Remove legal entity check from some forms - dynamics-ax-2009

There are some forms which exist in only certain legal entities, I want to remove this check somehow, and make these forms available in some other legal entity as well, any idea?

You use country and region specific functionality to help meet the legal, regulatory, and business needs of individual geographies. A geography is any country or region that is identified by an ISO country or region code. In Microsoft Dynamics AX, you use country region context for this process.
To set the CountryRegionCodes property
In the AOT, expand the Forms node.
Find and expand the form that contains the control you wish to make
country-specific. Expand Designs, expand Design, and then add or
find the control.
Right-click the control, and then click Properties. Use the
Properties window to set the CountryRegionCodes property. You can
add as many ISO codes as required via a comma-separated list.
If the ISO code value of the CountryRegionCodes property does not match the ISO code value of the controlling party, the control is not displayed. If the values match, the control is displayed.
Right-click the form and click Save.
More can be find here.


Why does Visual Studio make available an invalid selection in the property page?

I want to cause a CheckedListBox to only allow one selection, and was investigating its Property page/pane/panel to see if there was a likely property for that. I saw "SelectionMode", which contains the following options in its dropdown:
I selected "MultiSimple" to see what the synopsis text at the bottom of the Property pane would tell me about it. Instead of being edified, though, I got this fingerwag:
Why does Visual Studio pull a Lucy Van Pelt on me, pulling away the "football" as I try to "kick it"? If the property is not available for the control, don't populate the dropdown with it!
BTW, Zaki's answer here gives me what I need to limit selection to 1; I still think some Redmondian should explain himself on this, though.
The control CheckedListBox does not support "multiple-selection" which is indicated in the MSDN documentation under the heading Remarks where it says:
The SelectionMode property determines whether one item in the list box
can be selected or no items can be selected. For CheckedListBox
objects, multiple selection is not supported. You can set the mode to
one item or no items.
Apparently this fact has not been implemented in the design-time UI of the property sheet, which then allows you to choose inappropriate values, causing the error message.
IMHO -- I think your Lucy Van Pelt comparison is very appropriate in this case.

Can I search for an object by its name within a form in VB6?

As declared in the title, for example, I want to search for a button whose name is button8, within a form where there are so many buttons that I do not want to check the name one by one.
Can I do this in VB6?
You should just be able to refer to the control via the controls collection, like so:
See this link.
Here's how to find a control in the form designer, if you know the name.
Go to the form designer, open the property window (press F4), and use the dropdown to choose the control. This shows the properties in the window (and you can edit them). It also selects the control onscreen.

Outlook - how to access appointment attribute COMPANY

The Outlook data model for Appointments includes an attribute called COMPANY. I cannot find where to enter this information anywhere. If I create a new appointment, I can enter start time, stop time, location, etc. It appears I cannot enter the data for COMPANY. Is this accurate? Why have an attribute which cannot be used? How do I use it? Surely I don't have to build a custom Outlook form, do?
I assume you are referring to the AppointmentItem.Companies Property:
Returns or sets a String representing the names of the companies
associated with the Microsoft Outlook item. This is a free-form text
field. Read/write.
This field is not available in the default Appointment form. You would need to customize the existing form or design your own that includes this field.
You asked:
Why have an attribute which cannot be used?
You can use it -- see above.

How can I create an autocomplete ComboBox in VB6?

Is it possible to use the default ComboBox control under VB6 to make it a smart ComboBox?
We suppose that the values are already populated in the ComboBox. For example:
New Delhi
New World
New York
We need the ComboBox to respond to one of the default events, so when for example the user writes 'N' the value in the ComboBox will be the first Value starting by 'N'. In our case it's New Delhi and then the user can continue typing till they write the exact word or he writes something different.
This technique is very used in web Application (for example in Google when you put the first word you will get a droped down list containing the suggestions).
But how to do that in VB6 :-(
In case its not possible, how can we keep the ComboBox droped down, the values changes when the text in the comboBox change and the first element in the ComboBox correspond to the first word starting by the value entered by the user?
Thanks a lot.
Actually I found an easy solution :) thanks to FreeVbCode uder Forms&Contorls Tab. There is a control named AutoControl. We can use it easly for our requirement.
You might also want to look at this control from, which supports auto-completion. The vbAccelerator code is usually high quality. Of course you're introducing quite a dependency into your code whenever you use a third-party control.

How does Apple make the info.plist display its "Information Property List"?

My plists simply start with "Root". Theirs contains arrays of useful stuff you can select to tweak the configuration.
The specific info.plist I am looking at is in an iphone project.
I have researched this a little bit, (not alot) but haven't even detected a smell of solution.
What mechanism is putting this together? Can I bend it to my will?
To clarify, I am not referring to simply editing the plist, but using the Property List Editor to define the drop down lists in the left hand column, like Apple's info.list behaves.
Normally my plists will display in the editor with 3 columns. Key, Type and Value.
Info.plist has 2, how is it setup so its behaviour is different in the Property List Editor?
This link at apple defines the keys being used in the Info.plist.
Property List Key Reference
The names you see in the drop down menus in Property List Editor are provided by what Apple calls a "property list structure definition". This is an XML based file that defines specific keys and values for a particular type of property list. Property List Editor uses this to associate human readable names with particular property list keys, as well as sensible default values, type information, and so on.
Property List Editor hides the "Type" column when using a definition, because it gets the type information automatically from the structure definition. You can still use Edit > Value Type to change the type manually if you wish. You can also manually change the definition Property List Editor is using via View > Property List Type.
Xcode includes a built-in definition for Info.plist files, which is why you see the customization automatically when opening up an Info.plist file. If you're interested in how the structure definitions are defined, you can take a look in /Developer/Platform/MacOSX.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins for the built-in definitions. I don't believe there's any official documentation for this format, but it's not too hard to pick up looking at the examples.
