Keeping a log of system calls - windows

I need to know if there is anyway to redirect some data of a system call (like for copy_file() with parameters such as old path, new path, etc.) to a log file for each and every time that function will be invoked.
"sysintercept allows you to intercept and modify win32 system calls done by a process. sysintercept provides a CLI. Aim is to allow rewriting paths, translating keyboard input, ... various things for improved compatibility."
If you want to know how to intercept system calls yourself programmatically, you can inspect the source code.

For Windows, there is Process Monitor (ProcMon) tool which logs system calls such as File I/O.


Logging Windows Syscalls in the kernel Level

Windows Syscall logging from the kernel
Hi. I'm trying to log specific system calls (win32k) that are called in Windows 7. I've tried a couple of ways already. The first thing i tried was drstrace. It's the exact kind of output that I need ( Function Name, Paramters, and return value ), but not all the system calls are getting logged. I'm not 100% sure why this happens but system calls like NtGdiSet~ types are called at once using NtGdiFlush, so these system calls cannot be captured at the user level.
Next I tried logman and xperf, and these seem log those functions drstrace couldn't but they do not resolve system call names (this is not such a big deal actually), and they don't log parameters. And also it does log the return value of the system call but it does not match from which call the return value came from and this is kind of a big deal.
I've thought of building a driver to hook functions at the kernel level, but I've never developed a driver and it didn't work out very well..
So I want to ask if there already is program that can do this or how can i build a driver that can log what I want?

In Windows is it always necessary to use a handle to access a file?

In other words, is it possible to access a file without a handle being utilized?
You could use the CreateFile()-API to create a handle to the raw file-system and then parse the file structure by yourself (this is more work as it sounds!)
Though this would require admin-rights. This wouldn't trigger any hooks you have on CreateFile() or other file-related API-functions.
This wouldn't create a handle to the file but you still need a handle to the device.
For code running in user mode, any operation on a file will involve a handle of some kind, though not necessarily to the file in question. There are APIs that don't expose the handle to the programmer, but there is always one there.
In kernel mode, although it is usual to use handles for file operations, it is not necessary. For example, the file server component doesn't appear to open file handles when it is accessing a file on behalf of a remote user.

Hookin CreateProcessEx

i would like to systemwide hook CreateProcessEx
it is redirects all windows calls into my wrapper function
where I will log names to textfile then call oruginal CreateProcessEx
Can it be easy and safely done ?
I would like hook all systemwide calls to it but not etternaly
for some period of time only.. How to do it?
If I will find the adress of this api call in ram then overvrite
it with call to my procedure, how then I will call the oryginal
function if there it is somewhat corrupted?
Hooking CreateProcess is the wrong approach for a few reasons. There is an approved mechanism for doing this sort of thing but you need a driver to be loaded. Your driver can then simply leverage the PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine function.
With that said, would your needs not be served by using the auditing functionality built into Windows? Turning on process creation auditing will cause the system to write an event log entry whenever a process is created, detailing plenty of information about the process being started, including the image path.
CreateProcessEx() is a user-mode function. You have to patch it on a per-process basis. That means creating a DLL that is injected into every running process, such as by using SetWindowsHookEx() or the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\AppInit_DLLs Registry key, and then have that DLL patch the PE Imports table of every process it is loaded into.

Hooking Disk Write Operations ? Win32/64

Is there any way to hook all disk writes going thru the system, and receive the file names of whatever's being modified, using the Win32 API? Or is this something that would require writing a driver?
You can't do this in user mode, it needs to be kernel mode and so that means a driver. You need a File System Filter Driver.
If you don't care about intercepting the actual data, and only want to know which files are being modified/created/deleted then you can use the ReadDirectoryChangesW API to get that info from userland. Note however that it's one of the hardest functions to use effectively and efficiently, and you should be familiar with IOCP to use it correctly.

Different ways to ask Windows to write data to disk

Usually, when an application writes to one of it's files on disk, the file modified timestamp changes.
Sometimes, and in my case it is an application written in ProvideX (a Business Basic derivative i believe) doing the writing, the modified timestamp does not change after a write. A program like MyTrigger will not pick up on the write operation either, but Sysinternals ProcessMonitor does log the disk activity.
It seems obvious that there are different ways to ask windows to perform write operations, and the request could then be hooked or logged in various different ways as well.
I need to be able to hook the write operations coming from the ProvideX application. Any pointers on the different ways windows writes to disk, and the type of hooks available for them would be greatly appreciated.
User-mode process can write to the file either using WriteFile API function or using MMF, memory-mapped file API (CreateFileMapping/MapViewOfFile/Write to memory block). Maybe your application goes MMF way. MMF writes to files very differently from WriteFile API, but they both lead to the same end point - IRP sent to file system driver. File system filter driver (such as the one used by Sysinternals stuff) can track write requests on that IRP level. It is technically possible to distinguish between write operations initiated by MMF and WriteFile as different IRPs are sent (cached and non-cached writing is involved). It seems that directory change monitoring function in windows tracks only one IRP type, and this causes MyTrigger to miss the change.
