where are the missing settings in Tools=>options? - visual-studio-2010

I'm trying to integrate Beyond Compare with VS.net 2010 Ultimate, I found this post, but my Tools =>Options dialog has almost nothing in it. For example, there are no "Project and Solutions" nor Source Control nodes. I assume I'm missing something basic, so where are the other option nodes?
This is what I see:

Click "Show all settings" checkbox. It will solve issue.


Disable Visual Studio code style recommendations

Is there a way to get Visual studio to stop spamming me with these messages?
Visual Studio version info
I am also running Resharper 2021.1.2 which I have set up with the recommendations I want.
This is what I did for my .NET Framework project:
Open up the project properties, and click the Code Analysis tab. You'll see the active rule is Microsoft Managed Recommended Rules. To the right, there's a Configure button. Click that.
There's going to be a notice at the top saying "This is a Microsoft rule set and cannot be modified." That's ok. Click the dropdown for Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features and uncheck all of the IDE#### hints that are bothering you.
Hit ctrl+s to save your new ruleset. Because this is now a custom ruleset you will be prompted with a place to save it. You can save it anywhere and name it whatever you want.
Now, back in the Code Analysis tab in your project settings, click the Active rules dropdown. Second from the bottom there is a <Browse...> option. Choose that and select the .ruleset file you just saved in the previous steps.
For me my active rule is now Copy of Microsoft Managed Recommended Rules, so if you see that you're on the right track.
The IDE hints should now be gone!
I should add that something still didn't feel right with me. I eventually went through and deleted all my .dotsettings files and .editorconfig files, and reset my resharper settings (Extensions -> Resharper -> Options... -> Manage... -> Reset All Settings). This also fixed my unwanted hint problems.

Visual Studio 2019 "Solution Explorer" "View Code" icon C#

Does anyone else have this issue? There does not seem to be a way to edit the Solution Explorer toolbar. One of the icons for Solution Explorer is missing in my C# projects.
I am using Version 16.10.3.
I managed to add this icon to the wrong place, but maybe you can find the right place and update this answer.
I did this by customizing menus:
Clicking Tools | Customize...
Selecting Commands tab
Clicking Add Command...
Selecting View
Selecting View Code, and then OK
It looks like what you have to do is find the right place to add it in the first place.
The options under Commands are Menu bar, Toolbar, and Context menu, none of which seems to fit. I looked around briefly; maybe you can do a more in depth search to find the right spot.
I have several extensions installed. One of these modifies the Solution Explorer behavior for dynamic nodes. It's possible that extension or another is interfering with this icon. Try also disabling your extensions and see if that has an effect.
Folks, I figured out the issue. When you create a .NET Core 5.0 project the VS environment is setup different. I deleted the .NET 5.0 project and recreated as a .NET Standard one with the same name and the icon showed up again.
In fact, the Studio 'solution' version is different although your using the exact same VS application. Problem solved for now.

Visual Studio Missing stuff in Tools Options

So I started using VS 2013 over a year ago now, but I never noticed I was missing options until I tried to use TypeScript and set the "Automatically compile ..." to true.
The only (Tools -> options -> text) Editor items I have are (General, JavaScript, CSS Advanced, HTML). (See Pic)
I am also missing a lot of other things in Options that everyone else seems to have.
I thought maybe I just didn't include stuff when I installed, but when I go to add optional features through (Add Remove Programs -> Modify) everything is checked except "Blend for Visual Studio". (See Pics)
I can't find anything on the web relating to my problem. Can anyone give me some direction.
I do see a "Show all settings" checkbox at the bottom, did you try checking this?
I don't personally use visual studio but I know there are differences between version offerings. https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/compare-visual-studio-products-vs.aspx
Have you checked which versions those with these options are using?

Code Window does not highlight selected (usually .cs) file in "Solution Explorer"

My Visual Studio has done something really weird.
Usually, when you are in the "edit window" and are changing code, the file you are editing will highlight in "Solution Explorer".
Also, if all projects are "collapsed" in "Solution Explorer", and then there is a file already open (as in, you can see its "tab"), when you click the tab of that file (to be able to edit it), the Solution-Explorer will un-collaspse that project and highlight the file you are editing.
My "Solution-Explorer-Highlight-The-Current-File" function has stopped working.
I can move from tab to tab to tab, and Solution-Explorer doesn't react at all.
I've googled and binged, and I either get 5 billions hits ... or none. The key phrases are too ambiguous I think.
Anybody ever seen this one?
I have VS2010 on the same machine, and it works just fine.
I have one Add-In installed, but it is installed in both VS2010 and VS2012. Thus I don't think it's the culprit.
Smaller hammer.
From the menu: Tools -> Options
From the tree: Projects and Solutions -> General
On the form check: Track Active Item in Solution Explorer
From here:
How do I truly reset every setting in Visual Studio 2012?
I found this "Big Hammer" command line switch.
I used it.
And now it works.
I hate to answer something myself, but just in case somebody hits this in the future.

VS2010 will not display project properties ("underlying RCW")?

Only sometimes (I haven't yet noticed a pattern), VS2010 shows the following error (where I'd expect the body of the property page to be) when I right-click on a project (various types of projects) and select "Properties":
I can typically view the project pages after restarting VS2010. I'm using the RTM version.
What can cause this error?
LepardUK. I had the same issue and finally found out what had gone wrong. It's misbehaving addin - TestDriven.NET. But things could be different for you. But anyway, it's addins. The process to find this is that you Goto "Tools -> Options" dialog. Goto "Environment -> Add-ins/Macros Security" node. Uncheck "Allow add-in components to load". And then restart VS 2010 to see if the issue goes away. If it does, then it must be an addin in those folders specified. And next step is to enable addins to load, and remove the directories in the list one by one to identity which addin caused the issue. And at last, disable or simply remove/uninstall it.
I had the same problem with Productivity Power Tools extension or StyleCop, don't remember which one. Update fixed it.
