How to configure maven resource plugin to complain when a property for resource filtering is not found? - maven

My question is simple: I want maven to give me some error messages when any property is not found during resource filtering.
I didn't find any clue in the official maven docs.
So how could I do this?

I would suggest to take a deep look at the maven-enforcer-plugin which can be used for such things:
<message>You must set a basedir property!</message>
<regexMessage>The basedir property must contain at least one digit.</regexMessage>
<message>"Project version must be specified."</message>
<regexMessage>"Project version must end in a number or -SNAPSHOT."</regexMessage>


Could I use maven and dependency-check-maven plugin to validate contens of ear file?

Is it possible to use maven and dependency-check-maven plugin to validate contens of already built ear file ? I'm trying something like below but I have no idea where I could point file which I want to verify
I've found resolution. I point directory under plugin level. It forces plugin to check all files placed there

Get the semantic versioning components within a Maven POM [duplicate]

Is it possible to get the major version (<Major>.<Minor>.<Patch>) of the project.version?
For example if my version is 1.3.4, I'd like to get 1 to later use it in a configuration of the same pom.xml
Something like:
If not, what are the alternatives?
Found it. The build-helper-maven-plugin has the ability to parse-out the components of the version.
<echo>[version] ${project.version}</echo>
<echo>[majorVersion] ${parsedVersion.majorVersion}</echo>
This works on Maven 3.3.9:
Versions don't necessarily come in the structure you describe.
Maven has conventions for trailing numbers, but you don't have to use them.
If you have a convention that you like that you want to disassemble, you can write your own maven plugin that sets several properties to the several pieces as you define them.

Is there a way in maven to assure that a property is set

I just tracked down a difficult maven issue that was caused by a bad property value.
The property is a path to an alternate JVM that is used a run-time by a test.
I would like to make maven fail early by detecting if the path is valid or not.
What might be a way to accomplish this?
I plan to dig into antrun to see if there is a way to make it run first so that it can check, but that seems like overkill.
Question: How can I do this cleanly and simply?
You can use the Enforcer Maven Plugin and its Require Property rule, where you can enforce the existence of a certain property, optionally with a certain value (a matching regex), and fail the build otherwise.
This rule can enforce that a declared property is set and optionally evaluate it against a regular expression.
A simple snippet would be:
<message>You must set a basedir property!</message>
<regexMessage>The basedir property must contain at least one digit.</regexMessage>
Yes, you can use the maven-enforcer-plugin for this task. This plugin is used to enforce rules during the build and it has a built-in requireFilesExist rule:
This rule checks that the specified list of files exist.
The following configuration will enforce that the file ${}/foo.txt exists and will fail the build if it does not.
Use the Require Files Exist rule of the Maven Enforcer plugin.

Could not lookup required component: java.util.NoSuchElementException

I started testing a Maven plug-in via the maven-invoker-plugin, and am stuck with a weird exception:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project org.acme.simple: Could not lookup required component: java.util.NoSuchElementException
[ERROR] role:
I added the maven-invoker-plugin like this:
I -erm- borrowed the settings.xml from this Maven plug-in. And what fails in the pom.xml to be tested is this call:
After some more digging around, I figure that Tycho is at least part of the problem:
If I remove #project.version# it works, but it's evidently not the current version of the plug-in that is tested. So I guess I have to leave it in. I tried adding maven-compat (as suggested here), but it didn't do anything.
The same exception is displayed when I don't add the plug-in in the pom.xml, but call it via:
Any advice how to handle that problem?
Evidently this plug-in got lost somehow, adding it again made the exception go away:

Maven - Excluding Resource from a specific artifact

I'm new to maven, and found myself stuck with something which is really bothering me.
I have a multi-module project, and my parent pom.xml contains the following plugin:
This code generates a file and places them in each of my module jar files.
I was wondering if it's possible to make this code create the file for only 2 modules out of the 3.
For example if I have modules: A, B and C.
I would like the file to be in A and B but not in C.
I hope I explained myself well enough, in case not please let me know.
Thanks in advance,
Best solution would be moving this plugin configuration to the project/build/pluginManagement element of the parent pom:
and call it at project/build/plugins in module poms:
if such refactoring of parent pom is not allowed then override plugin configuration with skip set into true or use the none phase to disable unwanted plugin calls:
