_used.vmem=37072kb resources_used.walltime=00:03:20
Unfortunately, to do this directly you have to have root access. To get around this, there are tools such as pbsacct that help better browse this. pbsacct is part of the pbstools package, which is where that link takes you.

command in .bashrc file cannot be executed correctly when submitted a pbs job

I have a script to submit a job in bash shell, which looks like
# PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l walltime=00:30:00
#PBS -N xxxxx
However, after I submitted my job, I got an error message in xxxxx.e8980 file as follows:
/home/xxxxx/.bashrc: line 1: /etc/ini.modules: No such file or directory
but the file /etc/ini.modules is there. Why the system cannot find it?
Thank you very much!
When referencing files in a job that will be submitted to a cluster, you must either force the job to the specific node(s) that have the file or make sure the file is present on all compute nodes in the cluster.

Why "hadoop -jar" command only launch local job?

I use "hadoop -jar" rather than "hadoop jar" by mistake when I submit a job.
In this case, my jar package cannot not be submit to the clusters, and only "local job runner" will be launched, which puzzled me so much.
Anyone knows the reason for that? Or the difference between "hadoop jar" and "hadoop -jar" command ?
Thank you!
/usr/bin/hadoop jar is what your Hadoop's $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop script requires as an argument, where $HADOOP_HOME is where you have kept your hadoop related files.
Excerpt from hadoop script
elif [ "$COMMAND" = "jar" ] ; then
elif [[ "$COMMAND" = -* ]] ; then
# class and package names cannot begin with a -
echo "Error: No command named \`$COMMAND' was found. Perhaps you meant \`hadoop ${COMMAND#-}'"
exit 1
Here COMMAND="jar" and when COMMAND=-*, or -jar it should throw an exception as coded above. I'm not sure how you can even run a local jar.
