What is the biggest performance issue in Emberjs? - performance

Last 6 months I'm developing an Emberjs components.
I started had first performance problems when I tried develop a table component. Each cell in this table was Ember.View and each cell had a binding to object property. When the table had 6 columns and I tried to list about 100 items, it caused that browser was frozen for a while. So I discovered, that it is better write a function which return a string instead of using handlebars and handle bindings manually by observers.
So, is there any good practice how to use minimum of bindings? Or how to write bindings and not lose a lot of performance. For example... not use bindning for a big amount of data?
How many Ember.View objects is possible append to page?
Thanks for response

We've got an ember application that displays 100s of complex items on a single page. Each item uses out-of-box handlebars bindings to output about a dozen properties. It renders very quickly (< 100ms) and very little of that time is spent on bindings.
If you find the browser is hanging at 6 columns and 100 items there is for sure something else is wrong.
So, is there any good practice how to use minimum of bindings? Or how to write bindings and not lose a lot of performance.
Try setting Ember.LOG_BINDINGS = true to see what is going on. Could be the properties you are binding to have circular dependencies or costly to resolve. See this post for great tips on debugging:
How many Ember.View objects is possible append to page?
I don't believe there is a concrete limit, for sure it will depend on browser. I wouldn't consider optimizing unless there were more than a few thousand.
Check out this example to see how ember can be optimized to handle very large tables:

Erik Bryn recently gave a talk about Ember.ListView which would drastically cut down the number of views on a page by reusing list cells which have gone out of the viewport.
Couple this technique with group-helper to reduce the number of metamorph script tags if your models multiple properties at the same time. Additionally, consider using {{unbound}} if you don't need any of the properties to live update.


SAPUI5: Does Using Formatters Impact Performance?

I am working on custom SAPUI5 app using ODataModel and for which I have to do the formatting for some of the fields which I will be displaying in List control.
I need to know which approach is good mentioned below is good w.r.t. performance of app.
1) Is it a good idea to use Formatter.js file and write each method for each field for formatting?
Example -
There are 2 fields which should be formatted before showing in UI and hence 2 formatter function.
2) Before binding Model to List - Do the formatting using Loop at each row.
Example -
Loop at OData.
--do formatting here for both the fields
move data to model.
Bind new model to UI
Is there any other way by which we can improve performance - apart from code minification or using grunt.
Appreciate your help.
Replacing Formatters with other solutions is definitely NOT the point to start when optimizing performance not to mention that you will loose a lot of the convenience the ODataModel comes with when manually manipulating the data in it.
Formatter Performance
Anyways using a formatter is of course less performant then pre-formatting your data once after they were loaded. A formatter will be executed on every rerendering of your control. So you might not want to do heavy calculations or excessive looping in a formatter that is executed frequently. But given a normal usage using formatters is absolutely nothing you should worry about or that does noticeably affect end-user experience. Keep enjoying the convenience of formatters (and take a look at the cool Expression Binding).
General Performance Considerations
To improve performance it is first of all very important to identify the real bottle neck. In many cases this is simply the backend, there is usually much more to win with much less effort. Always keep that in mind. UI Code optimization is ridiculous as long as the main backend call runs for say 3s.
Things to improve your UI performance might be:
serve SAPUI5 from a CDN
use a Component-preload, can be generated with grunt-openui5 or gulp-ui5-preload (I think it does not minify XML yet so you could do that additionaly before creating Component-preload)
try to reduce the number of SAPUI5 libraries you are using
be aware of which SAPUI5 libraries you are NOT using and very consequently remove those (don't forget the dependencies section in Component metadata resp. manifest.json)
be aware that sap.ui.layout is a separate independent library (not registering it as such will result in a lot of extra requests)
if you use an ODataModel make sure you set useBatch to true (default in v2.ODataModel)
intelligently design your OData service (if you can influence it)
intelligently use $expands: sometimes it can make sense to preload $expand data on a parent binding that does not actually use it e.g. if you most probably need the data later on
think about bundling your app as native app and benefit from improved caching (Kapsel)
Check Performance: Speed Up Your App and Performance Issues
squeeze out some more bytes and save some requests by minifying/combining custom css or other resources if you have some
If you are generally interested in Web Performance I can recommend Steve Souders books.
I'm totally open for more ideas on SAPUI5 performance improvements! Anyone?
the best practice is to do it this way. The formatter allows you to receive an input and return output. The formatter function will be called in runtime and will be called for each of the rows which are displayed in your list. The reason that it will be called for each of the rows is because that you cannot grantee that the input will be the same for all of the rows in the list.
The concept of binding is to loop on your data model and update the UI accordingly. It is much better to use binding because a lot of reasons like: maintainability, performance, separate the data layer from the presentation layer, core optimizations and more.

