Mule 3.3 spring 3.1 hibernate 3.6 transaction management - spring

I am working on an application which involves mule, spring, hibernate with annotations. I am using org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager. Now the problem is :
I have certain components in mule which logs data into db based on conditions using hibernate. I have used #Transactional which inserts few data and then commits the transaction when the method scope is completed. But the behaviour which i want is : first component inserts data based on some condition, but the transaction should not commit immediately, again my second component that is a java class should insert some data again then third etc. if any of the component fails all the queries executed in all the components should be rolled back. all of this components are separate java classes
How can i achieve such behaviour.
thank you,

Let your whole component execution chain be in a transaction. then it will meet your expectation. it is easy to do it if all your components are in the same one spring appliction context. In the case, there are two things you need to do:
Add #Transactional annotation on your component class or specific methods which need to be in transaction. By default, transactional method use REQUIRED Propagation setting which will let all method in the exection chain merge to only one transaction.
Make sure Spring can scan all your components.
#Component( "lbsProviderApiCallJob" )
public class LbsProviderApiCallJoImpl implements LbsProviderApiCallJob, ApplicationContextAware {
If all your component are not in a spring context. it is complex to make it.


Transaction - Springboot(JHipster) - RestService: how to

I have a microservice created with JHipster(SpringBoot+JPA) exposing a rest api.
During a save operation over an Entity I need to manage the transaction because I must execute another update over the DB (using other Entities).
How can I do this?
Using the tradictional approach (JDBC) I got the connection and create a transaction over it, make all the queries and finally close the transaction(commit/rollback).
With JPA I have an Entity, but I find no way to specify to begin/end(manage) the transaction programmatically.
You have many alternatives, here are few ones:
define a service (a class annotated with #Service) and annotate with #Transactional the public method that implements your logic
manage transaction manually through the EntityManager injected into your service class constructor
create a custom Repository
Check the Spring docs

How can I replicate the rollback from Entity Manager with JPA Repository?

I am converting a project from Spring framework to Spring boot, so I am no longer using persistence files and other config files.
Also, I gave up using Entity Manager, instead I created repositories which extend JPA Repository, so that I can use the functions from there. The only thing is that I have some unit tests and in the Spring framework, at the end of each test there is a finally clause which has a rollback, so that the data from the database to be specific to each test.
How can I do that without Entity Manager? I tried using the flush() method, but no result...
By default, data JPA tests are transactional and roll back at the end of each test.
You can refer to Enabling and Disabling Transactions in spring test documentation which indicate :
Annotating a test method with #Transactional causes the test to be run within a transaction that is, by default, automatically rolled back after completion of the test. If a test class is annotated with #Transactional, each test method within that class hierarchy runs within a transaction. Test methods that are not annotated with #Transactional (at the class or method level) are not run within a transaction. Furthermore, tests that are annotated with #Transactional but have the propagation type set to NOT_SUPPORTED are not run within a transaction.
Tips :
If you want to commit the transaction for a reason or another, you can use the #Commit annotation or less properly #Rollback(false) on method or class level.
If you want to execute code outside of a transaction ( before or after ) you can use #BeforeTransaction and #AfterTransaction on public methods that have no return ( return void ) or on default method of interfaces.

#Transactional doesnt work whereas DefaultTransactionDefinition works

I am upgrading my application from Spring3 to Spring 4. In my existing application we were using OpenSessionInViewInterceptor which creates the transaction along with new request.
Now I am using JPA also so even if I use OpenEntityManagerInViewInterceptor it doesn't associate transactions with it. So I had to put transaction manually in all my controller methods.
Due to legacy code, the controller classes have lots of business logic instead of distributing it properly to service layer.
Now if I put #Transctional annotation on controller method, then it doesn't work whereas if I use manual transaction through DefaultTransactionDefinition then it works properly.
Also, if I remove the business logic of controller methods to service layer, and put #Transactional annotation to service layer, then it also work fine. But these changes are tedious and my application is very big, so cant do it.
Please let me know why #Transactional doesn't work in my case if I put it in controller, how should I get it working.
I am not using AspectJ for transaction management.
Tried approaches:
Code at both places : code in dispatcher-servlet.xml along with appliacationContext.xml but still the controller transactions are failing.
Moved bean for urlMapping into applicationContext.xml but still it fails.

Why doesnt #Transactional and #RequestMapping work together?

The moment I include the #Transactional annotation on a #RequestMapping, I notice in springboot that the url mappings do not auto-configure.
What could be responsible for this?
I want a case where (C)R(UD) rest calls work within a transaction.
If you're goal is to ensure your CRUD operations happen within a transaction, then using Spring Data JPA, this is done for you by default. Creating a repository interface that extends CrudRepository for example, your query methods will inherently be #Transactional. You can customize the #Transactional attributes by manually annotating a query method on your repository, but this need only be done if you want non default behaviour.
See the Spring Data JPA docs for more details.

Selecting the right candidates for spring bean. What to what not to

Last year when I started learning spring I remember an article that expalined that not all pojos are to be defined as beans. So I'm planning to create a web app say EmployeeMaintenance. CRUD Functionalities are there. I will surely end up creating pojos like Employee , EmployeeSupplementaryDetails, Address etc. Should I makes these beans and configure them in xml or annotate whatever. I'm sure my understanding of bean is not enough. I know that Dbconn , services etc should definitely be declared as bean.
All I need is what are the parameters I should consider before I make a pojo a Spring Bean.
General rule for making Java class a Spring bean is to ask yourself if you need to inject object into some other object or if you want the object to be managed by Spring components. The classes you listed as example doesn't seem to be good candidates for being Spring beans - they represent model data and will be passed as some service's methods parameters.
Examples of typical CRUD application beans:
EmployeeService (you would want to inject it to controller or other service)
EmployeeRepository / EmployeeDao
EmployeeController (it will be bean managed by Spring's MVC framework)
Spring beans are building blocks of your application. Let's suppose you need to create web application for storing and managing employees records (creating, retrieving, updating, deleting). What you will need is web controller that will handle incoming requests for several operations (EmployeeController). Good practice is that controller doesn't implement any business logic - all it should do is to delegate work to service beans. So you would need bean like EmployeeService. Then controller would ask service to do some work (give me employees list / remove John Smith from database / change salary for Ann Jackson / etc). So service will be controller's dependency (service is injected into controller). Service can also have some dependencies (like repository object, which is responsible for handling communication with data storage) and these dependencies would be injected to service. Dependency management is Spring's core feature.
Good practice in object oriented programming is to have small classes that are responsible for doing one kind of actions. Such objects are much easier to test and understand. The more classes you have, the building application from blocks is harder, so it's worth to delegate it to framework like Spring. Without Spring you would need to create controller class, then inside of it create service, then inside of it create other dependencies and so on. Spring does it for you, so all you need to do is to declare dependencies and they will be injected automatically. If you want to replace implementation of your service with another (for example repository that used XML file for storing data with repository storing data in relational database) then you just have to change your bean definition.
Regarding to beans managed by Spring, typical example is database transaction manager (eg. org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager). If you define such bean, and declare which methods should be transactional, then Spring will take care of transactions management (will open, commit or rollback transactions automatically).
