Unable to read a USB com port using GNAT Ada - windows

I'm attempting to set up a USB serial port using:
I am able to open the port but when I try to set attributes of the port I get the following exception
raised GNAT.SERIAL_COMMUNICATIONS.SERIAL_ERROR : set: cannot get comm state ( 6)
Any ideas?

Since what you are working with is not a natural Windows COM port, but an extra COM port created by a device driver, you may be interested in this question (and in particular my answer to it).
The digest is that sometimes virtual COM ports aren't accessible to programs with the normal name. Before giving up on "COM2", try "\\.\COM2"


LAN Port as controller

i need only to get any voltage out from my laptop to control a relay
how to get a signal from a LAN port from any pin ?
in my laptop there is no com Port or lpt Port
also the usb port needs interfacing circuits which is not nessesary
in my simple project
thats why i choosed the LAN Port
i use (visual basic 6)
any help would much appriciated .
While such things as PoE exist, normal ports do not provide any power to external devices. The USB ports are far more likely candidates since they are designed to support powering external devices, though the amount of current supported varies by adapter/hub (most "ports" are actually internal hub ports).

Linux serial port driver suspend resume

I want to turn ON/OFF some port bits on ttyS2 suspend/resume scenario but from driver code it is difficult to find code stub where I can check for ttyS2 and set/unset bits on suspend/resume.
Can anyone point be specific location or logic where i can decode port name and do specific action?
You should do it in user space.
One can look for driver name using "kobject_name" as registered by device driver. For serial driver we get tty instance number on specific platform.

bluetooth device to windows API via com port

So I have a bluetooth device, this device uses SPP to transfer data between the PC and itself. It connects fine through Windows as a bluetooth device. I can find it, enter the paring code and assign it to a COM port. Now I want to be able to send data through the com port using Windows API but it is refusing to do so.
I suspect that I need to setup the COMMCONFIG Structure correctly (see below)
Unfortunately I have no idea what is the proper setting. I know SPP is supposed to emulate the RS-232 communication... so maybe I have to study up on that to figure out the right setting? Or is there some automatic way to set the COMMCONFIG structure.
I seriously doubt it. If it would be used then you'll have no chance at guessing at the custom provider data without docs from the driver author. Pay attention to the handshake signals, serial port devices routinely ignore anything sent to them when the DTR signal is turned off. And not send anything back with DTR off. A driver would emulate that. Use EscapeCommFunction() to turn them on. Also try a serial comm program like HyperTerminal or Putty to test this so you can isolate the source of the problem.
Why not use the Bluetooth sockets API? No need for troublesome (virtual) COM ports then.
If you're using managed code then see my library 32feet.NET
If using native code, use SOCKADDR_BTH with Winsock connect etc, see e.g. Bluetooth and connect (Windows) Then you can use the standard Winsock send/recv API
Ok, I found that you can use the
GetCommConfig and GetCommState functions to figure out the settings.

Can I access the Parallel Port normally when using USB to Parallel Port adapter?

Preliminary story
There is this program which uses the Parallel Port to synchronize with other hardware. It will set the Parallel Port output to a specified (byte) value. This works without problems when using the built-in Parallel Port of a PC. The target platforms are Windows XP to 7, all worked fine so far. Source code is in Delphi, accessible and can be modified.
How it works
In Delphi I can use the io.dll to set the value of the Parallel Port, but there are also other solutions available, like inpout32.dll or port.dll. I call something like PortOut, specify a port number and the byte value and the port is set.
What I now want to do - and where I need help
Now the change: this needs to work on a machine which has no Parallel Port built-in (not even on the mainboard). There are several options available:
use a USB to Parallel Port adapter to add a LPT port to the PC
use a PCI card which adds a LPT port to the PC
use a PCI Express card which adds a LPT port to the PC
I am currently heading for and concentrating on the easiest and cheapest possibility: a USB to Parallel Port adapter.
Main question
There seem to be differences between Parallel Port adapters which are made to connect just a printer and other adapters which seem to be more powerful. Is there really a difference? Or can I just use one of these 5$ printer-adapters, plug in my own hardware and access the port from Delphi code? Or do I need a special adapter? Has anyone experience with this? There is a related question here, but the different adapter types (if existent) are not mentioned there. This page suggests that there are indeed differences:
Contrary to all other USB parallel ports which can connect to printers only, this makes connection to most hardware.
I hope there exists a solution via USB because for this you don't have to open the PC, which means the adapter can be added on demand.
Do you have experience with PCI (Express) solution? I have to use one if the USB approach is not successful.
Since I've been wrestling with this very thing recently here's what I've discovered; If you mean by using IO port addressing (indicated by your reference to inpout32.dll), no. Unless your USB-parallel port driver supports full port emulation or virtualization, which most do not, this is generally not possible. If you need to directly access the port to do normal "bit-twiddling", you should get a separate Parallel port PCI-card. Most of them present themselves as normal IO at the standard address(es). I am presuming you're not planning on using the parallel port to actually communicate with a printer, right?
What is interesting is that USB-Serial adapters are much easier to use since they appear as simple virtual devices where you can merely "open" them using a simple stream; TFileStream.Create("COM1", fmOpenRead) or Windows.CreateFile("COM2", ...);
Here is some devices that purport to do full emulation of a parallel port through USB:

Locked Serial Port on Vista

I'm working on an App that talks to a serial port, and on my development machine, I'm running Vista, and that serial port is a Bluetooth connection. Occasionally, the serial port gets caught in a state where my App can no longer connect to it. In .net I get an IOException with a message reading "Element not found."
I've tried restarting the App, connecting with other Apps (a communications client like HyperTerm) but nothing helps. I can't find any more specific error message, and nothing is logged to the machine's event logs. The device manager tells me the port is "working properly."
Is there any way to find out which process and or .dll has possession of a serial port, and/or force a port closed?
If it makes any difference, my App is in C#, but structurally, it's not convenient to open and close the port with a "using" statement.
To the best of my knowledge you can't close a serial port that you do not have the handle to. My experience of Bluetooth serial ports is that they can end up getting mapped to different COM port numbers at connection time, and can sometimes leave bogus COM ports when disconnected. For example, I currently have no bluetooth devices connected, but if I go into device manager, I see a total of eleven COM ports listed as Bluetooth serial port The properties on each of these ports show the device as working and available, and I can usually open these ports though I get occasional failures. My work around for this is to force COM port numbers for connected deviced, through properties / advanced / COM port number. I'm not sure if the problem is driver related (IVT corp in this case) or a problem with the way Windows manages blutooth serial ports.
Sorry I couldn't be of any more help.
