StringHTTPMessageConverter loading all charsets causing java heap jump - performance

We are having a portlet application which uses Spring 3.1.0.Final and deployed on WAS 6.1.
We have multiple portlets using Spring MVC in past. This is the first portlet with Spring 3. I am using annotations and autowiring in most of the places in the code.
When this application is deployed in server the base heap usage jumped by 25+ MB.
I did profiling using Jprofiler and found that StringHTTPMessageConverter is loading all charsets in memory which occupies around 14 MB of memory ( takes up memory)
Since it is a portlet app I have org.springframework.web.portlet.mvc.annotation.Ann otationMethodHandlerAdapter bean explicity defined in my configuration and not org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.Ann otationMethodHandlerAdapter
This is what I have tried doing so far
1) Change StringHttpMessageConvertor settings
Defined the following bean in my configuration
<bean class = "org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.An notationMethodHandlerAdapter">
<property name = "messageConverters">
<bean class = "org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMess ageConverter">
<property name = "supportedMediaTypes">
No luck with this.
2) I have defined in my config file. As suggested in some posts I also tried the above configuration by commenting out the tag. But no luck.
3) As suggested in some forums I Tried to write BeanPostProcessor but it could not find the StringHttpMessageConverter class.
Do I need to explicitly define org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.Ann otationMethodHandlerAdapter in my configuration?
My questions are
1) Is there any way to avoid all charsets loading up in memory?
2) Also Is the 25 MB jump in base heap justifiable ? What is the usual memory foot print of Spring 3.1.0 ?
I am running out of ideas Any help regarding fine tuning the Spring framework would be highly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards

Update: Problem Solved, removed tag from the configuration. We are using Portlet MVC Annotation Handler adapters so Servlet MVC Annotation handler Adapters were unnecessary and are not needed at all. The StringHttpMessageConvertor was pulled in by Servlet MVC Annotation Handler tag. The StringHttpMessageConvertor in its constructor has code to pull in the charsets in the memory.


How can I display a JBoss property in JSTL (without using Java)?

I’m using JBoss 7.1.3 and Spring 3.2.11.RELEASE. I have this property defined in my $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml file
<property name=“myProperty” value=“myValue”/>
In my JSP, through JSTL, is it possible to access this value without any additional code in a Java servlet? If I need to put something in a Spring XML application context file to accommodate this, that’s fine with me.
Assuming those are real system properties, just add a ServletContextListener to your application, and in its contextInitialized() method, store the system properties in the servlet context:
servletContext.setAttribute("systemProperties", System.getProperties());
Then, in any JSP:
<c:out value="${systemProperties.myProperty}"/>

Spring #Cacheable not working - what's wrong with my config?

I've seen many incarnations of this same issue but I think I've tried all the fixes - my usage is quite straightforward.
I had been using Ehcache which also didn't work. So, to rule out Ehcache issues and help point to something more fundamental, I moved to SimpleCacheManager and ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean.
Here's my config:
<bean id="cacheManager" class="">
<property name="caches">
<bean class="org.springframework.cache.concurrent.ConcurrentMapCacheFactoryBean" p:name="parentAppIds"/>
Here's my method:
#Cacheable(value="parentAppIds", key="accountNumber")
public Long findApplicationId(String accountNsc, String accountNumber) throws EMSException {
This is a method on an interface, who's implementing class is Spring managed #Service("foo")
I tried using 'p0' as is suggested here but to no avail. I have no compilation problems and no errors in my server logs so I'm confident that I have all that is necessary on my classpath; and that Namespaces are all fine, since I'm using STS for that - so I left out pom.xml and spring Namespace declarations to block noise.
I'm using Spring 3.1; Java 1.5 and Websphere 6.1
The symptom is that the method is being visited with the same parameters repeatedly.
Please help - I'm hungry and refuse to go for lunch until I nail this.
note: I have simplified my #Cacheable declaration my actual one is
#Cacheable(value="parentAppIds", key="#p0.concat('-').concat(#p1)")
Neither work.
** Edit - I've ruled out Websphere as being a problem by creating a test rig with
which mimics what is happening. #Cacheable is simply not working. There must be something blindingly obvious that I am missing. (I've had lunch now)
My issue is resolved. Unfortunately I cannot pinpoint exactly where my issue lay. Certainly, all that is required is that which I have mentioned in my question.
TO fix this, I tidied up my Spring configuration a bit and cleared my browser and application server cache and temp directories. I did a full clean install and cache is now working.
It is possible that I was testing with an earlier version which did not include this important line in the application config:
I had omitted that at the start. Maybe my adding of that was not picked up until now. Otherwise I am stumped. Thanks for your time.
Did you perhaps change
#Cacheable(value="parentAppIds", key="accountNumber")
#Cacheable(value="parentAppIds", key="#accountNumber")
as adding the # that removed one error for me while trying to get caching working.

