How to add richtext (wysiwyg) field to a Magento widget - magento

I created a few small widgets for magento. Everything fine, but I can`t seem to figure out how to add a richtext (tinymce wysiwyg) field to my widget.
Only thing I find on this is: "use ‘wysiwyg’ => true" in "$fieldset->addField". But I cannot use this in my custom widget, can I?
I understand that I can use addField to add a field to for example a product or CMS page.
But the only way of adding fields in my custom widget, as far as I know, is by adding parameters in my widget.xml. Other widget I build by following some tutorial returns a button, by using a custom type as parameter:
$removeButton = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/widget_button')
->setLabel($this->__('Remove Image'))
But i just can`t figure out how to add a richtext field in either my Widget.xml or my phpfile for the custom type.
What am I missing? Hope someone can help me out.

There are a few related entries here on stackoverflow, try searching if you are still having problem with this. Also, have a look at this brilliant article:
It helped me getting started. I got it working as a plain text field but whenever I turn the field to true WYSIWYG the content is never updated and the AJAX call does not contain the new HTML.


where i can change the words of Newsletter in Magento2

i am very new of Magento2, I saw in the "page" that this form should be used to call out the newsletter form :
{{block class="Magento\Newsletter\Block\Subscribe"
But I would like to change the words of this form, or add more words there. I have already tried looking for in the system but didn't find it and I dont know where to change it. Does anyone can help ?
There are 2 approaches for changing words inside that form.
If you want to change this form for everywhere on your Magento system, you can override it inside your theme.
If you want to change this form to a specific page, you can create your own template and assign it.

Change text of Please fill out this field tooltip in Joomla 3

It is set by default that when I create input fields and set them to be required, when users don't fill in anything, they got a massage:
Please fill out this field
I am creating a website with Joomla, and this tooltip pops out in every browser displaying the above text. How to change the text.
I tried to look up in Joomla language ini files, but no success. Is there some easy way to change this, or some advice where it could be?
This is not a Joomla string, it's the message displayed by the HTML5 required attribute. To change the message you have to check the loads of suggestions in the following questions:
HTML5 form required attribute. Set custom validation message?
How to change default “please fill out this field” in two field
if you are writing your own component (or module/plugin), it sounds like this is the description - field in the form-xml for your component. If the form is auto-generated from a component-creator, the file should be found in
but some more info on where/what you are doing would help.
regards Jonas

Tumblr: how do I remove the description/sidebar box on the submit page in the default Peter Vidani theme?

I have a tumblr account that has submission enabled, and I have a short description with a form in the "description" area that appears on the sidebar. However, this description also appears on I'd like to remove it.
I looked at the documentation on, but haven't been able to figure out how to prevent the sidebar description from showing at the top of the submit page.
Can anyone help?
I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly. But if I did, a work around would be using jQuery to check if the current url contains the string /submit and simply disable the sidebar, or the element that contains the description.
I don't know jQuery but I know it's possible. I'd suggest you to look into this post:
How to check if the URL contains a given string?
and combine it with this line (replace the "alert part")
Another solution would be if Tumblr provided you with a way to only render for specific pages. They usually do that. I'd look into this part {block:SubmissionsEnabled} {/block:SubmissionsEnabled} before I go with the workaround.

How to display the “Menu Title” in Joomla 2.5

I’m trying to display the menu title text (example “Home”) in the header area of my Joomla 2.5 website.
Joomla’s default (when activated) is to place it in the Component area.
I’m not sure the best way to accomplish this. By default Joomla wraps the menu title with an H1 tag but doesn’t wrap it with a div and class.
The ways I’ve thought might be best to do this are:
Somehow wrap all menu titles with a div and class so I could reposition them up into the header with css .
Add some php code to my template. Something like:
$menuTitle = $this->params->get(‘fieldNameOfMenuTitle’);
echo = $menuTitle;
Any ideas, suggestions, or answers would greatly appreciated
Never found an exact answer but found a work around.
Used a modified version of the below demo/plug-in to create a custom field (named it: "Title that displays on the Web Page") in the articles menu. By default, the table that is created and displayed in the web page is in the component area and is wrapped in a w/ a class. Repositioned the with CSS up into the header/banner area.

Adding pager to custom collection block

Sorry for the redundancy of this question, but none of the example and solutions have worked for me. I have a custom module that extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_List. The only function in it is _getProductCollection which sets the product collection based on which attribute you want to filter on. It's pretty simple and there are no layout updates involved. I put the block on the page by putting the following into the Content section of a CMS page:
{{block type="vps_featured/list" name="vps_featured_list" attribute_name="best_sellers" template="catalog/product/sale_list.phtml"}}
Since it extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_List, I get all the bells and whistles for a product list page, including the toolbar. However, the pager isn't there. I've tried a number of different suggestions but none have helped.
I looked in Toolbar.php in the core code and found where it calls getPagerHtml. I put some debug statements in there and determined that it calls this function when putting my custom block on the page but $this->getChild('product_list_toolbar_pager') is not returning the block, presumably because it isn't there. I tried adding the block using a layout update XML file and adding the <frontend><layout><updates>... tags to my config, but this didn't seem to do anything.
I have Alan Storm's CommerceBug extension, so I pulled that up and exported the layout XML for the page. It doesn't contain any toolbar block at all, despite the fact that the toolbar is on the page and only the pager isn't working. If I do the same thing on a category landing page, it shows the toolbar block in the layout xml. So I've clearly missed something here, but I'm at a loss as to what. I hope someone can help :)
As it turns out, the solution found HERE works great! You have to add the block using the Layout Update XML rather than adding it in the content section. I still don't quite understand why, but it works.
There already was question about Getting pager to show on magento list
