I have a data object that contains dozens of attr_accessor fields for various inputs. Can I somehow define the class so that all setters for all fields will e.g. set the value as an empty string instead of the attempted nil?
Here's a little module to do it:
module NilToBlankAttrAccessor
def nil_to_blank_attr_accessor(attr)
attr_reader attr
define_method "#{attr}=" do |value|
value = '' if value.nil?
instance_variable_set "##{attr}", value
Just mix it in:
class Foo
extend NilToBlankAttrAccessor
nil_to_blank_attr_accessor :bar
And use it:
foo = Foo.new
foo.bar = nil
p foo.bar # => ""
foo.bar = 'abc'
p foo.bar # => "abc"
How it works
NilToBlankAttrAccessor#nil_to_blank_attr_accessor first defines the attr_reader normally:
attr_reader attr
Then it defines the writer by defining a method with the same name as the accessor, only with an "=" at the end. So, for attribute :bar, the method is named bar=
define_method "#{attr}=" do |value|
Now it needs to set the variable. First it turns nil into an empty string:
value = '' if value.nil?
Then use instance_variable_set, which does an instance variable assignment where the instance variable isn't known until runtime.
instance_variable_set "##{attr}", value
Class Foo needs nil_to_blank_attr_accessor to be a class method, not an instance method, so it uses extend instead of include:
class Foo
extend NilToBlankAttrAccessor
Instead of doing
object.foo = given_input
you should do
object.foo = given_input.nil? ? "" : given_input
or if you want to turn false into "" as well, then
object.foo = given_input || ""
I'm learning ruby and my opinion about attr_reader is bad. Because you can change the value of particular instance variable from outside of class. For example:
class X
attr_reader :some_string
def initialize
#some_string = "abc"
tmp = X.new
puts tmp.some_string
tmp.some_string[0] = "aaaaaaaaa"
puts tmp.some_string
When you run this code you can see that the instance variable some_string has changed. So to avoid this I'm always making my own getter, and returning frozen object. For example:
class X
def initialize
#some_string = "abc"
def some_string
tmp = X.new
puts tmp.some_string
tmp.some_string[0] = "aaaaaaaaa"
puts tmp.some_string
Now when you run the code, it throws an error saying can't modify frozen String: "abc", which is what I wanted. So my question is should I use attr_reader and is always returning frozen objects from getters bad practice?
attr_reader is not "bad", it simply does what it does, which is to return the value of the instance variable, which is a reference. Unlike attr_writer or attr_accessor it will not allow you to change the value of the instance variable (ie you can't change what the instance variable refers to)
The question is do you really want or need the reference. For example say you want to convert the value of some_string to upper case. You could use attr_reader to get the reference to some_string and then call upcase! on it like below. But having the reference allows you to call any method on the object including the []= method which maybe you don't want to allow. Note: []= is a method that manipulates the content of what some_string references it does not set #some_string to a new value, it still points to the same object, but the object it points to was manipulated.
class Foo
attr_reader :some_string
def initialize()
#some_string = "abc"
puts "Foo"
foo = Foo.new
some_string = foo.some_string
puts some_string #=> abc
p foo # => #<Foo:0x0000563c38391ac8 #some_string="ABC">
puts some_string.object_id # => 60
some_string[0] = "x"
p foo # => #<Foo:0x0000563c38391ac8 #some_string="xBC">
puts some_string.object_id # => 60 ... ie same object different content
# foo.some_string = "ABC" is a runtime error
If you don't want to allow arbitrary methods to be called on an instance variable then you should not expose it using attr_reader, rather you should manipulate the instance variable via methods in your class. For example below I "delegate" the upcase! method to the instance variable #some_string, and I provide a string_value method to return a new string with the same value as the instance variable.
class Bar
def initialize()
#some_string = "abc"
def upcase!()
def string_value()
puts "Bar"
bar = Bar.new
p bar # => #<Bar:0x0000563c383915a0 #some_string="abc">
p bar # => #<Bar:0x0000563c383915a0 #some_string="ABC">
some_string = bar.string_value
p some_string # => "ABC"
some_string[0] = "x"
p bar # => #<Bar:0x0000563c383915a0 #some_string="ABC">
p some_string # => "xBC"
So I would say attr_reader is not bad, you might argue it is over used, I know I will often use it to "get" an instance variable when all I really need is some property on the instance variable.
A lot of developers try to use private attr_reader and use it inside the class or avoid using it at all
A good conversations about attr_reader are here and here
When you have a class with a attr_accessor, can't you omit the # symbol when calling your instance variables since self.instance_variable would be implied if you don't use the # symbol?
attr_accessor :foo is basically just a macro that generates two methods (a getter and a setter) for you:
def foo
def foo=(foo)
#foo = foo
Can you omit the # when calling your instance variable? Kind of – calling the instance variable name without the # means you are calling the instance method generated by attr_accessor instead of calling the instance variable. This works as long as the getter method is not overridden or extended.
But when you would try to set an instance variable without the #, it would not work that way, because then Ruby would set a local variable with that name. To set the instance variable through the instance method generated by attr_accessor you need to write self. (or another receiver) instead of the #:
#foo = 'bar' # assigns 'bar' to the instance variable `#foo`
foo = 'bar' # assigns 'bar' to a local variable `#foo`
But to use the setter method generated by attr_accessor:
self.foo = 'bar' # passes 'bar' to the instance method `foo=`
In the case where you have an attr_accessor and you want to read the value, you'll get the same value. It isn't exactly that you're omitting the # but that you're calling a method with the same name that returns the instance variable.
