Profiling option for application developed using PEGA - performance

I am from Performance Engineering background, we have a workflow application developed using PEGA.Is it possible to Profile that application using JProfiler or is there any tool available exclusively to Profile the applications developed using PEGA

A long as it's running on the JVM, you can profile it with JProfiler.
In the JProfiler GUI, invoke
Session->Integration Wizards->New Remote Integration
and follow the steps in the wizard. Basically, you will have to insert a VM parameter that enabled profiling.
Alternatively, you can use Session->Quick Attach to profile any running JVM on your system.


Recommanded hardware configuration for Cypress CI Test Machines

Is there any recommended/suggested configuration for machines to setup as CI Test Executors for Cypress UI Scripts (If information could be shared for all OS platform will help - Windows, Linux & Mac)
I tried to find these information from the official documentation at the official docs here. But no luck(yet)!
So maybe from your past experience, What could be best hardware configuration to go for in below cases,
when planning to run in parallel testing mode with 4 machines
when just using single machine
Scenario: Let's assume there are 50 scenarios (Web UI validation End to End scripts), and each script takes around ~3mins to finish

How to run UFT script without having UFT installed

I want to know whether is there any way to run script written in UFT without having UFT installed in your PC.
Can we export Script to some .vbs or .exe file? Or is there any alternate way through which we can execute scripts?
If you had developed the scripts using Object hierarchy, then you cannot run it without UFT. Scripts having only VBScript commands can be executed as .vbs, but we cannot do activities on Objects then.
But you can run UFT in Remote Desktop by providing it as parameters in 'CreateObject("Quicktest.Application",Remote Ip)'. Other than this, it is not possible to execute a UFT script outside UFT.
You can't execute scripts without UFT installed. That being said, from UFT 12.50 onwards, HP is providing a standalone component called as "Run Time Engine". Here is the snapshot.
The HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) Runtime Engine is a core component
of UFT which enables you to run various tests (GUI, API and BPT) in functional
testing. In previous UFT versions, this feature was only available with the full
UFT installation. However, beginning with version 12.50, you can use the Runtime Engine as a standalone installation option for your automated testing environment.
Definately possible.
UFT has introduced a new feature called LeanFT . It just requires installation of LeanFT jars and requires a method to call them
You now can with the UFT Runtime Engine. More information can be found at this link.
From that site:
The UFTRuntime Engine enables you to run UFT tests (both GUI and API)
and business process tests on your computer without installing the
entire UFT IDE. In addition, you can also install the Runtime Engine
without the Run Results Viewer, UFT Add-in for ALM, sample
applications, or Help documentation. This can potentially save you
valuable disk space on your computer
You need UFT 14 v or above to make it use.
UFT 12 doesn't have that this feature

framework--Deployment,Configuration and continuous integration without server reboot

If you wanted to a platform or framework upon which to build modular software that could be deployed and configured without full server bounces/reboots and works with continuous integration, what solution would you select, and why?

Using continuous integration to deploy to a virtual machine to run integration tests

Has anyone any experience of setting up a CI server (team city for preference) to manage the creation of a virtual machine, deploying a package to the machine, getting the database to a known configuration then running integration tests. Tearing down the whole thing and reporting back to Team city the test status?
We do something like this, we have three types of tests. Unit tests which I am sure you are aware of but we also run a number of Acceptance Tests and Integration Tests and it is the latter to that are relevant.
In our integration tests we run a series of WatiN tests against our QA environment which is known to have an environment already running on it, these are usually run after TeamCity runs a deployment build to the QA environment. These tests do a full integration against all our external third parties.
What you might be more interested in is our Acceptance Tests but point to note we do not spin up a virtual environment (more on that later). We have a series of acceptance tests that spin up all the services in their own application domains and deploy database using visual studio database projects. Because these are acceptance tests all third party interfaces are mocked. Since the services are spun up in process the only thing to clean up at the end are the databases.
This works for us but I have been considering taking it to the next level with out integration tests and spinning up a virtual environment that looks exactly like our live environment down to domain names and IP addresses and this is entirely feasible but will be time consuming to do but will depend on the flavor of virtual environment you plan on using.
Here is an answered SO question on how to spin up Hyper-V servers using MSBuild but I am sure there are other examples using Ant/Nant/Rake for Hyper-V/VMWare etc.
How can I create virtual machines as part of a build process using MSBuild and MS Virtual Server and/or Hyper-V Server Virtualization?

How can I integrate a virtual machine into my automated unit tests in Visual Studio?

I've got some legacy software that I'd like to involve in an automated unit test (for testing network protocol compatibility) and because this software is old and runs in an outdated environment I'd like to encapsulate it in a virtual machine. What is the best way to control a virtual machine from a Visual Studio unit test? Once I have the vm configured and have saved the state appropriately, I will need to be able to start and stop the vm and possibly launch some programs inside the vm on command.
One consideration I do have is that I'd like for developers not to have to download the vm image if they aren't planning to run this test. The unit test may therefore have to also handle downloading the latest vm image from some location. Our convention is to tag long running tests with a special description so developers will be able to exclude this test during active development.
The virtual machine platforms provide a scripting API that let you control VMs from the command line. The VMware server docs and a video on Hyper-V Scripting are available.
You will need to include some logic in your build scripts to decide if you should execute the VM code, or just check for the presence of the VM on developers machines.
You may want to check out some of the NAnt and MSBuild task repositories for VM-related tasks to make this easier.