How do I preload items in a SproutCore ListView?

I've got a relatively fast SproutCore app that I'm trying to make just a tad bit faster.
Right now, when the user scrolls my SC.ListView and they scroll into view some list items that have not been loaded from the server (say from a relationship), the app automatically makes a call to the server to load these records. Even though this is fast, there is still a short period of time where my list items are blank.
I know that I can make them say "Loading..." or something like that (and I have), but I was wondering: is there was a way to pre-load my "off-screen" records so that as the user scrolls, the list items are already loaded?
My ListItemViews will be fairly large (pixel-wise), so even loading double the amount of data is not going to be killer from an AJAX perspective, and it would be nice if as the user scrolled, the content was always loaded (unless they scroll SUPER-SUPER-fast, in which case I'm okay with them seeing a loading indicator).
I currently found a solution by adding the following to my SC.ListView, but I've noticed some major performance issues on mobile and they are directly related to making this change, so I was wondering if there was a better way.
contentIndexesInRect: function(rect) {
rect.height = rect.height * 2;
return sc_super();
Overriding contentIndexesInRect is the way I would do this. I would do less than double it though – I might get the result from sc_super() and then add a few extra items to the resulting index set. (I believe it comes back frozen, so you may have to clone-edit-freeze.) One or two extra may give you enough breathing room to get the stuff loaded, without contributing nearly as much to the apparent performance issue.
I'm surprised that it results in major performance issues though. It sounds to me like your list items themselves may be heavier-weight than they need to be – for example, they may have a lot of bindings to hook and unhook. If that's what's going on, you may benefit more from improving their efficiency.
I think you would be better served to load the additional data outside of the context of what the list is actually displaying. For instance, forcing more list items to render in order to trigger additional requests does result in having the extra data available, but also adds several unnecessary elements to the DOM, which is actually detrimental to overall performance. In fact these extra elements are most likely the cause of the major slowdown on mobile once you get to a sufficient number of extras.
Instead, I would first ensure that your list item views are properly pooling so that only the visible items are updating in place with as little DOM manipulation as possible. Then second, I would lazily load in additional data only after the required data is requested. There are quite a few ways to do this depending on your setup. You might want to add some logic to a data source to trigger an additional request on each filled request range or you might want to do something like override itemViewForContentIndex in SC.CollectionView as the point to trigger the extra data. In either case, I imagine it could look something like this,
// …
prefetchTriggered: function (lastIndex) {
// A query that will fetch more data (this depends totally on your setup).
var query = SC.Query.remote(MyApp.Record, {
// Parameters to pass to the data source so it knows what to request.
lastIndex: lastIndex
// Run the query.
// …
As I mention in the comments above, the structure of the request depends totally on your setup and your API so you'll have to modify it to meet your needs. It will work better if you are able to request a suitable range of items, rather than one-at-a-time.

What is the design pattern for multi-layer cascading drop downs using knockout and knockout.mapping?

