Galaxy Note II emulator - android-virtual-device

I am creating a emulator with options 720 X 1280 px, 5.5 inch size.
When I try my code on my real phone (a Galaxy Note II) the views are correct but when I use the emulator the view is just 2/3 of the screen. As we can say that the real phone shows the correct view, where is the problem with the emulator?
The real Note II has scale value 2 when I connect to it, but when I connect it to emulator it says scale value of 1.5, maybe the problem is this. How can I set the correct scale for the Note II phone in AVD or what am I doing wrong in AVD?

The scale is very important. See this tutorial:
You should set the DPI value to 320 (2 * 160).


Emulating a Raspberry Pi screen on Laptop (Windows 10), mimicking screen resolution and PPI

I am currently working on an engineering project that will include a 7", 800x480 Raspberry Pi LCD screen to display wether or not an experiment is going accordingly to plan (a parameter's value will be shown in green if so, and red if it isn't). By my calculations, this would mean I am getting a 131 PPI image quality in said screen.
It is important to verify wether or not the information is readable from afar, and for such I am trying to emulate a screen with these properties in my laptop's screen. My best attempt so far was to use Chrome's DevTools, but it seems to only re-size the webpage, and doesn't adjust image's PPI. Is there any other, easier ways to accomplish what I am trying to do?
PS: I could simply connect my screen to the RPi and be done with it, yes, but I got curious if there is any way to do that (also the RPi is currently being used for other purposes, so I can't access it that easily rigth now).
Following DevTool's device mode was the closest I got, due to its abilito to set any image size I wanted, but the PPI does not seem to have been altered.

How to set DPI scale to 100% in windows 10 kiosk-mode?

Is it possible some how, to change the DPI scaling setting in kiosk-mode Windows 10 LTSC ?
In the kiosk-mode windows 10,the UWP application is set up to 150%, so UI controls are really large.
I have to say that in UWP apps, it is not possible to change the scale size of the system. My suggestion is that you might need to scale the controls in your app based on the system scale value to make your app looks better.
You could use the following code to get the current scale size:
DisplayInformation information = DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView();
var factor = information.ResolutionScale;
Then you could apply a transform for the controls in your app to make them look better. For example using the ScaleTransform

What size screenshots should be used for IAPs ( In app purchases ) for Mac apps?

What dimensions should be used for IAP screenshots for Mac apps on iTunesconnect?
I have tried uploading PNG screenshots with:
2560 x 1600 px
640 x 920 px
to no avail... but the upload does not seem to be accepted... Can anyone advise which dimensions will be accepted? Apple specifies 640 x 920 but it does not upload and there is no error message.
I would like to add to the accepted answer because regurgitating the documentation does little to resolve actual problems.
After taking a screen shot of the app on my device for in app purchase review and it still didn't work, I did some investigating.
After you attempt to upload a screen shot and see the error to upload a valid size, you can open the browser inspector to see the error details. The image MUST be one of these dimensions:
accepted resolutions found in console error
Something else I didn't realize is when taking screen shots with command-shift-4 on macbooks, when you hold it down for the drag you can see the actual dimensions of the screen shot you are taking, but for some reason it saves it as DOUBLE the size. I ended up taking a screen shot where the cross hairs of the screen shot say 320 x 480 resulting in a saved png of 640x960. It has to be one of the pre set sizes in order for image upload to accept it.
After banging my head on a wall for a couple hours I figured this out, so I hope this helps others .
In the official docs I found this:
A screenshot of the product as it appears on the device. This
screenshot is used for Appleā€™s review only and is not displayed on the
App Store. Screenshots requirements are outlined below:
iOS: at least 640 x 920 pixels.
tvOS requires 1920 x1080 pixels.
macOS requires 1280 x 800 pixels.
Interesting enough I just tried with a 640px (width) by 920px (height) screenshot for Mac IAP and everything is fine. Make sure you have no alpha-channel, but this gives another error.
Even though in Apple docs it says: "iOS requires at least 640 x 920 pixels.", larger screenshots actually don't work..
Long story short:
Took a screenshot from iPhone X simulator - didn't work.
Took a screenshot from iPhone 6 simulator - it did work.
The image sizes for IAP screenshots should be one of the following:
After reading the above answers I tried different combinations of screenshots from the iPhone 11 pro max simulator none of them worked.
I tried a screenshot from a device(iPhone 6), it worked like a charm in the first attempt.
here are the details:
dimension: 750x1334
size: 303kb
JPEG image
You basically have to use the resolution of an iPhone screen such as 750 x 1334 pixels which belongs to the iPhone 6/7/8 (4.7-Inch Retina Display).
Here's a list of the acceptable iOS screenshot resolutions:

WP7 - Splash Screen doesn't display correctly on launch

What I'm trying to do:
I've added a splash screen to an application I'm creating for Windows Phone 7. I did this simply by replacing the pre-existing splash screen file with my own.
What goes wrong:
The splash screen is not displayed like it should be - it is being down sampled to an 8 bit image or something weird:
The image I'm using
The image that gets displayed
It's a bit hard to see depending on your monitor, but on a phone it's reasonably obvious. There are fuzzy greenish lines that appear - basically like the image is being down sampled or the quality worsened.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong, or what might be happening?
Try forcing the app to display images at 32 bits per pixel (instead of the default of 16)
Add an attribute of BitsPerPixel="32" to the app element in WMAppManifest.xml
The problem is that the gradient on your splash screen is causing banding, which you can solve by dithering. Robby Ingebretsen has an action for PhotoShop that you can use:
I suspect the emulator. Run the emulator at full size or run the app on an actual device.
Windows Phone is currently only supporting a color depth of 16bit, causing especially some gradients displaying downsampled for 24bit images. Some first generation firmwares by HTC had a "bug" that also allowed 24bit. Theoretically it is just a registry key, but you cannot commonly change it. Microsoft has limited the color depth to 16bit for the benefit of performance, but as far as I knnow there are some second-generation models without this limitation now.
You may try to downsample the image in Photoshop to 16bit and optimize it for this color depth.

Setting the Desired resolution of Mobile Handset Camera in J2ME

I have an application using Nokia X2 which is 5 MPix camera. I need images only for 2 MPix. So I changed the settings on Phone to 2 MPix. When I take a snap by using Phones Camera application, I am getting a 2 MPix image. However, when I activate the camera through my J2ME Code, it gives me an image with 5 MPix. Any clue ?
You need to set the resolution for the camera through the API. It should look like something below.
cameraControl = (CameraControl)player.getControl("CameraControl");
You can read the supported resolutions with
int []res = cameraControl.getSupportedStillResolutions();
the the index of the returned array (res) is the value you set to CameraControl#setStillResolution()
