d3.js using .attr() after each()? - d3.js

Is it possible to use selection.attr() after selection.each()? I have the following simple code:
var line = d3.svg.line()...;
.each(function(d, i) {
$this.computeXXX(d, ....);
.attr('d', line);
I've checked that the 'attr' function is being called, but for some reason when I go back and try to check the 'path' elements that make up the selection, they never have the 'd' attribute set. What's the return from the 'each' call? I checked the d3 API docs and it didn't mention that there was any type of return value, yet there does seem to be.
Any suggestions on how I can fix this?

You can certainly use .attr() after .each(). I've made a very ugly example based on a pre-made chart from tributary. Anyway, you can see it uses .each() to draw an orange stroke and then modifies other attributes after. If you post more details of your code or put in on a fiddle or tributary we/I can probably help you fix it.


.append() to different selection depending on condition?

I have a similar issue as in Updating SVG Element Z-Index With D3
My preferred solution would be to have two groups within my svg as described in the answer by notan3xit.
But I have one data set, and a boolean flag on one of the data properties determines to which group the svg element belongs.
This obviously doesn't work, but something like this.
I only want to iterate through the data once, and during runtime append the generated svg elements to the according groups.
Any ideas how to go about achieving that with d3.js?
var toAppend = $(this);
if (!!d.property){
} else {
The general idea would be to pass d into a callback, and apply the right append method inside that callback.
It should be cleaner to first save reference to what you want to append to, in an enclosing scope so you can easily call .append() on it.
Try this:
var selectedPath=svg.selectAll("path").data(d);
if(d3.select(this).attr("property's name"))
selectedPath.append("some data to group 1")
selectedPath.append("some data to group 2")
If I had your code better able to help.

Using D3, how can I transition a line one point at time?

I'm working on a visualization project in which one component is a line chart overlayed on a bar graph. I delayed the bar transitions at a time. I would like the line to transition similarly so each point on the line remains "attached" to the bar.
Here's the code for the line:
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d, i) {
return xScale(i) + 20;
.y(function(d) {
return h - yScale(parseFloat(d.performance));
svg1.append("svg:path").attr("d", line(dataset[0].months));
And here's where I transition it:
.attr("d", line(dataset[count].months));
I've seen other questions addressing d3 line transitions but none that seem to address my issue, so I hope I'm not a repeater. Thanks in advance!
Note: I did try putting the delay() function in after transition which didn't work. I'm assuming this is because the line is a single <path> instead of multiple <rect> elements...
So this fell off my radar for a while, but I had some time the other day and figured out one approach for doing the delayed transition...
Here is the pen I wrote. I generated some random data and created a simple line chart to showing stock prices to play around with. The trick here is instead of iterating through a selection of elements using transition, we iterate through the dataset updating it point by point and transitioning the line as we go:
dataset.forEach(function(item, index) {
let set = dataset.slice();
// Update the current point in the copy
set[index].price = newPrice();
.delay(index * 500)
.attr('d', line_generator(set));
Admittedly this is a bit hacky and possibly overkill, you could just update the whole line at once. Also #Lars mentioned the possibility of using the stroke-dashoffset trick to accomplish this as well. I have played around with that method to animate drawing the line but I'm not sure how I'd use it to accomplish the same delayed animation shown in the pen. If there is a less hacky implementation please let me know and I'll update this answer.