Spring customised PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

I have config xml based spring application for which I have moved proprties required at start up time in database. It was very difficult to manage hundreds in property file and that is why database is introduced. To read properties a spring restful service is developed to return a map of all properties required at start up time.
I want to know how to replace properties reading from a map to spring context file e.g. ${config.service.url} should be polulated from a map read via web service.
One option I considered is to upgrade to Annotation based and start using MapPropertySource and Environment interface as environment.getRequiredProperty("config.service.url"). However upgrading to Annotation based is a big impact on project and is no at this time.
Second option that I am looking forward is to have a customised PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer.
Any pointer/help on this will be great.
You could define a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, but instead of specifying a file location, you can pass the properties directly as returned by your restful service.
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="properties" .../>

Loading Liferay Properties from Spring IoC container (to get jdbc connection parameters)

I'm developing some portlets for Liferay Portal 5.2.3 with bundled tomcat 6.0.18 using Spring IoC container.
I need to map the User_ table used in Liferay database to an entity with Hibernate, so I need to use two different dataSources to separate the liferay db from the db used by portlets.
My has to hold all connection parameters for both databases: no problem for the one used by portlets, but I am having issues determining which database uses liferay to hold its data.
My conclusion is that i should have something like this:
in order to get the database url dynamically loaded, according to Liferay properties found in (Or, better, load the whole and read database properties from there).
The problem is that the placeholder is not resolved:
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Invalid bean definition with name 'liferayDataSource' defined in class path resource [WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml]: Could not resolve placeholder 'liferay.home'
To dodge this problem I tried to load explicitly with a Spring bean:
<bean id="liferayPropertiesConfigurer"
but no luck: liferay.home is not resolved but there aren't other errors.
How can I resolve the placeholder defined by Liferay? Thanks
You can use PropsUtil class (from Liferay) to get values of
String value = PropsUtil.get("key");
For loading properties files from an applicationContext.xml file I usually use the PropertiesFactoryBean specifying the location property with a the name of the file located in the classpath, like this:
<bean name="myHibernateProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
<property name="location">
Make sure the properties files are in a folder/package that is in the classpath.
You can call PropsUtil using SpringEL. for example:
I haven't tried exactly this. but you could load the liferay properties that you need with the following:
<util:properties id="liferayProps">
<prop key="liferay.home">#{T(com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.PropsUtil).get('liferay.home')}</prop>

why is jax-ws spring service reference prefixed with #, as in ws:service bean="#myService"

I've developed a web service with jax-ws and Spring using the tutorials at the jax-ws commons website. It shows you how to define and reference your service from your spring applicationContext file (
What is the reason for the "#" when referencing the web service? I would expect to see something more like
<ws:service name="myEventWS" ref="eventWebService"/>
but following example at the above link I created the following which works.
<bean id="eventWebService" class="com.myws.EventWS">
<property name="model" ref="EventModel"/>
<wss:binding url="/EventWS">
<ws:service bean="#eventWebService"/>
<ws:service> is using a custom configuration namespace, which is a feature of Spring which allow you to express complex bean graphs using simpler namespace. The meaning and interpretation of these custom namespaces is down to the implementation in question, in this case the JAX-WS-Commons project. It seems the authors of that decided that bean=#eventWebService means what you refer to as ref="eventWebService".
I don't know whay they did it that way, maybe they thought it was more readable... maybe they thought that bean=eventWebService (without the hash) means a name, rather than a reference... I don't know. The documentation isn't very clear either.
Either way, I'm pretty sure sure it's not a core Spring syntax, nor a convention that I've seen before.
the "#" tells the bean that it's not a class, but rather a ref.
#eventWebService refers to the bean of type EventWebService (according to the default Spring naming convention when bean is is not specified).
