Upload File With a Caption - oracle

How can I upload multiple files with its own caption?
I gave no problem to upload multiple files, but i have no idea on how to put the caption (as I am going to display the uploaded images in next page (report)).
Can you help me?

you can use the parameter cffile.clientFile for displaying that


Flask Image choose a local image and display it on html

I am running a flask server locally. I want to choose a local file first and display it on the website. Can I do this by not uploading it? If I can, how can I finish it? Thanks.
I just want to choose a file path using a file chooser and display it on HTML. But the solutions I get are all file uploading. Could you please help me with this?
Please refer this. HTML5 File API

TCPDF display blank page suddenly in Laravel

I used TCPDF in Laravel project for output pdf that was couple weeks ago. It worked perfect. I copy the project folder for backup. Today I tried to output pdf. Error 503 shows up. so I used backup data but it also problem browser ask me to open pdf or save pdf, when I open it it's all white blank pdf page. I'm guessing Is it my CDN problem?
I need pdf output function. Could you teach me what is cause please? and also if you have recommendation. I would like to know other PDF output library.

See images one FPDF - Laravel

I'm using Laravel and I install Anouar for export to PDF
It is working well, but i can't put images in my pdf files.
In what file do I have to put the image to see it, or how can Ipdf get the route to this file?
Is in public/src/images/timbreCDDOC.png
Do I have to put the image in some special folder?
If someone have the same problem...

Images not displaying in word File after linking images in the file

I have a word file.
I have inserted images by linking it to avoid more size of doc file. Here I have kept the all images into a folder and linked in the doc file. This works fine.
But, when I send to my friend the doc file the the image file, the images cannot be seen. Quite obvious due to path has been changed.
I don't want to host the images online. If I do, this will resolve if I'm online.
If I'm off line I can't view the images in the doc file.
How do I overcome this problem?
Why not just get your friend to edit hyperlinks to update it to location of each image on their machine?

CakePHP is interrupting images

I am using fckEditor as text editor. When i upload images thru it the images were uploaded to app/webroot/fckeditor/images.
And when they're embedded it looks like
Until now it looks right.
But the image doesn't appear.
So when I browse the image directly, at here
instead of displaying the URL, Cake interrupts the image call and trying to render it in a layout. I often face this error when I point .html file for iframe scroller and .xml file for flash embedding. This is really embarrassing
You can see the page here
That image should appear before the text - "More" dont appear for short text.
Thanks for you help.
Try to change the path where the images are saved. Instead of
try to change to
I believe that it's possible.
It's resolved now.
It was not cake's fault.
I pointed incomplete absolute path at FckEditor so it didn't upload the files well.
However the uploader mistakenly passes the "OK" so the HTML tries to display it.
So cake tries to render something, as usual, when there is no physical file.
I spent about 10 hours to resolve this.
Now I don't hate cake as I did a few hours ago. (: :)
