Oracle optimizer is not accepting index hint - performance

When I run the merge query then index cannot read and query is running very slow please advise me.
Index in stage_dim_accounts(rbc_code)
Index in map_rbc_etl(free_code_9)
MERGE INTO stage_dim_accounts t
USING map_rbc_etl s ON (t.rbc_code = s.free_code_9)
SET t.indx_no= s.indx_no
WHERE s.annexure= 'AXN-I'
AND (.free_code_9 <> 'NA' AND s.free_code_9 <> '0')
AND t.rbc_code <> 'NA'
Thanks in advance

The optimizer is smart enough to know that your indexes are useless.
An index on free_code might be useful if most of the values in that column were either '0' or 'NA'. As you haven't provided any information regarding data volumes or distribution we can't tell. But you have other restriction criteria on map_rbc_etl, so the database needs to go to the table anyway. My guess is that optimizer has chosen to use a full table scan on map_rbc_etl because that's quicker than a huge number of indexed reads.
This is because an indexed read is two operations - read the index, read the row. So it only pays dividends if the percentage of rows read is tiny. Otherwise it is just more efficient to read all the rows and winnow them in memory.
Here is the great "secret" of tuning: indexed reads are not always faster; full table scans are not always bad.
Similar logic applies to reading the stage_dim_accounts. The indexed column is unlikely to be selective. Unless ... unless the number of rows in map_rbc_etl is very small and only matches a small selection of rows in stage_dim_accounts. My previous comment on data metrics applies again.

indexes to use
on map_rbc_etl( free_code_9, annexure)
and on stage_dim_accounts(rbc_code);
now these may not be used for reasons in previous answer.
Additional reasons an index may not be used are:
1. The optimizer decides it would be more efficient not to use index.
2. if column is on view and has function call on column. To use this use function based indexes.
3. you perform mathematical operation in query. Note you can look at explain plan and create index to match how it is loading the rows.
4. you concat columns together in where clause. Use function based index for overcoming this.
5. You do not include first column in concatenated index in where clause of your statement. Note that Oracle 9i or greater do skip scanning and can use the index.
6. You use or clause. In this case it is best to create one index for all but the or clause and one for each of the or values then it will use all indexes appropriately.
if you don't know how to use function based indexes an example for a to_upper() in where clause you would use the following
create indexName on tableName(to_upper(colname));
any oracle sql function (built in or user created) can be in the index.


Indexing for the columns in ORACLE

I have below query, because of the huge data in the MATTER Table, it is taking huge time for LIKE statement to execute, so I was thinking of using the CONTEXT Index and using CONTAIN.
Shall I do indexing only on Matter_title or some other column as well,. Based on the below select query
Inputs highly appreciated
AND dm.STATUS_CODE NOT IN ('abc','jkl','xyz')
AND trunc(dm.CREATED_DATE) between '01-NOV-95' AND '02-OCT-18'
AND upper(dm.MATTER_TITLE) like(upper (q'{%jdasuidhajsndjahs%}'))
It sounds like you're already aware that LIKE with a leading wildcard ('%ABC') is notoriously inefficient since it typically can't use indexes and does a full table scan.
If the other optimizing suggestions don't help much, you probably would see better performance with a Context index. Be sure to set the SUBSTRING_INDEX preference so it'll specifically prepare the index for infix searches like yours. See this Ask Tom for more details. (If you will also have wildcards in the middle of strings ('ABC%DEF'), you might also want to set the PREFIX options.)
create index matter_title_idx on MATTER(MATTER_TITLE)
indextype is ctxsys.context
parameters ('wordlist SUBSTRING_PREF');
Also note that Context indexes are case-insensitive by default, so you don't need to do UPPER(). I haven't tried using q'' literals with contains, so I'm not sure how this'll work.
AND CONTAINS(dm.MATTER_TITLE, q'{%jdasuidhajsndjahs%}') > 0
Try creating function Indexes upper(dm.MATTER_TITLE) and second trunc(dm.CREATED_DATE).
Also I am considering that the columns in the Join conditions already have indexes. If not have them indexed.

Oracle compressed/b-tree index how and when to use

I would like to add a compressed index to the Oracle Applications workflow table hr.pqh_ss_transaction_history in order to access specific types of workflows (process_name) and workflows for specific people (selected_person_id).
There are lots of repeating values in process_name although the data is skewed. I would however want to access the TFG_HR_NEW_HIRE_PLACE_JSP_PRC and TFG_HR_TERMINATION_JSP_PRC process types.
selected_person_id would obviously be more selective. Unfortunately there are 3774 nulls for this column and the highest count after that is 73 for one person. A lot of people would only have 1 row. The total row count is 136963.
My query would be in this format:
select psth.item_key,
from hr.pqh_ss_transaction_history psth
where nvl(psth.selected_person_id, :p_person_id) = :p_person_id
and psth.process_name = 'HR_TERMINATION_JSP_PRC'
order by psth.last_update_date
I am on Oracle 12c release 1.
I assume it would be a good idea to put a non-compressed b-tree index on selected_person_id since the values returned would fall in the less than 5% of the total rows scenario, but how do you handle the nulls in the column which would not go into the index when you select using nvl(psth.selected_person_id, :p_person_id) = :p_person_id? Is there a more efficient way to write the sql and how should you create this index?
For process_name I would like to use a compressed b-tree index. I am assuming that the statement is
CREATE INDEX idxname ON pqh_ss_transaction_history(process_name) COMPRESS
where there would be an implicit second column for rowid. Is it safe for it to use rowid here, since normally it is not advised to use rowid? Is the skewed data an issue (most of the time I would be selecting on the high volume side)? I don't understand how compressed indexes would be efficient. For b-tree indexes you would normally want to return 5% of the data, otherwise a full table scan is actually more efficient. How does the compressed index return so many rowids and then do lookup into the full table using those rowids, faster than a full table scan?
Or since the optimizer will only be able to use one of the two indexes should I rather create an uncompressed function based index with selected_person_id and process_name concatenated?
Perhaps you could create this index:
CREATE INDEX idxname ON pqh_ss_transaction_history
(process_name, NVL(selected_person_id,-1)) COMPRESS 1
Then change your query to:
select psth.item_key,
from hr.pqh_ss_transaction_history psth
where nvl(psth.selected_person_id, -1) in (:p_person_id,-1)
and psth.process_name = 'HR_TERMINATION_JSP_PRC'
order by psth.last_update_date

