Maven: Only execute plugin when a command line flag is present - maven

I want Maven to only run a certain plugin when there is a flag on the command line when I call the mvn command.
for example:
Let's say I have a plugin called maven-foo-plugin. I only want maven to run this plugin when the flag --foo is present when I call the maven command.
So, instead of saying...
mvn install
...I would say...
mvn install --foo
The first one should NOT use/call the plugin maven-foo-plugin, but the second one should. By default, I don't want this plugin to run, but if and only if, the --foo is present. Is there another parameter that I add to this maven-foo-plugin to make it do this?
The plugin I'm using is the maven-antrun-plugin that has the task that unzips a file. Of course, sometimes this file is present and sometimes not. Sometimes, it's not present and I don't need it. So, I need a way (Preferably through command line unless someone has a better idea) to turn on/off this plugin.

As #Gab has mentioned, using Maven profiles is the way to go. Create a profile and configure your plugin in the profile. Then in the profile's activation section, reference the environment variable, with or without a value:
The above example would activate the profile if you define the debug variable when calling Maven:
mvn install -Ddebug
Please note that you have to prefix environment variables with -D in order to pass them to the JVM running Maven.
More details can be found here:

The correct way to trigger conditional action in maven is to use profile.
You can so configure a specific profile including the plugin activation, you will then trigger the execution using
mvn targetPhase -P myprofile
(you can also specify a specific property value to activate the profile)
see Maven: Using a Plugin Based On Profile


Setting the developerConnection for the Maven Release Plugin from the command line

I am currently trying to configure the Maven Release Plugin for our build server.
For that I am trying to set the <scm><developerConnection> through the command line. I read that
is the command line property( I tried to set it but it seems to have no effect. When I start the build, it uses a constructed URL (parent pom url + artifactId) that fails.
I have looked at the source code of the plugin but did not find the command line property mentioned above.
Can anybody shed light on this?
It looks that you cannot pass this property directly from command line. See:
But you should get it working by specifying it through a custom property in your pom.xml:
<my.developer.connection />
And running maven with, for example:
I use this approach to keep my pom.xml clean when generating a public release that should not contain information about my company's internals.
When you run mvn release:prepare, Maven forks. The arguments supplied on the command line are passed to the initial Maven call (the one you/build server ran) not to the fork.
To pass args to the release plugin, supply the arguments as shown:
mvn release:prepare -Darguments="-Dproject.scm.developerConnection=..." ...
Depending on what I'm trying to do, sometimes I've had to specify in two places, so both original and forked processes get the args:
mvn release:prepare -DsomeArg=val -Darguments="-DsomeArg=val" ...
The first example in the release plugin FAQ shows an example of where the latter is useful.
---- Update ----
I found the property in the maven-scm-plugin code.
Maybe project.scm.developerConnection is read-only? Try setting scmDeveloperConnection instead, as it's listed as the property name.

Setting application-specific properties on deploy by maven

I would like to deploy java app twice to one tomcat server, each time with different environment properties.
I would like to find a way like
mvn tomcat7:deploy -Denvironment=local
I don't mind using other maven plugin.
With no need to change files after deploy.
Is it somehow possible?
Thank you for you answer.
You can have a configuration file (something like e.g. that you enable resource filtering for. You could then parameterize the values in that configuration file, and pass in different parameter values for each of the deployments (-Dkey1=value1 -Dkey2=value2).
You could pass the different parameter values on the command-line, or you could cement them in different profiles, and just activate the appropriate profile from the command-line (-Psecond-deployment).
What seems a little unfortunate from the suggested approach in your question is: in its most basic sense Maven is a build tool, meant to produce a consistent artifact from a build. This is no longer the case with the suggested approach in your question. If this is a web application that is never used as a dependency of other module, this may be fine. But just highlighting that different deployment configurations is a deployment concern, not a build concern.
I used little workaround.
I created different profiles which I use to update application property.
In my POM I have:
and in file I have
(That # are correct! )
This way I can deploy my app with defined environment by using command
mvn -P local tomcat7:deploy
and use environment variable anywhere else as ${environment}

Custom alternative configurations for Maven life cycles

How can I add custom alternative configurations to the default life cycles in the pom.xml?
So that I for example can still call mvn package (default behavior), but also mvn quickPackage which runs the default package life cycle, but has e.g. skipTests true and the XML equivalents for other command line parameters...?
All I could find was either directing me into:
Using extra special plugins, even write my own, which I'm not allowed here.
Apply the configuration to everything, or at least always to a certain life cycle. Removing the default behavior of e.g. package.
Do I have to fallback to use command line scripts (which counters the point of having a build management system)? Or is there a pom.xml solution?
You can use Maven Profiles for that, e.g.:
Activate it with:
mvn ... -Pquick ...

How to use maven run parameters in the maven project?

I am having a new Maven project and I want to pass parameters through command line..
This is my requirement -
If I pass - install -Dinfra=local then my test should run on local machine
If I pass - install -Dinfra=ip then my test should run on the machine having desired ip.
I just wanted to know how to configure this infra into my project so that I can access that through command line.. Many thanks!
You can define a property in your POM:
Then you can reference it in the POM by using ${infra}. You can overwrite the value of the property through the command line (as in your example).
Also see

Switch to turn on/off Atlassian Clover in Maven

I am using Clover via Maven during every build. The majority of the time the code coverage does not change much so I now do not want to have it run every time. Clover slows down the compilation a lot. Is there a maven switch that allows me to not run clover? It is run as a plugin so an alternative question is whether it is possible in Maven to disable some plugins with certain switches.
FYI the clover website is here for those of you who do not use it.
You should be able to accomplish this with profile activation and a custom property.
If you surround your clover plugin with a profile and use profile activation, you can define the property on the command line when you want to run it.
Then, when calling maven, use -Dclover on the command line to activate the clover steps. If you don't provide the -Dclover then clover will not run.
