tuneup.js reports "Can't find variable" for test() method - xcode

enter code hereBecause I can't get pass/fail logging to work correctly with the 4.6 version of Instruments, I'm trying to use the tuneup.js library, but I keep getting the following error whenever I try to run the test:
Can't find variable: test
Here's the code:
//We want to use the tuneup library to add extra capabilities
#import <tuneup_js/tuneup.js>
#import <tuneup_js/test.js>
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var app = UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp();
test("Test1", function(target, app) {
//Do UI automation stuff
var titleDisplayed = tableView.cells()[0].name();
var StoryName = "My Dogs!";
UIALogger.logMessage("My Story Title: " + titleDisplayed);
UIALogger.logMessage("Innocuous Message-1.");
assertEquals(titleDisplayed, StoryName);
}); // <------Error points to this line!
//End test
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? The tuneup.js library is in a folder called tuneup_js which is in the root of the directory which contains my test script (an Instruments trace file), and I don't get any import errors on start.

The problem is that Instruments cant find the *tuneup_js* library so it doesn't find the test function .You need to add the imports in quotes and you dont need to add tuneup_js/test.js because tuneup_js/tuneup.js includes all the classes needed
//We want to use the tuneup library to add extra capabilities
#import "tuneup_js/tuneup.js"
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var app = UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp();
test("Test1", function(target, app) {
//Do UI automation stuff
var titleDisplayed = tableView.cells()[0].name();
var StoryName = "My Dogs!";
UIALogger.logMessage("My Story Title: " + titleDisplayed);
UIALogger.logMessage("Innocuous Message-1.");
assertEquals(titleDisplayed, StoryName);


How to get app name programatically in native script

I'm trying to save some files on my local File storage So, I'm doing Something like below
var folder_name = "abcde/" + viewModel.dir_path;
const documents = fileSystemModule.knownFolders.documents();
documents._path = android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
const folder = documents.getFolder(folder_name);
var file = fileSystemModule.path.join(folder._path, this.pdf_url.split("/").pop());
var url = this.pdf_url;
httpModule.getFile(url, file).then(function(result) {
Toast.makeText(`${result._name} is succesfully downloaded in ${folder_name}`).show();
}, function(e) {
the only problem is the hardcoded value abcde/ I want it to be app name. whatever the app name is it should take that name.
I don't find any ways to read app name programatically. I need this to Android I'm not interested in IOS.
may be this is one could be the answer. but still this is not a proper way
const documents = fileSystemModule.knownFolders.currentApp();
console.log(documents); --> "/data/data/org.nativescript.app_name/files/app"
var str = documents;
var arr = str.split("/")[3];
console.log(arr.split(".")[2]); ---> app_name
In Android, you can set the app name for the application in strings.xml, for example:
<string name="app_name">"App_Name"</string>
Then whenever you want to reuse the app name, you can use the getString method with its name in the application.

Nativescript: iOS Utils openFile

I am working on code to open files which have been downloaded from the app, and I am using the utils.ios.openFile function. I can get the files to display on screen, however I am also getting the following warning on the console. Has anyone run into this, or have any ideas on how to resolve?
Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for
. Cannot find
preview item for proxy: -
mobile-application.png (0)
The following is the code I am using:
var documents = fs.knownFolders.documents();
filePath = fs.path.join(documents.path, filename);
} else {
return Promise.reject(new Error("File not Found"));
You could set the filePath to the image, without using openFile(filePath) method. You could review the below-attached example.
let folder = fs.knownFolders.documents();
let path = fs.path.join(folder.path, "Test.png");
if(fs.File.exists(path )){

Systemjs-builder, basic useage / configuration

Hello I'm trying to test the systemjs-builder, the readme has a nice getting started section but where do I put the builder code?
The code I'm referring to is below, I'm not sure where to put this (is this the builder.config?):
var path = require("path");
var Builder = require('systemjs-builder');
// optional constructor options
// sets the baseURL and loads the configuration file
var builder = new Builder('path/to/baseURL', 'path/to/system/config-file.js');
.bundle('local/module.js', 'outfile.js')
.then(function() {
console.log('Build complete');
.catch(function(err) {
console.log('Build error');
Is there a demo build out there that I can look at?
You'd put that in your front-end building pipeline. For instance, inside of a gulp task.
While in a development build you could just serve all your files separately, in a production build you'd bundle and minify them to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