Adding Index To A Column Having Flag Values

I am a novice in tuning oracle queries thus need help.
If I have a sql query like:
select a.ID,
from a,b,c
and ....
and b.flag='Y';
then will adding index to the FLAG column of table b help to tune the query by any means? The FLAG column has only 2 values Y and N
With a standard btree index, the SQL engine can find the row or rows in the index for the specified value quickly due to its binary structure, then use the physical address (the rowid) stored in the index to access the desired row in a second hop. It's like looking in the index of a book to find the page number. So that is:
Go to index with the key value you want to look up.
The index tells you the physical address in the table.
Go straight to that physical address.
That is nice and quick for something like a unique customer ID. It's still OK for something nonunique, like a customer ID in a table of orders, although the database has to go through the index entries and for each one go to the indicated address. That can still be faster than slogging through the entire table from top to bottom.
But for a column with only two distinct values, you can see that it is going to be more work going through all of the index entries for 'Y' for example, and for each one going to the indicated location in the table, than it would be to just forget the index and scan the whole table in one shot.
That's unless the values are unevenly distributed. If there are a million Y rows and ten N rows then an index will help you find those N rows fast but be no use for Y.
Adding an index to a column with only 2 values normally isn't very useful, because Oracle might just as well do a full table scan.
From your query it looks like it would be more useful to have an index on id, because that would help with the join
If you really want to get into tuning then learn to use "explain plan", as that will give you some indication of how much work Oracle needs to do for a query. Add (or remove) an index, then rerun the explain plan.

will index be used when UPPER() the variable first?

I may have encountered a full table scan in Oracle database. I can't excute the explain command in the database, simply put, I don't have the permission.
And I'm trying to figure out the following question.
If I have an index on NAME in table
With this query:
select OID
from table
where NAME=UPPER(v1)
and TYPE=v2
and PID=v3
and OID<>v4
and PID =v5`
(v1 is a variable)
Will the oracle use index on name to select OID?
I have read some material, and it says with a function in where condition the NAME index won't be used. But the upper() is a special function, so I'm not quiet sure about the material I saw before.
And here is the second question after the answer of #mathguy:
If I create an index using create index INDEX_NAME on table(upper(NAME));
will the query:
select OID,PID
from table
where PID=v1
and NAME=UPPER(v2)
use the index INDEX_NAME?
OR the index will be used in the above question, and the query is just not efficient so they take much time to execute?
If you have an index on name, then the optimizer MAY use the index in the example you gave. It may choose not to use it (for example if it estimates that a relatively large fraction of rows will be returned anyway); but if say only 0.1% of rows would be returned, by all means the index will be used. (If that still doesn't happen, make sure statistics are up-to-date.)
What will prevent the use of an index is if you wrapped name within upper(). What happens on the right-hand side - whether you have v1 or upper(v1) or even a much more complicated expression - is irrelevant as long as name doesn't also appear in that complicated expression on the right-hand side.
Perhaps this will help...
In Oracle, you can create an index on a function (a function index), so if you created your index on the function UPPER(NAME) instead of just NAME, Oracle may be more likely to use the index (although it still might choose not to depending on other factors.)
Here's a link that describes function indexes

How do I build effecient SQL filters?

After taking an advanced T-SQL performance/query tuning class, something that I thought I remembered hearing was that you can speed up some queries just a little bit if you put your date(time) filters first.
RunDate = '12/1/2015' AND
OtherFilters = etc...
But does this really only count if I have indexes in place on these columns I filter on for this table?
So to add to this just a little, should I be building my filters off of the indexes on any tables referenced in the query? Such that my first filters of the query are based on my indexes?
ID > 1000 AND
RunDate <= '1/1/206' AND
OtherFilters = etc...
Where ID and RunDate are part of my indexes/primary key.
The order of filters in WHERE clause does not matter. As long as you have index on the fields, SQL Server knows how to use your filters.
Assume you have index on (ID, RunDt) and you have both ID and RunDt in your WHERE clause. SQL Server first filters the data on ID and then from that subset rows, will filter on RunDt.
This scenario may change if you have other indexes depends on selectivity of your data.
Also if you have clustered index on RunDt, SQL will first filter on RunDt and then ID.
You don't need to worry about the order of your filters in WHERE clause, as long as you have the right order of columns in your index definition.
TSQL is just a logical representation
The query optimizer will set the actual execution order that is most efficient
It messes up some times but for the most part it is spot on
If you have a clustered PK on ID then this will typically be done first
Appears even the OP is confused about the question
Can only answer the stated question
But does this really only count if I have indexes in place on these
columns I filter on for this table?
The order in the where does not matter for columns with indexes
The order in the where does not matter for columns without indexes
The order in the where does not matter
