Creating deliberately dirty heap in gdb? - gcc

I found that trying to debug accidentally uninitialized data in gdb can be annoying. The program will crash when directly executed from the command line, but not while under inspection in gdb. It seems like gdb's heap is often clean (all zeroes), whereas from the command line, clearly not.
Is there a reason for this? If so, can I deliberately tell gdb or gcc to dirty the heap? IE, is there way to specify a "debug" allocator that will always give random data to malloc() and new? I imagine this might involve a special libc? Obviously if there was a way to do this without changing the linker options would be great so that the release version is as similar as possible to the debug version.
I'm currently using MinGW-w64 (gcc 4.7 based), but I'd be interested in a general answer.

The Linux way of doing this would be to use valgrind. On Mac OS X there are environment variables that control allocation debugging, see the Mac OS X man page for malloc. Valgrind support for Mac OS X is starting to appear but 10.8 support is not complete as of me writing this.
As you're using MinGW-w64 I am assuming you're using Windows. It seems like this SO question talks about alternatives to valgrind on Windows. One solution would be to run your app in Wine on a Linux box under valgrind.
If your program is running under valgrind, it is not directly running on a CPU. Valgrind is simulating every instruction, hence you can't simply attach a debugger to it. To get this to work you need to use the valgrind GDB server, see this page for more details.
Another approach would be to use calloc instead of malloc, which would zero your heap allocations. This doesn't give you a deliberately dirty heap but at least gives you consistent behaviour with or without a debugger.

Yes, GDB zeroes out everything, this is both useful and very annoying. Useful, insofar as everything is guaranteed to be in a well-defined state (no random values in memory, just zero). Which means, in theory, no nasty surprises while debugging.
In practice, and this is where it gets annoying, the theory sometimes fails spectacularly. The infamous "works fine, but crashes in debugger!?!" or "works fine in debugger, but crashes otherwise?!" issues are an example of this. Usually, this is a combination of an uninitialized pointer with a well-intended if(ptr != NULL) somewhere, which totally blows up for "no good reason" because the debugger initializes memory to zero, so the test fails to do what you intended.
About your question on deliberately garbling data allocated by malloc, GCC supports malloc hooks (see docs here and question here on SO).
This lets you, in a very easy and unintrusive manner, redirect all calls to malloc to a function of your own. From there you can call the real malloc and fill the allocated block with garbage (or some invalid-pointer magic value like DEADBEEF), if you wish to do so.
As for operator new, this happens to be a wrapper around malloc (that's an implementation detail, but malloc hooks are non-portable already, so relying on that won't make things worse), therefore malloc hooking should already deal with this, too.


Leak_DefinitelyLost can valgrind points out where is the last time the address was on the stack?

I'm having a leak which is very hard to detect;
Can valgrind tell me which is the last call where address was accessible? and what were the values of the variables? I use Clion, can it just break when it happens?
There is no "instantaneous" detection of leaks functionality in valgrind/memcheck
that reports a leak exactly at the time the last pointer to a block is lost.
There was an experimental tool that tried to do that, but it was never considered for integration in valgrind, due to various difficulties to make this work properly.
If your leak is easy to reproduce, you can run your application under valgrind +
gdb/vgdb. You can then add breaks at various points in your program, and then
use monitor commands such as "leak_check" or "who_points_at" to check if the leak already happened. By refining the locations where to put a break, this might help to find when the last pointer to a block is lost.
See e.g. for more info.

Force malloc to pre-fault/MAP_POPULATE/MADV_WILLNEED all allocations for an entire program/process

For the sake of some user-space performance profiling, I'd like to cleanly separate the costs of allocating memory from operations that access it. The application does no over-allocation, so every page that gets mapped will be faulted in, probably in code that runs shortly after its allocation.
What I'd like to do is set some flag, environment variable, something, to tell malloc that it should uniformly do the equivalent of calling mmap(..., MAP_POPULATE) or madvise(..., MADV_WILLNEED) or just touching every page of whatever it allocated itself. I haven't found any documentation, on any platform(!), that describes a way to do this. Is there some existing technique that's utterly undocumented, up to my ability to search? Is this a fundamentally misguided or bad idea?
If I wanted to implement this myself, I'm thinking of an LD_PRELOAD including just a reimplementation of malloc that calls the underlying malloc and then does the madvise thing (to be at least somewhat agnostic to huge pages behavior). Any reason that shouldn't work?
malloc is one of the most used, yet relatively slow functions in common use. As a result, it has received a lot of optimization attention over the years. I seriously doubt that any serious implementation of malloc does anything so slow as the string parsing that would be required to check an environment variable at every call.
LD_PRELOAD is not a bad idea, considering what you're doing, you wouldn't even need to recompile to switch between profile and release builds. If you're open to recompiling, I would suggest doing a #define malloc(size) { malloc(size); mmap(...);}. You could even do this at the compile command line via -Dmalloc=... (so long as the system malloc is not itself a define, which would overwrite the cli one).
Another option would be to find/implement a program that uses the debug interface to intercept and redirect calls to malloc. You could theoretically do this by messing with the post-compiled (or post-load) program's import section to point to your dll/so file.
Edit: On second thought, the define might not work on every allocation, since it is often implied by the compiler (e.g. new).

