BIRT Issue while using MultiSelect List Box - birt

I was supposed to use MultiSelect List Box (Dynamic one) where user can select multiple value (by holding Ctrl key) to see the report.
So while implementing I tried to fetch param value at BeforeOpen method and pass it to DataSet ,append it to where clause using IN operator.I got SQL error on screen. So when I print param value it was something like [Ljava.lang.Object;#26ba26ba] causing error in query. I thought I can't process that multiselect param value in script and pass it to query. So dropped that Idea.
Now I am using BIRT's inbuilt Filter functionality in Data set. What I was doing in SQL using script at Beforeopen Method now i am doing the same in dataset Filter. I used row["dataColumn"]IN param["param"].value and it is working fine. I am able to select one or multiple value from filter screen , execute report and getting proper result.
Now one more thing I need to implement is There should be Select All in filter list box so that instead of selecting any other value user can just select Select All and bring the report for all data. I am passing '%' against Select All. Since I am using IN operator so I am not able to get any data on Report.
I want to provide Select All functionality along with multiselection but not able to do that for above limitations . Alternatively I can use Ctrl+A to select all and it is working also I can do that but this is as per requirement that I need to implement.
I am using BIRT version="3.2.17"

Are you able to add a "Select All" option to your parameter choices? I have done this using a union with my parameter query and just adding a 'Select All' to my query results.
Normally what I'll do is add something to my query that will let me easily replace the parameters. Something like:
SELECT myStuff
FROM myTables
You can then modify your DataSet query in your beforeOpen statement.
Something along the lines of:
if(params["myParam"]!='Select All'){
this.queryText=this.queryText.replace("/**where**/","WHERE myStuff IN ('" + params["myParams"].join("','") + "')");
This is obviously very simplified, but you should be able to use some form of it to allow what you are asking.


How to add rows to an Excel table inside a loop after the columns are mapped?

How to add rows to an Excel table inside a loop after the columns are mapped?
I tried the "Add rows to an Excel table" step, but I can't grab the values from Column1 and Column2 on the "Select" step above.
This should be easy, I guess, but I can't make it.
Thank you,
Your "Select" actions looks like it might be missing something, seems like it will add the whole item to "Column1" and duplicate that for "Column2". If your value is an array but it is not being recognized as so, you can use the "Parse JSON" action, or the json() expression you should be able to select the keys that you want to use for each column.
I might need more details to see the exact issue with your flow, but in the meantime try this:
Parse JSON action
Here the "Initialize variable" will be your blob storage result.
In the Parse JSON, add you blob storage value
In the "Select" action use the body output of the "Parse JSON" action
You should be able to select the specific values you want in your columns
json() expression
The parameter will be your blob storage. In my example is my string variable sown in the image.
Since the "Select" action returns an array as a result, the next step you should use is the "Apply to each" action
The new values mapped in the "Select" action should be available to be used here, if for any reason they are not (it is common for power automate to have issues like this) you can use an expression to get the value
Note that the "Apply_to_each" inside "items" will be different if you rename this action.
Then, you'll have your Excel file with all the rows added to the table you selected.

Loading items from service into a single select

I am using IBM BPM V8.5.7. I want to use a single select to select an item which are retrieved via a service. The problem is that the service returns 10k+ items and I currently use a search function. What I want to achieve basically is to search in the single select dropdown and whilst doing that it must fire the service and return the search results.
I have managed to get the search function working properly but searching through so many items slows down BPM. I've tried using a piece of code but that just cleared the items once the service was called
Your DB-Select probably looks somewhat like this:
This will stress your ibm-control (are you using the classic controls or something else like apex)?
Try to limit the result-set from your SQL-Query. One example could be:
(be aware this is DB2 style) - in MS SQL this looks like this:

SSRS reports dynamics crm have current record id used as parameter

Hi for my ssrs report In dynamics crm I require that when the report is ran against a certain record, the records passes the record id so that only the relevant results are displayed.
How is this possible ? Steps provided will be great also
Reports are created using SQL.
Run against campaign entity
SSRS reports for CRM have special parameters that enable this for you. To filter by selected records (or the current record you have open) you can utilise a hidden parameter called "CRM_Filtered[Entity]" where entity is the relevant entity you are linking the report to.
In your case, i.e. for the campaign entity, this hidden parameter will be called CRM_FilteredCampaign. For a SQL report this will be a text parameter and will be set to something like this (set by CRM when you run the report)
select campaign0.* from FilteredCampaign as "campaign0"
I do not have a report to hand to check exactly what the SQL will contain, so it might not be exact. But you get the idea. There are several ways to embed this in your report, but you could do so in a rudimentary fashion like this in a dataset:
declare #sql as nVarchar(max)
set #sql = 'SELECT c.campaignid FROM (' + #CRM_FilteredCampaign + ') as c'
Expanding on this, i.e. rather than executing text SQL in your main dataset, you can instead simplify the usage by creating a dataset/parameter combo based off the text. In effect, convert the SQL text to a list of values instead.
So add the above SQL to its own DataSet (for this example called DS_FilteredCampaign).
Once you have created DS_FilteredCampaign make sure you click on the Refresh Fields button. Type in the following instead of <null> for the parameter value:
select c.* from FilteredCampaign as c
Once that comes back click on Ok to save the DataSet.
Next, create another hidden text parameter (e.g. Int_FilteredCampaign) and tell it to get its default value from a DataSet (not its available values, its default value). Point the values at DS_FilteredCampaign, and you should be able to select campaignid as its value field. This in effect makes the parameter an array of Ids you can reference in your main DataSet
Now it's much more usable as you can reference it in your SQL something like this in your main DataSet:
select c.*
from FilteredCampaign c
inner join ActivityPointer ap on ...
inner join FilteredAccount a on ...
where c.campaignid in (#Int_FilteredCampaign)
The important piece being where c.campaignid in (#Int_FilteredCampaign)
Summary Steps:
You have a main DataSet called something like dsMain
Create a new parameter called CRM_FiltetedCampaign
Create a DataSet (DS_FilteredCampaign) that executes the SQL passed into CRM_FilteredCampaign
Refresh Fields on the data set to get the campaignid field
Create a text parameter (Int_FilteredCampaign) that retrieves its default value using the new dataset (DS_FilteredCampaign) using campaignid for the value
Reference this new parameter in you dsMain dataset

