Git should I create repo file in project folder? - windows

I'm little bit confused when I setup Git. I have local Repository at my C:\Repository and root my project is located at C:\Projects. I want to ask should I create repo file into work project folder or not to be applied to commit and push to local repo?

If I get it right, you have a project in C:/Projects and a repository in c:/Repository and you want to push changes from the project repository into the c:/Repository.
Here how you can setup all this (I assume, you use Git for the Windows and not Cygwin git):
$ mkdir -p /c/Repository/MyProject.git
$ cd /c/Repository/MyProject.git
$ git init --bar # Create "server" (bar) repository
$ mkdir -p /c/Projects/MyProject
$ git init # Create project repository
$ git config "My Name"
$ git config "My#e-mail"
$ # set more properties...
$ # create some files
$ # ...
$ git add -A . # Add new files to the index
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
$ git remote add origin /c/Projects/MyProject
$ git push origin master:master


Backup using GIT - add, commit and push everything including other GIT repositories

I want to build a backup system. I have a server (an old pc) and I boot it up via magic packets. For this purpose, I've written a batch Script doing this. On the server is a git server running with a couple of repositories. I can easily push to it.
But here's the problem:
My project folder contains itself a couple of git repositories. If I now add all files with git add . an Error is thrown, that I should add the submodules. This is the post talking about it Automatically Add All Submodules to a Repo. I've modified the shell script, to work with spaces, and to automatically commit and push everything while executing.
cd "D:\Projekts"
find . -type d | while read x ; do
if [ -d "${x}/.git" ] ; then
cd "${x}"
origin="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)"
cd - 1>/dev/null
echo ""
echo git submodule add "${origin}" "${x}"
git submodule add "${origin}" "${x}"
echo "done adding all submodules"
git add .
git commit -am "new backup"
git push
echo "done pushing"
And this doesn't throw an error so far. But still the folders containing all those repositories are empty, if I clone the repository.
sidenote: I add the remote to the backup repository like this: $ git remote add --mirror=fetch origin git#<ip>:backup.git
Thanks in advance for your time,
Hellow2 :)

Git short command for checking out, pulling, prune fetching and deleting

Is there a shortcut for:
Checking out on master
Pulling from master
Prune Fetch (check which remote branches are removed)
Delete those local branches
Let's say I'm on master and I checkout on the branch foo, I do some commits and publish foo to remote and push to it as well. Next I merge that branch to master on GitHub and delete the online version of foo since it's complete. Now in the offline environment, I have to do the following:
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git fetch -p
$ git branch -d foo
or shorthand:
git checkout master && git pull && git fetch -p && git branch -D foo
Is there a command I can execute to make this much shorter? Like
$ git complete foo
or something along those lines..?
aliases can be used for solving this problem.
An alias can be created by running:
$ alias cpfb="git checkout master && git pull && git fetch -p && git branch -D"
Now, you can execute
$ cpfb foo
which will execute those commands specified in the alias.
Setting alias through terminal lasts for only that particular terminal instance.
Hence, save them in ~/.bashrc to make the alias permanent.

unity cloud build Post-Build Script upload to github pages

I run my game on my Github pages.
and recently started using unity cloud builds.
I managed to get the post-build script running.
but have no clue on how to get it to pull the repository, apply the new build, and push it to GitHub.
So far I have tried this script, without much luck
set -x
ssh-agent $(ssh-add ./id_rsa; git clone tmpResp; cp -r ./WebGL/Build ./tmpResp/;cd ./tmpResp/; git add Build; git commit -m "auto build"; git push)
the logs responded with this
2838: Executing Post-Build Script at
2839: ###########################################################
2841: ###########################################################
2842: It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.
2843: This private key will be ignored.
2844: ++ git clone tmpResp
2845: Cloning into 'tmpResp'...
2846: ++ cp -r ./WebGL/Build ./tmpResp/
2847: cp: ./WebGL/Build: No such file or directory
2848: ++ cd ./tmpResp/
2849: ++ git add Build
2850: ++ git commit -m 'auto build'
2851: *** Please tell me who you are.
2852: Run
2853: to set your account's default identity.
2854: Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository.
2855: ++ git push
2856: Everything up-to-date
2857: + ssh-agent
2858: SSH_AGENT_PID=5387; export SSH_AGENT_PID;
2860: --------------|--------------
2861: 154.10 MiB | 12.79 MiB
thanks already for your time!
[Update 23 march 2020]
so i've spent more time on this then i'm willing to say but i figured it out.
here is my solution if anyone ever wants to do the same.
i placed this script in my files
set -x
export buildfolder="$(find . -regex '.\/temp[^\/]*\/WebGL\/Build' -print -quit)"
if [ -z "$buildfolder" ]; then
echo "Could not find build folder"
exit 1
if [ ! -d ./tmp ]; then
git clone "https://${nickname}:${githubkey}${nickname}/${repositorie}" ./tmp
cp -r "$buildfolder" ./tmp
cd ./tmp
git add Build
git config --global "$githubemail"
git config --global "$nickname"
git commit -m "unity cloud build"
git push --force
and added these envirement varibles in my unity cloud build console
picture of envirement vars