Character device driver hangs the system - how to avoid?

I'm writing a simple writable character device driver (2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64, under VirtualBox), and since it's not mature yet, it tends to crash/freeze (segfaults, infinite loops).
I'm testing it like this: $> echo "some data" > /dev/my_dev, and if crash/freeze occurs, the whole system (VirtualBox) freezes. I tried to move all the work to another kernel thread to avoid the system-wide freeze, but it doesn't help.
Is it possible to "isolate" such a crash/freeze, so that I'd be able to kill the process, in whose context the kernel module runs?
The module runs in kernel context. That's why debugging it is difficult and bugs can easily crash the system. Infinite loop is not really an issue as it just slows the system down, but doesn't cause a crash. Writing to the wrong memory region however is fatal.
If you are lucky, you would get a kernel oops before the freeze. If you test your code in one of the TTYs, rather than the GUI, then you might immediately see the oops (kernel BUG log) on the screen which you can study and might be helpful to you.
In my experience however, it's best to write and test the kernel-independent code in user-space, probably with mock functions and test it heavily, run valgrind on it, and make sure it doesn't have bugs. Then use it in kernel space. You'd be surprised at how much of a kernel module's code may in fact not need kernel context at all. Of course this very much depends on the functionality of the kernel module.
To actually debug the code in kernel space, there are tools which I have never used, such as kgdb. What I do myself usually is a mixture of printks and binary search. That is, if the crash is so severe that the kernel oops is not shown at all. First, I put printk (possibly with a delay after) in different places to see which parts of the code are reached before the oops. tail -f /var/log/messages comes in handy. Then, I do binary search; disable half of the code to see if the crash occurs. If not, possibly the problem is in the second half. If it occurs, surely the problem is in the first half. Repeat!
The ultimate way of writing a bug-free kernel module is to write code that doesn't have bugs in the first place. Of course, this is rarely possible, but if you write clean and undefined-behavior-free C code and write very concise functions whose correctness is obvious and you pay attention to the boundaries of arrays, it's not that hard.

glibc Heap Consistency Checking

According to posts from 2008 (I can't find it right now), glibc heap check doesn't work in multithreaded environment. Is it still situation now in 2010?
Does heap check enabled by default? (gcc 4.1.2)? I don't set MALLOC_CHECK_, don't aware of calling mcheck(), but still sometimes receive double free glibc error with backtrace. Maybe it's enabled by some compilation flag?
By default, without using malloc_check_ or mcheck(), glibc does some little checks that doesn't hurt the performance, like calling twice free() on the same memory chunk. That's why you are getting some of these messages, but you won't have all messages provided by the malloc substitute api you can get by using MALLOC_CHECK_ (which are doing far more tests, but far more cpu intensive too). You can check this by triggering an error, and testing it with and without malloc_check_. For example, for a simple double-free(), i get "double free or corruption (top)" or "free(): invalid pointer" errors depending whenever I set MALLOC_CHECK_ or not.
To answer the 1/ question, mcheck relies on malloc hooks since they exists (like 15 years), and those are not intended to be thread safe.
Sources: glibc/malloc/malloc.c,

Question about g++ generated code

Dear g++ hackers, I have the following question.
When some data of an object is overwritten by a faulty program, why does the program eventually fail on destruction of that object with a double free error? How does it know if the data is corrupted or not? And why does it cause double free?
It's usually not that the object's memory is overwritten, but some part of the memory outside of the object. If this hits malloc's control structures, free will freak out once it accesses them and tries to do weird things based on the corrupted structure.
If you'd really only overwrite object memory with silly stuff, there's no way malloc/free would know. Your program might crash, but for other reasons.
Take a look at valgrind. It's a tool that emulates the CPU and watches every memory access for anomalies (like trying to overwrite malloc's control structures). It's really easy to use, most of the time you just start your program inside valgrind by prepending valgrind on the shell, and it saves you a lot of pain.
Regarding C++: always make sure that you use new in conjunction with delete and, respectively, new[] in conjunction with delete[]. Never mix them up. Bad things will happen, often similar to what you are describing (but valgrind would warn you).