So I realize that this question can be seen as somewhat vague, but it's actually quite specific.
I started to write this out, then realized that lack of specific verbiage makes it sound vague. So let me put it this way.
I've got an Order object, that has customer data on it. It also has, for the sake of this example, a single order for a car.
The Car has a Category, Product, Year, Color. For the sake of this example, my Order page has 4 drop downs, which cascade one to another. Category populates Product populates Year populates Color.
(I was going to go with Make and Model, then realized using "Model" was getting confusing, haha.)
I've got several problems:
I've got multiple layers of dropdowns. Four, not just one.
My drop down objects are not related to each other specifically - that is to say, I use an id from Cateogry to populate Products, but Category does not come with Products when it's retrieved. This is different than the Cart example that KO has on their website.
I am stuck with the above architecture. I need to change a drop down, then send a service call to get the next drop down based on the selected drop downs id. I can't alter the service layer to nest the objects together.
My Order comes with child objects to indicate Make, Model, Year, Color. However, since these are different, I've been using the knockout.mapping keyed array and a custom binding handler to look up data object. Thankfully I only have to do this once, as after the object in the top level is replaced, it's fine.
I've been trying to use knockout.mapping to map the relevant objects, especially considering the key thing.
However, I'm totally open to just making the objects in knockout.
The problem I'm having, and this thing has really turned into a disaster, is that since everything is asynchronous, it's very difficult to resolve things in the proper order, aside from nesting within nesting within nesting.
Hence my question - I'm getting to the point where it seems like ditching knockout completely is the answer here, which doesn't seem right. It feels like I'm very close but it still doesn't work properly. (Often things load in the wrong order.) Unfortunately I can't really post the code because it's huge.
The thing is, it seems like it shouldn't be this hard. It feels like I'm missing a fundamental design pattern for knockout and drop down combos. Looking at the cart example, I'm starting to suspect that multi-layer cascading drop downs are just not feasible in knockout at the moment unless the data is all loaded ahead of time.
Am I actually missing the design pattern? If so, please elucidate. If not, go ahead and say so. I guess whichever more people agree with will be accepted.
I realized after the first comment I got that I did not discuss much about some of the solutions I've tried.
So, basically yes, I've tried subscribing to the change event. I should emphasize that at the beating heart of this problem lies the fact that all of our calls to load these dropdowns are network calls.
The problem that happens is that the change event fires multiple times - once when you load the drop down, and again when the value is bound to the drop down. At least, that's been my experience.
What ends up happening is that any subscription will then fire multiple times. When it does, it causes the load to happen multiple times. Aside from the fact that I don't want to fire multiple times, there are often issues where the drop downs will get loaded incorrectly. My guess is that one of the times arrived "out of order" than the others.
I've gotten similar results with my various efforts. It really does seem to be pushing me toward some hackish stuff, like nesting 5 or 6 or 7 network calls inside of each other's callbacks. And it seems like there must be a better way.
I've tried computed observables to similar effect. I've tried loading things once via the MVC viewbag, etc. Every time I try something, I'm stymied by either something loading weird, the knockout.mapping plugin behaving strangely (it apparently will not add its key/mapping functions to existing knockout observables) or just ... some other weird issue.
Again, I ask, is this something knockout is simply incapable of? Is our situation just too peculiar? Or am I missing some method or function or object that would make all of this work?
Knockout subcribe event will solve your problem.. Its not too complicate I think..
If you think its complicate add a fiddle or code block.

What are your top 3 XPages performance tips for new XPages developers?

