When editing a MFC slider control, I can tick on "notify before move" and then associate a method to the TRBN_THUMBPOSCHANGING event to define what to do when a user moves the slider.
But, as I want to update a label value depending on the current slider position, I actually need a "notify after move" event. Is there a w ay to get this event?
Add method for NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE notification. E.g.
ON_NOTIFY(NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE, IDC_SLIDER1, &CSliderTestDlg::OnNMReleasedcaptureSlider1)
I want to change the color of the button when a user clicks on it,the click event is bindable i.e., implemented in ViewModel....when the user clicks on the button some kind of animation has to be done so that the user can know his selection
There is a possibility to this by binding the button color and in the method I can change the colours..But I want to achieve it using Animations(FadeTo,FadeIn) from ViewModel
Is It possible to do like this??
Thank You
In my application I have a multi step form wizard in which
the next button is disabled unless all the required fields are entered.
Some fields require extra validation such as the directory picker,
for which I have to check whether the directory exists or not.
To ease the user experience I need to show an "Invalid directory" tooltip
next to the directory text field.
I would like to show the tooltips when the user tries to click/enter the disabled
next button.
Is it possible to capture events performed on a disabled button in JavaFX?
public void nextEntered(Event event) {
Button button = (Button)event.getSource();
I had a similar problem where I wanted to show a tooltip of a disabled field's value when the user moused over that disabled field.
I ended up putting a blank label over the disabled field and attaching a mouse event to that.
In the case of a button, you can just give the dummy label mouse transparency when the button becomes enabled so the user can click the button.
(You might even be able to bind the label's mouse transparency property to the button's enabled property but I'm not sure.)
I know this was asked a year ago but maybe it will help someone else.
I have a kendo ui grid which has an incell editing mode.
Required is when altering a value in a cell and pressing anywhere else a confirmation window to appear to save/cancel the change.
Right now i have managed to make it partially work. In other words when i change a value and press somewhere on the web page or a button i get the confirmation window as requested.
When i press on another cell nothing happens. The pressed cell gets in edit mode, the "edit" function is fired but the previous cell loses its value and the binded function is never called.
So in a few words, i need to call my confirmation function every time a value is changed and the user presses anywhere else. Right now it partially works. It seems that the function is not fired when pressing on another cell.
My source right now is like that.
edit: function(e) {
e.model.unbind("change", confirmationFun).bind("change", confirmationFun);
function confirmationFun(e){
// open confirmation dialog and call save function
I tried to combine my confirmation with the change: function(e) but the change is fired every time i press on a cell, even before i change a value.
Instead of using edit event, you might use blur. After the initialization of your grid add the following command that binds any blur to your confirmationFun function.
$('#grid').on("blur", "input", confirmationFun);
Where grid is the id of your KendoUI grid.
The problem was finally resolved by removing the selectable: "multiple cell"
part from my code. Now by pressing on a different cell i get the confirmation dialog as required.
Thank you.
I want to make some changes to a text field once it loses the focus but I cant figure out the event I need. This is my code:
Event.observe('my_text_field', '????', function(event) {
do something here
So, what do I have to put in instead of the ???? ?
You are looking for the blur event:
The blur event is fired when an element has lost focus.
And from the DOM2 Events spec:
The blur event occurs when an element loses focus either via the pointing device or by tabbing navigation. This event is valid for the following elements: LABEL, INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA, and BUTTON.
I have a wxPython grid (wx.grid) class with rows/columns and such. I'm trying to detect when the user performs a "Control + Click" on a particular cell. Right now I have:
def __init__(self, parent, size):
grd.Grid.__init__(self, parent, -1, size=size)
self.control_button_pressed = False
self.Bind(grd.EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK, self._OnSelectedCell)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self._OnKeyPress)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self._OnKeyUp)
def _OnKeyPress(self, event):
self.control_button_pressed = True
def _OnKeyLift(self, event):
self.control_button_pressed = False
def _OnSelectedCell(self, event):
print "Cell Selected"
This works fine when just clicking on the cell, but when I perform a Control + Click, this event doesn't even fire.
How can I bind this event?
The Grid class is already handling Ctrl-Click events to implement adding cells to the collection of selected cells. Since the grid is already consuming that event for that purpose then the event is not propagated or converted into grid events (other than selection events.) However you can intercept the lower level mouse events before the grid gets them, and do your checks there. Try binding handlers directly to the grid window component of the Grid, like this:
self.GetGridWindow().Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.onLeftUp)
Be sure to call event.Skip() in your mouse event handler so the Grid can still get and process the event.
You do not have to worry about catching the key events for this because the event object passed to the mouse event handlers includes methods for getting the state of the modifier keys at the time that the mouse event happened.
I think you'll need to bind to EVT_KEY_DOWN and EVT_KEY_UP. In the key down event, set some variable like "self.ctrl" to True. In the up event, set it to False. You should probably initially set it to False as well. Then when it's held down, it becomes True and as long as you call event.Skip(), your grid event should fire when you click. Something along those lines should work anyway.
This might help you understand key events better: http://www.blog.pythonlibrary.org/2009/08/29/wxpython-catching-key-and-char-events/
Never mind this answer --> see Robin Dunn's