CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified Roo - spring

I'm busy doing the Pizza Tutorial and when ever I get to the perform tests command I get the above error. I checked Windows Path and added all the necessary links to the STS file. I am at a loss. This is the fourth time I have tried this tutorial and get stuck at this command. Please help, it is frustrating me.

In case someone stumbles upon this problem again, recent versions of maven for windows renamed the executable to mvn.cmd while Spring Roo expects mvn.bat to be there. Just copy mvn.cmd and rename the copy to mvn.bat and the perform commands should work.

Check that you have Maven installed and that it's included in your PATH.
(the "perform" commands in Roo Console are actually invoking Maven)


Nifi won't start

Can't get NiFi to even start, I think I've made a really obvious mistake, but there is no bin folder immedietly in the directory that I unzipped, which I downloaded from here
The file structure in the folder that I have is like this:
Clearly have a bit of a stupid problem, appreciate the help.
There is a bin folder nested away in nifi-nar-bundles, but the .bat doesn't run.
You need to download the binary zip or tar, not the source zip.
Bryan has provided the simplest solution. However, if you are interested in building it from source, you can use Apache Maven to compile the source code you have downloaded into an executable application. The complete steps are here, but in summary:
Open a command prompt in this directory
Ensure Maven >= 3.1.0 and Java 8 are installed
Run the command mvn clean install -T2.0C -DskipTests (clean and install this application with 2 threads per core and skip running unit and integration tests)
When the build is complete, change the directory to nifi-assembly\target\nifi-1.5.0-bin\nifi-1.5.0\
You will now see the bin, conf, lib, logs, etc. directories
Run bin\nifi.bat start to start NiFi

"Directory creation was not successful for an unknown reason" error with Ant on Mac

I have a project that builds and works on Windows but when I've brought it over to MacOS (Sierra) and set up Resin, Ant, and the rest of my project in IntelliJ the build is failing with a fairly ambiguous error:
build.xml:24: Directory /java/ant-build/classes creation was not successful for an unknown reason
Image of the full error message
At first I thought it was a permissions issue but I ran chmod 755 on the two directories and still am getting this error. I also tried updating to a newer version of Ant to replace IntelliJ's built in one with brew install ant#1.9 but that didn't help either.
Does anyone know of any changes that need to be made to projects when migrating from Windows to Mac? I'm the first one at the company to migrate this project to Mac so unfortunately the others don't know much about this.
Both are using:
IntelliJ IDE 2017.1.2
Built in IntelliJ Ant (1.9.4)
Resin 4.0.51
As the comments on the main post point out, this was a permissions issue where the ant was trying to build in the root directory
I had to change my file so the paths were point towards my $HOME directory.

maven doesnt seem to be installing with springsource tool suite

I recently installed the springsource tool suite plugin for eclipse, running on windows 7. But when I open a command prompt (by typing cmd in the windows start menu) and type in:
mvn --version
I get the following response:
'mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.
So I then downloaded the stand-alone version of springsource tool suite, which is not what I want. And nonetheless, I still get the same response on the command line when I type in mvn --version. Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?
I get the same response when I type in java -version . So this might be a command prompt problem. I a following the exact syntax from web tutorials.
I just tried to download m2e in the eclipse marketplace, but got the message that there is nothing new to install. This seems to indicate that I have maven installed, so then how do I access it via the command line in windows 7?
You have to configure your Maven environment variable to be able to use it in the command prompt.
In your case there's no need to download the maven binars because it comes with STS, just find the Maven folder inside the STS directory.
"___" is not recognized as an internal or external command
is shown when program is not installed or the path of that program is not set (to execute from other path).
remember, in "STS", maven is not configured to work out of STS (and terminal usage is out of STS usage).
we have to install it.
maven download link is here
download latest maven from here
extract it where ever you want.
i extracted as below (see the bin,boot,conf,... folders are shown below as in the image):
as this maven download is extracted from zip file (it is not setup), you will have to add this extracted path to "PATH" variable in windows environment.
follow this to set environment path:
now "mvn" command must work.
in my case i had to restart STS (spring tool suit) for this to work

Coverity installation and database setup (cov-install-gui)

I am new to using coverity and this might not be a very challenging question, but I would appreciate it greatly if someone could guide me through the process of setting up the .
I first ran the following command:
cov-configure --compiler /usr/bin/gcc --comptype gcc
This created a few files pertaining to the above command in my /config directory.
The real problem occurs when I run the cov-install-gui command to setup the defect manager and the database, I am not sure what to input for the --datadir option. When I passed in an empty directory (as a mere attempt), it complains saying that coverity_db does not exist within the empty directory.
Its not clear to me as to where I can find the coverity_db directory or how to install it?
I feel like I am missing something from the cov-configure command, but I am not sure.
Also I am using, Linux CentOS 5.4 and Coverity prevent 4.5
Thanks in advance
You are using an old and no longer supported version of Coverity Prevent (4.5 or older) since you are referencing the Defect Manager.
Current version is 6.0 so you should not be using the version that you are.
The answer to your question is that data directory is any directory that will be used to write the results and GUI files, so you can just specify any file path that doesn't already exist and it will create the directory and the files it needs in that directory.

launch4j exe has nothing to say for itself, anyone got a suggestion?

Running on Linux, I've used launch4j to package an exe.
I copy the exe into my Windows 7 VM, and run it.
And nothing happens.
I run it with --l4j-debug, and nothing still happens (at least, if there's a log file, I cannot find it).
Is there some diagnostic technology that I'm missing here?
Create a console version of your EXE (in the "Header" tab, change "Header type" from "GUI" to "Console") and run that from a CMD prompt.
Most likely you will see an exception message in the console, and that will explain why your app is failing to start.
The .jar file needs to be an executable JAR file. Make sure it is and try creating the .exe file with the executable jar file. This should solve it!
