Dependency hierarchy not using property from parent pom? - maven

I have a problem I wonder if someone could help me to resolve.
I have a module structure in my project where I resolve dependencies using Maven. For this structure I have versions with different content I distinguish using classifiers. For each classifier I have defined a profile in a parent pom with the string for the classifier in a property. This way in my modules I use this property and is the profile I defined who decides the classifier constant.
The problem I'm stuck with now is the dependency hierarchy not recognizing the classifier when a dependency is inherit from the one I define in the pom of one of my modules.
For example, if I have projects A, B and C, B depends on A and C depends on B, from C I'm getting B with the classifier but not A with it.
This happens if I use the property from the parent pom. If I use directly a constant string instead, the dependencies get caught correctly.
The only solution I see is using profiles on each pom defining the dependencies inside them. But I have 5 profiles! Isn't there any other way to resolve this?
I'm using STS 3.8 with m2e plugin as my IDE.
Thank you in advance!
I add the poms
parent pom:
<svnBranch />
Project A:
Project B:
Project C:
Using the ${svnBranch} in the classifier tag for each dependency doesn't work. It looks like in project B, when is referenced by project C, the property ${svnBranch} is empty nevertheless it comes from the parent pom.

In maven, you can only use a profile defined at the parent level in your child pom, if you can only activate it at built time by passing -D{}=value or -P{} .
You cannot define a profile in your parent and try it to activate in your child pom as profile can not be inherited(you are not even trying to activate in the child pom in your case as per your example).
in another word,unless the profile is activate by default maven doesn't know about it (you might be tempted to activate everything by default in your case, but bear in mind only one profile can be activate by default at the time)
your problem is ${svnBranch} from TRUNK is only present in your child pom and has no value, therefore maven only acts on the GAV and not the classifier. and to prove that check your child's effective pom (mvn help:effective-pom). also you can check which of your profile are active and which are not (mvn help:all-profiles).
I don't think using profiles is the best approach for what you are doing. A better/simpler approach maybe be to just declare your branch names in normal properties in your parent for example.
then your child uses as needed.


Maven use parent variable inside child version

my issue is that I'm trying to use a variable which is defined inside the parent pom to use it as the version number for the child pom. The only thing special here is that the variable is defined inside a profile of the parent. But when the project deploys to the nexus server, it doesn't change the ${versionstring} section in the pom nor as the filename. (Which it should do)
Hope someone has an idea.
Thanks for reading. :)
--- Visual setup ---

How to acess a property under specific profile in Maven

I have 2 pom files - ParentPOM and ChildPOM. I want to Access property1 in ParentPOM in ChildPOM. I know this can be done by making ParentPOM as the parent for ChildPOM and use ${property1}. But property1 is defined in 2 profiles - trunk and release and I always want to get the value of property1 defined in release. How do I do that? ie:- In the below example, I want the value should be 0.0.2 and not 0.0.1 when I Access property1 in ChildPOM.
Note:I cannot modify ParentPOM
Introduce a property "releaseProperty1" in your parent pom. Use this property both for the definition of "property1" in the profile "release" and for your use cases in the child pom.
There is one cleanish solution, but it all depends on the why... why do you want this?
The solution is: removing the release-profile from child and execute Maven like this: mvn <goal> -Prelease,!trunk, i.e enable release profile and disable trunk profile.
To confirm this solution, run mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=property1 -Prelease,!trunk

Maven: Reuse single version definition when referencing parent pom

I have the following pom definition (bottom).
I have many child poms (50 projects), requiring me to update all the poms on each release, for example, when moving from 1.0 to 1.1.
How can I define the version in a single place, and reuse it in all the poms?
EDIT- Some motivation about the request: I'd like to make as little footprint as possible when switching version. As little files to change. As little commits to push. Etc.
EDIT - Cannot use parent properties before the parent is loaded.
I can use parent's properties and reference the parent using relative path instead of version. Example:
<!-- Unique entry point for version number management -->
Disadvantage: Requires the parent pom to exist in the file system and make all developers use the same relative file structure.
See more info here.
You can use maven properties to build a single version numbering scheme.
Like this:
And then reference it like this:
Look here for more information:
Maven version with a property
The use of properties is recommended when you have multiple dependencies of the same release. For example:
Instead, if you have to use the same dependency in different points in the POM file or if you are in module and you would use the same dependency version of the parent, I suggest to use the following way:
<!-- The following block could be in a module -->
<!-- It is no more ncessary to use the version -->

Use property defined in maven dependency artifact

Is it possible, to access the properties defined in a dependent maven artificat without making it the parent artifact of current project?
My 3rd party dependent artifact has the following pom:
<test>this is a test</test>
My own project depends on this 3rd party artifacts and wants to reuse the property in some way:
<mytest>${test} - in my artifact</mytest>

Maven 3 regression: Profile dependencies lost?

I observed a change behavior between Maven 2 and Maven 3. Is this a bug or a feature? I couldn't find anything in the Maven 3.x Compatibility Notes
I use two different profiles to add dependencies for different environment in a multi-module project.
The common-pom has the profile in it:
The portal-pom has only the common dependency and should include the transitive dependency from the common module:
Building this project (from the parent) via Maven2 mvn -P production package results in a WAR which includes the transitive dependency. (I used those simple dependencies for easy reproduction)
Executing via Maven3, I get only the common.jar in the WAR, but not the transitive dependency.
Is this a desired behavior?
To make things even "interesting": If one of the profiles is activated by default (explicit in the common-pom as the activation is not derived from the parent to the child modules) these transitive dependencies are always add to the portal.
But filtering or property-setting via profiles works as expected.
This comment solves it the one way:
the situation described above does work when profile activation using properties is used
With property activation (and not via -P) it works in Maven2 and 3
But the real solution was "caused" by the release plugin:
The profile must be submitted to release-plugin via
Not a solution, but your use case looks similar to this open maven bug. Interestingly, according to the bug details, it happens on earlier maven versions as well.