What 3 things would you tell developers new to XPages to do to help maximize the performance of their XPages apps?
Tim Tripcony had given a bunch of suggestion here.
Not sure if this tipp is for beginners, but use any of the LifeCyclePhaseListeners from the OpenNTF Snippets to see what is going on in your datasources during a complete or partial refresh (http://openntf.org/XSnippets.nsf/snippet.xsp?id=a-simple-lifecyclelistener-)
Use the extension Library. Report Bugs ( or what you consider a bug ) at OpenNTF.
Use the SampleDb from the extLib. ou can easily modify the samples to your own need. Even good for testing if the issue you encounter is reproducable in this DB.
Use Firebug ( or a similar tool that comes with the browser of your choice ) If you see an error in the error tab, go and fix it.
Since you're asking for only 3, here are the tips I feel make the biggest difference:
Determine what your users / customers mean by "performance", and set the page persistence option accordingly. If they mean scalability (max concurrent users), keep pages on disk. If they mean speed, keep pages in memory. If they want an ideal mixture of speed and scalability, keep the current page in memory. This latter option really should be the server default (set in the server's xsp.properties file), overridden only as needed per application.
Set value bindings to compute on page load (denoted by a $ in the source XML) wherever possible instead of compute dynamically (denoted by a #). $ bindings are only evaluated once, # bindings are recalculated over and over again, so changing computations that only need to be loaded once per page to $ bindings speed up both initial page load and any events fired against the page once loaded.
Minimize the use of SSJS. Wherever possible, use standard EL instead (e.g. ${database.title} instead of ${javascript:return database.getTitle();}). Every SSJS expression must be parsed into an abstract syntax tree to be evaluated, which is incrementally slower than the standard EL resolver.
There are many other ways to maximize performance, of course, but in my opinion these are the easiest ways to gain noticeable improvement.
1. Use the Script Library instead writing a bulk of code into the Xpage.
2. Use the Theme or separate CSS class for each elements [Relational]
3. Moreover try to control your SSJS code. Because server side request only reduce our system performance.
4. Final point consider this as sub point of 3, Try to get the direct functions from our SSJS, Don't use the while llop and for loop for like document collection, count and other things.
The basics like
Use the immediate flags ( or one of the other flags) on serverside events if possible
Check the Flag which (forgot its name..) generates the css and js as
one big file at runtime therefore minimizing the ammount of
Choose your scope wisely. Dont put everything in your sessionscope but define when, where and how your are using the data and based on that use the correct scope. This can lead to better memory usage..
And of course the most important one read the mastering xpages book.
Other tips I would add:
When retrieving data use viewentrycollections or the viewnavigstor
Upgrade to 8.5.3
Use default html tags if possible. If you dont need the functionality of a xp:div or xp:panel use a <div> instead so you dont generate an extra uicomponent on the tree.
Define what page persistance mode you need
Depends a lot what you mean by performance. For performance of the app:
Use compute on page load wherever feasible. It significantly improves performance.
In larger XPages particularly, combine code into single controls where possible. E.g. Use a single Computed Field control combining literal strings, EL and SSJS rather than one control for each language. On that point, EL performs better than SSJS, and SSJS on the XPage performs better than SSJS in a Script Library.
Use dataContexts for properties that are calculated more than once on an XPage.
Partial Execution mode is a very strong recommendation, but probably beyond new XPages developers at this point. Java will also perform better than SSJS in a Script Library, but again beyond new developers. XPages controls you've created with the Extensibility Framework should perform better, because they should run fewer lines of Java than multiple controls, but I haven't tested that.
If you mean performance of the developer:
Get the Extension Library.
Use themes to set default properties, e.g. A standard style for all your pagers.
Use Firebug. If you're developing for Notes Client or IE, still use Firebug. You'll spend longer suffering through Client/IE thank you will fixing the few quirks that will remain.

Slickgrid vs. jqGrid vs. ...? for Scheduler

I am trying to evaluate tools to create a resource schedule viewer. The rows would be resources (with collapsible subrows), and the columns would be time (days, weeks, etc). None of the grid frameworks I have looked into seem to accommodate that use case philosophically (i.e. loosely defined, infinite columns), does anyone have any recommendations?
I'm switching from jqGrid to SlickGrid after three months of usage.
jqGrid is fine, after all it's the most popular JavaScript grid plugin. But:
Documentation can be not only be incomplete but also misleading, aside from somewhat condescending. Mostly you'll end up getting things done, but after a painful debug/search routine.
In a similar way, API naming could be much, much better. For example: addJSONData() actually accepts an object, or a certain methods' parameters include rowid and iRow.
It tries to do it everything for you, from AJAX calls to sorting, parsing data and formatting it. Try to do something your own way and you'll discover that jqGrid doesn't favour separation of concerns.
It's not a true open source project - many lines are practically obfuscated - whereas SlickGrid includes JSDoc comments and all.
Haven't tried SlickGrid yet, but it just looks so fine. Its author is now hired at Google and the project has excellent stats at GitHub. These words totally convinced me:
The key difference is between SlickGrid and other grid implementations
I have seen is that they focus too much on being able to understand
and work with data and not enough on being a better grid.
Also, virtual rendering is clearly superior than just dropping N <tr> elements.