Restart AIR MacOS Captive Runtime Bundle Application from code

Could anyone say how to restart it?
I found this sample and try to adapt it for me:
var appLauncher:File;
appLauncher = new File(File.applicationDirectory.nativePath).parent.parent.resolvePath("Contents").resolvePath("MacOS").resolvePath("FlashApp");
var npInfo:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo;
npInfo.executable = appLauncher;
var _args:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>;
npInfo.arguments = _args;
var np:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess;
But I don't understand how it should work.. Now nothing happends when this function called frome one of my classes.
Did you try it with ADL? Or with actually packaged/installed app?
It is related its package structure.
If you try with ADL, it may not work.
"FlashApp" must be changed to the name of your application,
The last line should be exit(); of your NativeApplication, not np.exit()

Detecting Gmail attachment downloads

Is there a way to detect if a particular file that is being downloaded is a Gmail attachment?
I am looking for a way to write a Greasemonkey script which would help me organize the downloads, based on their download sources, say Gmail email attachments would have a different behavior from other stuff.
So far, I've found out that attachments redirect to https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/ , which I guess is not sufficient.
Since an add-on would be more powerful than a userscript, I've decided to pursue the Add On idea. However, the problem of detection remains unsolved.
This is too complicated for just one question; it has at least these major parts:
Do you want to redirect downloads when the user clicks, or automatically download select files? Clarify the question.
Your GM script must identify the appropriate download links, and on which pages, and for which views? For gMail, this is not a trivial task, and the question needs to be clearer. It's worthy of a whole question just on this issue given the variety of views and AJAX involved.
Once identified, the script probably needs to intercept clicks on those links. (Depends on your goal (clarify!) and what the Firefox extension can do.)
Greasemonkey needs to interact with an extension that either intercepts the user-initiated download, or allows for an automatic download. I've detailed the auto-download approach, below.
Once your script has identified the appropriate file URLs and/or links (Open a new question for more help with that, and include pictures of the types of pages and links you want.), it can interface with a Firefox add-on, like the one below, to automatically save those files.
Automatically saving files from Greasemonkey with the help of an additional Add-on:
WARNING: The following is a working proof of concept for education only. It has no security features, and if you use it as-is, for actual surfing, some webpage or script writer or extension writer will use it to completely pwn your computer.
If you use the Add-on builder or SDK to install or "Test" the DANGER. DANGER. DANGER. File download utility,
Then you can use a Greasemonkey script, like this, to automatically save files:
// ==UserScript==
// #name _Call our File download add-on to trigger a file download.
// #include https://mail.google.com/mail/*
// #include https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14440362/*
// #require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js
// #grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
/*- The #grant directive is needed to work around a design change
introduced in GM 1.0. It restores the sandbox.
var fileURL = "http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/29222.user.js";
var savePath = "D:\\temp\\";
var extensionLoaded = false;
window.addEventListener ("ImAlivefromExtension", function (zEvent) {
console.log ("The test extension appears to be loaded!", zEvent.detail);
extensionLoaded = true;
} );
window.addEventListener ("ReplyToDownloadRequest", function (zEvent) {
//var xxxx = JSON.parse (zEvent.detail);
console.log ("Extension replied: ", zEvent.detail);
} );
$("body").prepend ('<button id="gmFileDownloadBtn">Click to File download request.</button>');
$("#gmFileDownloadBtn").click ( function () {
if (extensionLoaded) {
detailVal = JSON.stringify (
{targFileURL: fileURL, targSavePath: savePath}