Getting d3.js data from html

I'm new to d3.js and trying to understand how to retrieve elements that are already on an html page.
If I try something like the following, 'd' is undefined when I look in the console log. I can access some of the td information via the 'this' keyword, but looking at the d3 API https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Selections#wiki-style, it says if style takes a value as a function, it passes the current 'datum' and index.
I can get the index fine, but datum is always undefined. Is there something obvious I'm missing to retrieve the values, or have the wrong way around ?
<table class="results">
d3.selectAll(".results td:nth-child(4n+2)")
.style("background-color", function(d) {
console.log( d );
//change style depending on d, but d is always undefined
//I can access the elements via this, but not d ?
jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/a5WkH/2/
D3 assumes that you bind data to the elements using .data() or .datum(). If you haven't done that, something like function(d) { ... } won't work. Technically what happens is that D3 adds the data bound to a DOM element as the .__data__ attribute to that element. So if you really don't want to use .data() or .datum(), you could do something like this.
d3.selectAll(".results").each(function() { this.__data__ = d3.select(this).text(); });
This is what I have done here. It is usually better to use .data() though.

Trying to modify Voronoi Map in D3JS

I am trying to modify this D3 example to use with my dataset
I think my problem is creating the array of coordinates for calculating the Voronoi polygons, but at this point I'm not sure.
I'm getting a Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined error that points to the line where I am calling the array. The code is live, please see here
The map displays just fine, but the data points, the radio button, and the voronoi lines do not appear (I'm not trying to show lines between data points, so that code has been removed).
Any thoughts or suggestions would be most appreciated. Many thanks!
There are a number of small things going on here which can be easily sorted out but some will require a bit of work. The first is that you're using a new version of d3 (v3) and the example you're trying to replicate is an older version. There have been significant changes between the versions on the mapping side of things. So you can either use an old version of d3 (v2 will work I think) or investigate the changes.
The Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined error is being generated because d3.geom.voronoi(positions) line is producing NaN. I'm not 100% sure why but you could just filter these out to get a temporary fix. A simple filter would be something like:
.attr("class", "cell")
.attr("d", function(d, i) {
if (polygons[i][0][0]) {
return "M" + polygons[i].join("L") + "Z";
with the if true when there is not a false value (NULL, NaN, etc) in the first element of the polygon. Please note that this is temporary fix while you investigate why you're getting NaN and this will not produce the correct voronoi polygons.
The fix for the data points is very simple, you just have to set the radius to something greater than 0 such as 10 (although I imagine that you might want to scale the dots to a property of your data like TotalPublished). For instance see the last line:
.sort(function(a, b) { return b.TotalPublished - a.TotalPublished; }))
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + projection(d.coordinates) + ")"; })
.attr("r", 10);
The radio button (or checkbox) does not show up as it's not generated by the javascript (although it can be). In the example you refer to its generated in the html in this snippet:
<div style="position:absolute;bottom:0;font-size:18px;">
<input type="checkbox" id="voronoi"> <label for="voronoi">show Voronoi</label>
Once you've worked through this you'll need to get the voronoi lines working. I think with your code as is the voronoi lines won't show up as the checkbox is not checked. So you could comment these lines out and see what happens. A quick tip with paths is that if you want to just show the lines you need to set the fill style to none and the stroke to whatever colour you want. If you don't set the fill to none you'll just get a black screen.

Calling a function once when data enters in d3

Is there a way to call a function when data enters using data().enter()?
For example, in this current jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/p3m8A/4/ , I have a function that draws a group and I want to call this function when new data enters. The current jsfiddle doesn't do anything but the objective is to click on the red square and using .data.enter draw a purple square when the red square is clicked.
The specific part I'm trying to get to work is :
.enter().function(d,i) {
The callback passed to the call method is actually passed the selection, not the data.
enterSelection.call(function(selection){/* this === selection */});
So, what you were probably looking for is the each method.
enterSelection.each(function(d, i){/* this is selection */ drawBoxes(150,20,d);});
You want the method .call(function(d))
This will run your function once, passing d as the array of all of the data you have provided. i is not defined for using call after enter().
If you want to draw multiple boxes, based on d, your code would look something like this:
I've created a basic fiddle of this here.
Note that this is what you want to use if you want to call a function on the selection returned by .enter() in the same spot as you're using it. It's also possible to bind a function to the enter event of a given DOM element by using .on('enter',function), but this would require that the element that you are entering data into already exist.