BIRT Before Open value list params errors

I have a (semi) basic data cube set up with a cascading parameters of State and Area. The state select box is straight forward as is the Area; when a user selects a State, the Area options are set accordingly. However, the value for Area is a long list of strings that will be sent to the mysql select statement which will use both params (State & the list of strings from Area) several time. Its a big ugly collection of UNIONS. My problem is somewhere between the before Start and query time.
//beforeOpen script...LState & LAreas the name of the report param
this.queryText = this.queryText.replace('stateList', params["LStates"].value);
this.queryText = this.queryText.replace('areaList', params["LAreas"].value);
In my mysql statement I use them in the following way:
State.State_Location in ('stateList')
AND Range_Locator.Range in ('areaList')
State.State_Location in ('stateList')
AND Range_Locator.Range in ('areaList')
The two errors I get from BIRT are:
(Pretty obvious)
Cannot get the result set. org.eclipse....SQL statement doesn ot return a ResultSet object.
(Not so obvious to me)
A BIRT exception occured. Error evaluating Javascript expression. Script engine error: Can't find method java.lang.String.replace([]).
There are error evaluating script "this.queryText = this.queryText.replace('stateList', params["LStates"].value);this.queryText = this.queryText.replace('areaList', params["LAreas"].value);"
Any ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It seems LStates is defined as a "multi-value" parameter, therefore params["LStates"].value returns an array of values: this is why this replace method does not work.
You should try like this:
this.queryText = this.queryText.replace('stateList', params["LStates"].value.join("','"));
I am not exactly sure what you are doing in beforeOpen script, but your SQL is looking for the string values 'stateList' & 'areaList' and is probably not happy about the (). You need to use question marks to call the parameters you define in the 'parameters' you set up in the data set design.
State.State_Location in ?
AND Range_Locator.Range in ?
State.State_Location in ?
AND Range_Locator.Range in ?
I don't recall using
in ?
In any queries, I usually try and set it to use
like ?
There are number of issues in sending multiple choice parameters to SQL via BIRT. you might want to look at How do I set a parameter to a list of values in a BIRT report? There are also some security concerns. When I have to filter on multiples, I usually do it in a filter (data set design option) after the SQL has run. Thought this can be a resource problem if your SQL returns lots of values.
Thanks for the replies but since I was unable to get these options to work, I wound up restructuring the database & sql statements to run better. To address some previous suggestions:
#dom the states parameter has only one value and while using "IN ('stateList')" is not efficient (disclaimer, not my code) adding the .join(',') did throw an error specific to that; I tried and mysql/BIRT seemed to be expecting a comma separated list but got a string with a trailing comma.
#James I tried using the question mark (?) instead of the 'stateList' & 'areaList' but I think mysql/BIRT was not able to recognize which value went with which question mark...not too sure though since I was not able to debug well enough and find out exactly why. Could be a form to param mapping issue that I didn't notice. Thanks for the help.

Generate reports in birt using user input. When input is null, everything should be fetched otherwise corresponding data should be shown

I have to create a birt report with user input parameters. It is something like when the para
meter is left blank it should fetch all values from a table otherwise when the user inputs the students roll no.,the corresponding data should be fetched. Can this be done through Birt report? If yes, then please suggest a way.
Yes, you can do that. If the parameter is optional you can't use the Dataset Parameter (with a ? in your query), because it will be null. Instead you have to modify your query using JavaScript.
Create a Report Parameter like usual, in this case 'stud_no'. Then add a comment in your SQL that you are reasonably sure is unique, I use something like --$stud_no$, wherever you want your clause inserted.
Then add a script like this to your Data Set, in beforeOpen:
if (params["stud_no"].value){
this.queryText = this.queryText.replace("--$stud_no$", "and stud_no = " + params["stud_no"]);
This replaces the comment with the clause when the parameter has a value. You can use regex in the search string, and then you can also insert it multiple places if you want.
Create your paremater using a like statement
where students_roll_no like ?
Create your report paramater using as a text box, with a defualt value of %
Because the percent '%' is the SQL wildcard, it returns all values. If the user enters a Student Roll number, it returns only that record. Additionally the user can enter 0500% and get all the records that begin 0500.