var zEvent = new CustomEvent (
{"detail": detailVal }
window.dispatchEvent (zEvent);
else {
alert ("The file download extension is not loaded!");
} );
You can test the script on this SO question page.
Note that any other extension, userscript, web page, or plugin can listen to or send spoof events, the only security, so far, is to limit which pages the extension runs on.
For reference, the extension source files are below. The rest is supplied by Firefox's Add-on SDK.
The content script:
var zEvent = new CustomEvent ("ImAlivefromExtension",
{"detail": "GM, DANGER, DANGER, DANGER, File download utility" }
window.dispatchEvent (zEvent)
window.addEventListener ("SuicidalDownloadRequestToAddOn", function (zEvent) {
console.log ("Extension received download request: ", zEvent.detail);
//-- Relay request to extension main.js
self.port.emit ("SuicidalDownloadRequestRelayed", zEvent.detail);
//-- Reply back to GM, or whoever is pretending to be GM.
var zEvent = new CustomEvent ("ReplyToDownloadRequest",
{"detail": "Your funeral!" }
window.dispatchEvent (zEvent)
} );
The background JS:
const includePattern = [
let {Cc, Cu, Ci} = require ("chrome");
Cu.import ("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
Cu.import ("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm");
Cu.import ("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm");
let data = require ("sdk/self").data;
let pageMod = require ('sdk/page-mod');
let dlManageWindow = Cc['#mozilla.org/download-manager-ui;1'].getService (Ci.nsIDownloadManagerUI);
let fileURL = "";
let savePath = "";
let activeWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow ("navigator:browser");
let mod = pageMod.PageMod ( {
include: includePattern,
contentScriptWhen: 'end',
contentScriptFile: [ data.url ('ContentScript.js') ],
onAttach: function (worker) {
console.log ('DANGER download utility attached to: ' + worker.tab.url);
worker.port.on ('SuicidalDownloadRequestRelayed', function (message) {
var detailVal = JSON.parse (message);
fileURL = detailVal.targFileURL;
savePath = detailVal.targSavePath;
console.log ("Received request to \ndownload: ", fileURL, "\nto:", savePath);
downloadFile (fileURL, savePath);
} );
} );
function downloadFile (fileURL, savePath) {
dlManageWindow.show (activeWindow, 1);
try {
let newFile;
let fileURIToDownload = Services.io.newURI (fileURL, null, null);
let persistWin = Cc['#mozilla.org/embedding/browser/nsWebBrowserPersist;1']
.createInstance (Ci.nsIWebBrowserPersist);
let fileName = fileURIToDownload.path.slice (fileURIToDownload.path.lastIndexOf ('/') + 1);
let fileObj = new FileUtils.File (savePath);
fileObj.append (fileName);
if (fileObj.exists ()) {
console.error ('*** Error! File "' + fileName + '" already exists!');
else {
let newFile = Services.io.newFileURI (fileObj);
let newDownload = Services.downloads.addDownload (
0, fileURIToDownload, newFile, fileName, null, null, null, persistWin, false
persistWin.progressListener = newDownload;
persistWin.savePrivacyAwareURI (fileURIToDownload, null, null, null, "", newFile, false);
} catch (exception) {
console.error ("Error saving the file! ", exception);
dump (exception);
So far from what you are saying,the only thing you can do is making add-on(Firefox) and Extension(for chrome if you want).
If you have closer look at download of attachment,it happens when:
1) You click on icon of attachments
2) If you click download
For these two things you can find the click event of <a> tag containing download_url value.You can easily do that using js/jquery for creting extension.
So you can write the functionality when user tries to download attachment.
You could use Gmail contextual gadgets to modify the behavior on the Google side:
Gmail Contexual Gadgets
Contextual Gadgets don't have direct access to attachments but server side, you could use IMAP to access the attachment (based on the Gmail message ID identified by the gadget):
Gmail IMAP Extensions
Using gadgets and server-side IMAP has the advantage of being browser-agnostic.
It's not entirely clear what you want to do differently with the downloaded Gmail attachment as opposed to any given download (save it to a different location? Perform actions upon the attachment data?) But the contextual gadget and IMAP should give you some chance to modify the attachment data as needed before the browser download begins.
