Joomla menu ordering not saved in table - joomla

I am using Joomla 2.5 i have group of menus i ordered the menu in admin but it does not get saved in back end
In menu table ordering is stored as 0 only
Where the order of the menu is stored

Try entering a number in one of the order fields and hit the little save button. If all numbers are 0 it doesn't get saved. It's kind of a bug I think.

I'm almost positive the number column for ordering hasn't worked for a while.
If you instead click the blue arrows found between the "Status" and "Ordering" columns and move them as you wish, this will save the ordering of the menu items.

I have seen this problem before when hidden menu items, such as those that have been trashed, are causing something of a problem.
Clear the trashed in menu manager and then try rebuild, this should allow you to better manage the order of your menu items.


What is best way to present a searchable/sortable list of data with entries having more than one title?

Building a web site with a data list (or directory) with some entries having more than one title. The entries need to appear in the list for each title. The list needs to function similarly to Linux's symbolic links where there are more than one directory entry pointing to the same data. Are there any recommendations on how to do this?
Tags (in Articles) were invented for that.
Or Custom fields. Or a CCK. It is about a Many-to-Many relation, or One-to-Many.
Please specify your needs: what is the difference between your "entries" and your "titles"? What are they?
One option may be to store the data in articles and create multiple menu options pointing to the same article.
A hidden menu (one that is not displayed explicitly on the website) can be created if there's no need to display the information in a menu.
You can configure the menu items to display the menu title as the page heading (rather than the article title) if you wish.
Menu items matching a search term will show up in Joomla search results.
Joomla does not offer any option to automatically sort menu items in a menu automatically but you can probably find a third party menu that can do this e.g.
Art Responsive Menu (free) looks like it has an option to sort by menu title.

Dynamic Joomla Menu depending on the database row

My database is like below
Menu I'm willing to create is as below.
What I want to do is create a Joomla menu as shown above depending on the table rows in a table. If I add a row to the table, automatically menu item should be created.
EG: there are 3 rows in the sports table. So three menu are created as shown.
How can I do it? Given that I know how to retrive data from the database. I can get the list of sports and what I don't know is how to put then as a menu.
Ok, remember that Joomla is a content management system so for things like content and menu items, it's all done through the admin backend.
So, in the admin backend, go to Menu Manager and select the menu you want to add items to. Then create a single menu item called "Sports", and set the type to "text separator". Then create you 3 sub menu items (Sports 1, Sports 2, Sports 3), set the type to whatever you wish, and set the parent to "Sports"
Hope this helps
If you are going the dynamic way then this table might not be sufficient for your menu. You will have to add another column known as Parent which indicates id of parent term.
And you can use jQuery to automatically append data fetched from database to existing menu code on the fly or dynamically.
n the Joomla framework, components are executed using menu items. If
you go in the menu manager of your Joomla installation a HelloWorld
menu item type does not yet exist. Adding this functionality is easy
in Joomla. Simply put a site/views/helloworld/tmpl/default.xml file
Read more

Add the "current" id to two differents items in two differents menu in joomla 1.7

I have an article (with the id=6) on joomla 1.7
I have the main menu. In that menu, I created the item that show me only one article, the article with the id=6.
I have a secondary menu, that have 3 differents items. One of them, I have to link it to the same article with the id=6.
The problem is, that I need to add the "current" id to the item at the main menu, and in the item of the secondary menu, because both are links to the same article, so I have to highlight them.
By default, the system add me the current id to one item only when I click on that item, and doesn't when I show the same article that the item links.
Any help? thank you.
What happens if you change the second menu item to the type of 'Alias' and select the original menu item in the right hand side options?
Now instead of having two menu items with different internal menu ItemIds you have two items with the same ItemId. As long as your css is correct they should both be highlighted (or should that be highlit?).

Virtuemart Joomla menu highlights wrong item

I have a Virtuemart 1.1.7a install on Joomla 1.5. We're using a Joomla menu as the shop side menu. Not every category is listed in this menu (only the 'parent' categories, no subcategories). When users navigate to a sub category (i.e one not in the list) it highlights the wrong category from the side menu. You can see this on:
and selecting 'Local Authors'. Then menu item 'Postcards' is highlighted on the left.
It would be preferable to either a) highlight no category or b) highlight 'Books' (which is the parent category of 'Local Authors').
I've had a look on the VM forums and web at large for issues with Joomla menus in VM, but the vast majority of results relate to an earlier problem regarding Itemids loading the wrong products ,but this is not the case here. Simply fixing the highlight would suffice!
Yes, virtuemart has issues with this. Unless you want to dive into the Virtuemart code (which can take you a long time to find the code dealing with the Itemid), I would recomment to add extra menu-items under the category that is it's parent. If you don't want these to be visible, you can go to the menu module and set the depth of the menu. The right parent would now be highlighted, because it has a child in it's roots.
Here is something that might help:
I didn't see "Local Authors", but I saw the problem with Gifts (when I click on Gift, and then on Mugs, for example, I have postcards highlighted). I believe the problem is either in your template or in your data itself.
Try to remake all the menu buttons as in delete and create new ones.
Turns out using Joomla menus for VM categories just doesn't really work that well. Replaced Joomla menu with VM menu (i.e. mod_virtuemart), and styled to suit.

Joomla Blog article layout order problem

I'm having problems with a Joomla install (problem exists in both 1.5.13 and 1.5.15) that won't order articles in a category or section blog layout.
I've tried setting the sort order on the layout manually to all the different sort options but it has no effect.
Ordering on the front page works fine.
Any ideas?
You need to Enable Custom Ordering...
In the options for the menu item (i.e. when you click the item name), look on the right hand side and click "Parameters (Advanced)".
You should set Category Order to "No, order by Primary Order only" and Primary Order to "Default" (or "Most recent first" if that doesn't work).
If a Category is tuned to be shown in several columns (f.e. 2), but only 1 column fits in template, the soring may be broken.
