Crystal report subreport orientation VB6 - vb6

I am creating a report in VB6, in particular I have a main report with landscape orientation, then I insert a subreport again with landscape orientation but when I print it the sub-report appears to be portrait cuttig some data.
I set the printer properties orientation to both report and subreport.
Any idea on the reasons?
Thanks in advance,

If you go to Format Subreport ..., Can Grow should be checked. Also make sure the fields in the subreport are marked can grow.


How to fix SSRS Tablix column width?

I'm creating a report for MS Dynamics AX using SSRS. So far everything is working well, but this time i'm making a report consisting of many tablixes. Row height is fixed and there seem to be no issues from a horizontal perspective. Vertically however there is problem because columns are resizing randomly and my tablixes dont appear uniform. Everything appears perfect in design view but not in the output. Columns resize at run time. I have set the canGrow properties to false and resized all the columns manually but to no effect.
I've attached screenshots of my design and a small part of the preview/output.
Has anybody faced such an issue? Were they able to solve it?
I had a similar issue where I needed the cell to be 3.5 in, regardless of the data within it. The fix wound up being to set the padding in the blank cell to that width.

What property makes a sub-report to grow or shrink?

Previously when developing in SSRS 2008 I do not recall having any problems with the sub-reports: they grew or shrunk automatically w/o me having to do anything special about that.
Now I am looking at a bunch of reports that were created from Crystal by running some "tool" (I was not told what that tool was). And their sub-reports residing in the tablix cells do not want to grow or shrink.
If a sub-report is larger than the cell it is housed in, only the very first line would show and the rest would be clipped. If the sub-report is empty and I enlarged its parent cell to accommodate the report should it have data, then it would not shrink.
The sub-report objects have no CanGrow or CanShrink properties, and the tablix cell housing the sub-report would not have a TextBox that would have that property.
I can't assume that MS intended the sub-reports to always have specific size, as that would be terminally stupid, but also cannot find a solution here or elsewhere.
False alarm! The conversion tool has set all cells of any tablix to CanGrow=False. There were cells before and after the sub-report cells that caused the sub-reports to have fixed size.
Setting all cells that were of TextBox kind to CanGrow=True fixed the issue and also fixed clipping of the regular text/numbers of course.

Report Viewer Horizontal Print

How do I do to print a table in my report viewer Horizontally?
In the report designer, in the report properties page, set the Landscape orientation to Horizontal.

How to center the report title in RDLC file

I am trying to center the report title placed within report header on RDLC matrix report - this should have been quite straight-forward but I am struggling to achieve it.
I am using VS 2010 (SP1) report designer to edit the RDLC. The report is quite simple - it contains report header with two text-boxes and body containing matrix (cross-tab) report. Out of two Report Header text-boxes, one is used for display static report title while other is used to display the single report parameter.
The report content is as I want except I am unable to center the report title. The title get centered within the text-box width but I could not find a way to say that text-box should spawn entire page width. I cannot set text-box width to the page width because
if text-box width is set more than matrix width by say x inches then when report is rendered, content width gets enlarged by x inches from a rendered matrix resulting in page-width overlap.
it will need re-setting the text-box width if margins or page-size is changed
And a year and a half later... I used your solution but then found another one:
Clicking on the empty area of the report there is a property called ConsumeContainerWhitespace. It indicates wether white space to the right and below a matrix (or any content that can be resized) should be preserved. Might have other side effects though.
When the report gets wider than the page it looks like this in the viewer:
This will be printed on two pages and on each one the title will be centered.
Alas! got some time to play with RDLC - here's the work-around. Although, its not exactly what I want (a centered report title), its close enough!
Basic idea here is that matrix (cross-tab) report grows its width so you need to associate the report title with the matrix. So remove report header or page header and instead add one or more static row above the row-group in the matrix. Use these rows for Report tile and report parameters. By centering the report title text-box, you get some-what centered report title.

SSRS report produces blank/white spaces when column are hidden in tablix

I have report developed in SSRS 2005. It is a simple and straight-forward report using a stored procedure to fetch the data and display. This report has 100 columns and there are no grouping or subreports etc.
But user has option to select/deselect the column names to show/hide on the report. When the user select to hide couple of columns report is giving me blank/white gaps when exported to pdf or any other formats.
Is there any solution to this?
You need to ensure that you are hiding the row or the column of the table and not simply the fields. Check HarlingtonTheWizard's post at the following link:
Once the rows/columns are hidden, the height/width will collapse.
I do not consider this as the best solution but is more of a hack but this is what I did in my situation.
1)Place a white rectangle in the desired cell. Make sure that the rectangle is white and has no borders.
2)Place the textbox inside the rectangle. Set an expression to hide and show this textbox.
3)Repeat for each cell in that column.
Therefore, when the textbox is shown it will look as normal. When the the textbox is hidden, the white rectangle will work as a "placeholder" to occupy the cell.
You can try setting Report property containerwhitespace="True".