Omitting the # when trying to set the value will not work the same way; it will just set a local variable with the same name. Using an object's setter within the object requires that you precede it with self..
class Foo
attr_accessor :bar
def getter_equivalent?
bar.equal?(#bar) # Returns true. They are the same object.
def set_with_at(value)
#bar = value # Will set the instance variable
def set_without_at(value)
bar = value # Will not set the instance variable
def set_with_self(value)
self.bar = value # Will set the instance variable
A class example with attr_accessor expanded for clarity. The usual initialize method has been omitted to focus on the task at hand:
class Foo
def bar
def bar=(bar)
#bar = bar
#the above two methods represent attr_accessor :bar
def call_method
#same as self.bar
#self refers to the current object i.e. the current instance of Foo
#bar refers to the method bar defined above
def call_instance_var
#refers directly to the the instance variable
You can use either one, I personally prefer calling the method rather than the instance variable.
foo = Foo.new
foo.bar = "bar"
foo.call_method #=> "bar"
foo.call_instance_var #=> "bar"
Although it's possible to use accessor methods within the class, it's better practice to use the # symbol to refer to instance variables.
Here's an example where using a reader method within a class would produce unexpected results:
class A
def var
def defined_using_method?
def defined_using_at?
A.new.defined_using_method? # => "method"
A.new.defined_using_at? # => nil
I have an object that is using attr_accessor. I want to be able to call a method on that object with a variable with #send. My problem is that the = method doesn't seem to work.
class Foo
attr_accessor :bar
class Test_class
def test_method(x)
f = Foo.new
f.send(x) = "test" #this doesnt work
f.send("#{x} =") "test" #this also doesn't work
# How can I set bar?
t = Test_class.new
You want f.send "#{x}=", "test". In Ruby, method names may include punctuation, such as = or !. The methods created by attr_accessor :bar are simply named bar and bar=. In fact, attr_accessor :bar is just shorthand for:
def bar
def bar=(value)
#bar = value
When you're calling foo.bar = "baz", you're actually calling the #bar= method with foo as the receiver and "bar" as the first parameter to the function - that is, foo.bar=("baz"). Ruby just provides syntactic sugar for methods ending in = so that you can write the more natural-looking form.
Where is instance variable initialized as nil first time?
Can I redefine it as other value by default for all instances?
For example:
class Class
#some code here or maybe in an Object class
class Foo1
attr_accessor :bar
class Foo2
attr_accessor :bar
p Foo1.new.bar # result is not nil
p Foo2.new.bar # result is not nil
This can be done by modifying the reader:
class Class
def attr_accessor(attr_name)
define_method "#{attr_name}" do
if instance_variable_get "##{attr_name}_history"
instance_variable_get "##{attr_name}_history"
"Not nil"
But this doesn't help in understanding the core of Ruby.
Many thanks!
If you want to set default values, you can assign them in an initialize method of a class.
For example:
class Test
attr_accessor :bar
def initialize
#bar = 'bar'
# => "bar"
Remember that attr_accessor :bar gives you helper methods to set and get the underlying instance variable #bar.
If you want default values for lots of classes, you can have them inherit from a class that sets the instance variables as not nil:
class Foo < Test
# => "bar"
Define a new method in class Class. Get instance variables through :instance_variables and set them to anything you like by using :instance_variable_set(:#var,default_value)
class Class
alias oldNew new
def new(*args)
result = oldNew(*args)
default = 2354 # set default here
a = result.instance_variables
a.each do
return result
(Corrected following Jörg W Mittag's comment)
No you cannot. Instance variables are set evaluated to nil when you call them without assigning a value to them.
I'm trying to understand this function.
What I can see is an attribute and type are passed to the opal() method.
Then type_name takes its value from type as long as type is a Symbol or String. Otherwise, the name method is called on type. I imagine the name method is similar to the class method to get the class of the type argument.
After self.class_eval I'm kind of lost but my guess is this is defining maybe a block of code to be added to the class referenced by self.
How this works I'm not sure though.
Would appreciate if someone could explain what's going on after self.class_eval << DEF.
def opal(attr, type)
self.ds "#{attr}_id"
type_name = (type.is_a?(Symbol) || type.is_a?(String)) ? type : type.name
self.class_eval <<DEF
def #{attr}
if defined?(##{attr})
##{attr} = if self.#{attr}_id
def #{attr}=(value)
self.#{attr}_id = value.key
##{attr} = value
Everything between <<DEF and DEF is just a string and the #{ ... }s work on that string like any other.
class_eval will cause the interpreter to run on the string in the context of the module.
So, if you know what attr and type are then you can work out what code is being run to add methods to the class.
Lets say attr is "foo" and type is "Bazzle". The code being run would be:
def foo
if defined?(#foo)
#foo = if self.foo_id
def foo=(value)
self.foo_id = value.key
#foo = value
To make it easy to understand, let's suppose the value of 'attr' is 'foo', here's what it looks like now:
self.class_eval <<DEF
def foo
if defined?(#foo) # Return the value of attr if it's defined
#foo = if self.foo_id
def foo=(value) # Define setter
self.foo_id = value.key
#foo = value
So it's just defining some getter and setter methods for #foo, and evaluating it at the class level.