Howto export/import Magento reviews - magento

Due to all kind of upgrade-problems I want to export my 1.4.2 Magento webstore to version
I succesfully did an export/import with all my products but I also want to export/import my 140 reviews for several products. Is this possible and if so how exactly?

There is a free extension, "Product Review import/export", using dataflow profiles:
It's quite slow (surprise, surprise), but for 140 reviews that should not be a problem. Also I'd advise to delete the extension immediately after the import is done because it contains a potential security hole due to plain SQL queries with unescaped data.


Migrate magento 1.9.3 to prestashop

Actually I have 2 magento and I want to migrate both to one prestashop with multistore functionality.
I want migrate orders,products, and client. I show tutorials to migrate 1 magento to 1 prestashop. But I do not find nothing about migrate 2 magento to 1 prestashop multistore.
Some one can help to konow where start ?
Thank you
In Prestashop there is an option to import data from a CSV file. And they offer templates you can download in back office. This could be a good starting point.
Analyse thouse templates and figure out how you can fill them with data from your Magento site.
Generaly I would start by an analysis of SQL data structure of this two CMS and find out that field can go where from one to other. When I would write scripts that do the data migration. But first you have to understand well how data are organized and keept internaly in both.

Transferring / Migrating an entire Catalog in Magento

I've been trying to transfer the entire catalog from one Magento server to another and I've been experiencing some significant problems.
I can get most of the catalog data across, but I always end up missing something like product swatches, product categories or a product's custom options. To get these across I then end up building my own scripts that queries Magento, writes the data to a CSV file of my own design, and then write another script that will add this data to the other server.
Ive been asking the other developers in house, and apparently this is how they do every migration. They spend ages building lots of custom scripts just to transfer the catalog across, and apparently the different Magento sites are so different they have to build entirely new scripts when they transfer the next site.
Is this a common experience for everybody?
I feel like there must be a better way. Does anybody know of a better way to transfer the entire catalog (not just the products, but everything) to another server? Can we not just copy across the entire SQL Database?
You can export the products using Magento export wizard by going into System -> import/export ->export
Then from export settings select Entity type Products and Export File Format as CSV
After getting the CSV file you can import the whole catalog using the Magento same wizard or You can use data flow.
The other option around to import bigger catalogs in Magento is to Use Magmi.
I hope this will help
There are many ways you can migrate your magento store from one server to another.
If you want to transfer complete magento site, then you should try with database import/export. Its easy and fast process. You can follow Site Ground tutorial for this
If you want to transfer only data such as product, catalog, customers, orders etc, then you can try magmi importer its easy and fast for importing data. Also you can try magento data flow profiles as well.

how to Import products automatic in different domain?

I am working on magento 1.7 version.I have different stores and I need to sync all products and orders of different magento stores with my main magento store.
How could I do this?
There are some tools available for importing data into Magento. Syncing between two Magento installs would be a lot more complicated, but it can be done with enough effort.
Look into setting up Magmi: Magento Mass Importer for importing products into Magento and using the PHP-CLI interface along with an automatic cron-job to schedule automatic imports into your Magento install.

Best way to import 80.000 products in Magento every night?

So I've been asked by a client for an online store in which he need each night to delete all the products and import again aprox. 80.000 products.
Of course I thought about Magento. But as we all know the importing process is a pain in the ass.
The best option is to use MAGMI of course and the import doesn't take long and it also has a nice utility that quickly empties the database and resets the product ID counter.
The problem is with the bloody reindex operation.
MAGMI has a plugin called Magento Reindexer which doesn't work in my case. I guess it needs to ensure security configuration enable "shell_exec()" calls from php. I dunno how to do that.
To my only choice is to reindex using the browser from the admin.
Of course it's not the best solution specially since it times out and it doesn't work.
So I need to give the client two options:
to create a cron job that would use MAGMI's Clear Catalog utility to empty the database and then use MAGMI to import the same CSV file every night. So all the client would have to do is reupload the CSV file in the same location every night.
Give the client the possibility to manually make the import when he wants using MAGMI and of course empty the database using the same Clear Catalog utility from the MAGMI interface.
Either way I have to find a solution for the reindexing problem.
Does anyone have a similar experience or maybe a solution?
Thanks in advance!
You do not need to empty the database with each import. Magmi has the ability to update products on the fly without deleting them first.
If your concern is removing products that are no longer in the CSV, you can use a plugin I wrote and posted on StackOverflow here:
The indexer issue has also been asked about and answered on this site as well.
I urge you to search thoroughly before asking questions as there are several solutions already available for Magmi on this site.

Exporting and importing catalog, products data using phpmyadmin in Magento

I have a broken site and i want to clean install magento but i want to keep using my old catalog and products. Is it possible to extract and populate catalog from old db to new. please let me know how and which folder to copy.
Edit : I am not a expert in php mvc or magento so i wont dive into code as i have some frontcontroller error saying about the router reach 100 etc
Magento offers a "repair"-Tool for the Database, if your site is broken, tell us WHAT is broken? Is it the DB or did you screw up with code? None the less, its not easy backing up the catalog due to the EAV Model. If you have access to the backend try exporting your catalog as csv and reimport it again.
But to be honest: If your db is broken try to fix it, if your code is broken, try to find out what is broken and then come back again