Setting a sh file to git bash

I've created a Python "automation" task that will initialize a repository on github and then on my bash function I'll be creating a folder, initialize the repository as the code bellow shows:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
function repo() {
python C:/Users/wsm/PycharmProjects/GitAutomation/ $1
cd C:/Users/wsm/$1
start .
git init
git remote add origin <mygithublink>/$1.git
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master
code .
The only problem is that I have to use source command everytime I close a git bash to enable the command repo (Name of the function) again. Any ideas on how to make that command permanent on Windows 10?

howto find out which git submodule current directory belongs to

i have a git repo located in /home/v/git_repo, in which i have a submodule localted in subdirectory ./a/b/c.
$ cat /home/v/git_repo/.gitmodules
[submodule "foo/bar"]
path = a/b/c
url =
having the full path or only the in-repository subpath (that i have implemented in helper script git-where-in-repo-am-i-currently)
$ pwd
$ git where-in-repo-am-i-currently
i want to find out (preferably in fish) which submodule this path belongs to: e.g
$ git which-submodule (pwd)
to later use it to query that submodules status like
$ git -C (git rev-parse --git-dir)/modules/(git which-submodule) status
on branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'
and ultimately display this information in my prompt (that part is already implemented)
what i tried
parsing the output of
$ git -C (git rev-parse --show-toplevel) config --file=.gitmodules --get-regexp "path"` a/b/c
and comparing my sub-directory path to that of a submodule, but it was rather a mess, with splitting pathes into arrays and all kinds of hacks
For the usual setup you've described here, with the worktree nesting matching the submodule nesting, you can
mytoplevel=`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
abovethat=`git -C "$mytoplevel"/.. rev-parse --show-toplevel`
echo ${mytoplevel#$abovethat/}
will get you the submodule path in the superproject, or you can
echo ${PWD#$abovethat/}
to get your current directory's path relative to the superproject.
me=`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
up=`git -C "$me"/.. rev-parse --show-toplevel`
git -C "$up" config -f .gitmodules --get-regexp '^submodule\..*\.path$' ^$subpath$
gets you the current repo's submodule name and path from the config entry in its superproject.
Git can be useful in any imaginable build system, though; it doesn't impose restrictions on how things outside its remit are set up. So short of an exhaustive search of the filesystem namespace you can't be sure you've found everybody using any worktree as a submodule checkout, there's just no reason for Git to care how a repository is used.
For instance, if multiple projects all need to run off the same submodule rev, you can have a single repo and worktree serve as a shared submodule for them all: rather than have to go through every single one of them and do synchronized checkouts, and then trusting that you haven't missed one, just use one repo, with one worktree, and point everybody using it at that.
For workflows with that need, this can be compellingly better than the usual setup, all users by definition see a synchronized, current submodule revision and any client who needs to know "what's new" with an update can e.g. git -C utils diff `git rev-parse :utils` HEAD, every submodule user effectively has their own tracking branch and can use all of Git's tools to help stay current or resolve conflicts.
So, to recreate your setup, I do:
git init git_repo; cd $_
mkdir a/b; git init a/b/c; cd $_
mkdir something; touch something/somefile;
git add .; git commit -m-
cd `git -C .. rev-parse --show-toplevel`
git submodule add --name foo/bar ./a/b/c -- a/b/c
git add .; git commit -m-
Then I get this when I try it:
$ find -print -name .git -prune
$ git grl
core.repositoryformatversion 0
core.filemode true
core.bare false
core.logallrefupdates true /home/jthill/src/snips/git_repo/a/b/c true
$ cd a/b/c/something
$ me=`git rev-parse --show-toplevel`
$ up=`git -C "$me"/.. rev-parse --show-toplevel`
$ subpath=${me#$up/}
$ git -C "$up" config -f .gitmodules --get-regexp '^submodule\..*\.path$' ^$subpath$ a/b/c
$ echo $me $up $subpath
/home/jthill/src/snips/git_repo/a/b/c /home/jthill/src/snips/git_repo a/b/c
If there's a difference between this setup and what you've described, I'm missing it, I've got the directory structure, the submodule name, the start directory... if you'll step through that and find where the setup or results diverge from yours I think that'd help.
