I'm trying to implement Game Center into my ios7 game (Xcode 5), but the material in the apple docs and the stuff I've seen online doesn't seem to work very well.
These are the two main methods I'm using wish produce no errors but I don't get any data either:
- (void) retrieveTopTenScores
GKLeaderboard *leaderboardRequest = [[GKLeaderboard alloc] init];
if (leaderboardRequest != nil)
leaderboardRequest.playerScope = GKLeaderboardPlayerScopeGlobal;
leaderboardRequest.timeScope = GKLeaderboardTimeScopeToday;
leaderboardRequest.identifier = kLeaderboardID;
leaderboardRequest.range = NSMakeRange(1,10);
[leaderboardRequest loadScoresWithCompletionHandler: ^(NSArray *scores, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil)
// Handle the error.
if (scores != nil)
// Process the score information.
} else {
NSLog(#"scores retrieved successfully but no scores in the leaderboard");
//This is the same category id you set in your itunes connect GameCenter LeaderBoard
GKScore *myScoreValue = [[GKScore alloc] initWithLeaderboardIdentifier:kLeaderboardID];
myScoreValue.value = 5123123;
[myScoreValue reportScoreWithCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error){
if(error != nil){
NSLog(#"Score Submission Failed");
} else {
NSLog(#"Score Submitted");
So I'm looking for some simple example code to do this successfully...
I see nothing wrong with your code. Is the player authenticated when you run it?, what error are you getting? If you look for sample GameKit code there is some at iOS 6 Advanced Cookbook from Erica Sadun, but nothing you shouldn't be able to figure out reading the API.
the answer is this for submitting scores in iOS7 to the game centre
Game Center Helper/Manager/Control (Object).h
+ (gamecenterhelper/manager/control *)sharedInstance;
-(void)reportScore:(int64_t)score forLeaderboardID:(NSString*)identifier;
Game Center Helper/Manager/Control (Object).m
-(void)reportScore:(int64_t)score forLeaderboardID:(NSString*)identifier
GKScore *scoreReporter = [[GKScore alloc] initWithLeaderboardIdentifier: identifier];
scoreReporter.value = score;
scoreReporter.context = 0;
NSArray *scores = #[scoreReporter];
[GKScore reportScores:scores withCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
#import "gamecenterhelper/manager/control"
[[gamecenterhelper/manager/control sharedInstance] reportScore:(int64_t) forLeaderboardID:(NSString*)];
//in place of int64_t place your integer you want uploaded, and instead on NNString* add your leaderboard identifier
Newbie here,
I have 4 textfields on my single-view app example (address, city, state and zip). I'm trying to use delegation from each to dismiss the keyboard when the user taps out of each. I can't have two identically named methods.
Here's the method to dismiss the address textfield:
-(BOOL) textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)address
if (address == self.address)
[address resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
So, my return key can dismiss the keyboard only if the user is in the address textfield, but I can't figure out how to use delegation for the other textfields. The delegate protocol documentation didn't have any specifics on this.
And that's the use of the parameter passed in the textFieldShouldReturn delegate method.
If you have multiple text fields, the same delegate method will be called and the text field sender object is passed as the parameter.
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
if (textField == self.addressField)
//Do what you need to do if address field should return
else if (textField == self.cityField)
//Do what you need to do if city field should return
return YES;
But if what you want is just to resign the text field and since the text field is passed as the sender, you can just resign the passed text field:
-(BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return YES;
The officially recommended method for XIB/Storyboard localization is to create .xib and .storyboard files inside xx.lproj (where xx is the two letter language ID) for each localization you want to support.
This creates a problem because you have multiple files that in many cases share the same UI, that are prone to change. If you wanted to re-design the UI for one view, you'll have to do it multiple times (worse if you entered the localizable string values in the xib itself). This goes against the DRY principle.
It seems way more efficient to call NSLocalizedString() where you need it, and just use one XIB or Storyboard for one base localization.
So, why should(n't) I create localized XIB/Storyboard files?
You can make a category on UILabel, UIButton etc. like this:
#import "UILabel+Localization.h"
#implementation UILabel (Localization)
- (void)setLocalizeKey:(NSString*)key
self.text = NSLocalizedString(key, nil);
and after that on your xib file use User Defined Runtime Attributes to link the UILabel (or UIButton etc.) to a key saved in your Localizable.strings file
This way you can have all your strings in one file and you do not have to create a separate xib for each language.
For just changing text labels I did something like this
+(void) replaceTextWithLocalizedTextInSubviewsForView:(UIView*)view
for (UIView* v in view.subviews)
if (v.subviews.count > 0)
[self replaceTextWithLocalizedTextInSubviewsForView:v];
if ([v isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]])
UILabel* l = (UILabel*)v;
l.text = NSLocalizedString(l.text, nil);
[l sizeToFit];
if ([v isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]])
UIButton* b = (UIButton*)v;
[b setTitle:NSLocalizedString(b.titleLabel.text, nil) forState:UIControlStateNormal];
call this function in your viewDidLoad: like this:
[[self class] replaceTextWithLocalizedTextInSubviewsForView:self.view];
It saved me a lot of work declaring and connecting IBOutlets when all you want is localized labels.
Flax's solution works well, one thing to note is that if you have UILabels or UIButtons which are are contained in UICollectionViewCells in UICollectionViews (or similar) and these collections change frequently in the current view, eg due to user action or being populated by an asynchronous request, then to keep the labels updated with the correct localization strings you can call the localization function in viewDidLayoutSubviews instead of viewDidLoad (which is called only once):
- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews
[LocalizationHelper replaceTextWithLocalizedTextInSubviewsForView:self.view];
As can be seen from this code, I keep the localization method in a static helper class (as the other chap suggested):
#implementation LocalizationHelper
+(void) replaceTextWithLocalizedTextInSubviewsForView:(UIView*)view
for (UIView* v in view.subviews)
... <code from above> ...
Would have added this as a comment to the above solution, but I ain't got no 'rep!
As explained by Leszek S you can create a category.
Here I'll give you an example in swift 3 with extension for UILabel and UIButton:
First of all create a "StringExtension.swift" file
Add on it this code:
extension String {
func localized() -> String {
let bundle = Bundle.main
return NSLocalizedString(self, tableName: nil, bundle: bundle, value: "", comment: "")
Then create another new file with the name you want (for example) "LocalizableObjectsExtensions.swift"
Add on it an extension for UIButton and one for UILabel like this (of course you can create extension for what you want, UITextField...):
extension UIButton {
var localizedText: String {
set (key) { setTitle(key.localized(), for: .normal) }
get { return titleLabel!.text! }
extension UILabel {
var localizedText: String {
set (key) { text = key.localized() }
get { return text! }
Now go in your Storyboard and for your button and/or you label that you want localize just add in the identity inspector of you object this:
FYI: here Key Path it's the name of the function you added in your extensions (UIlabel and UIButton) and Value is the name of the key that you want translate automatically which is in your Localizable.strings file. For example in your Localizable.strings (French) you have the key/value "ourOffers" = "NOS OFFRES";
Now build & Run. Your Object will be translated in the language of your device if you have the key/value in your Localizable.string. Enjoy :)
you can automate a lot of it with ibtool. this is a decent introduction: http://www.bdunagan.com/2009/03/15/ibtool-localization-made-easy/
Every place I look says that you have to replicate the entire xib file for each localization instance, even though you really only wanted to rip the text out and replicate the text in a different language for each localization instance.
If anyone knows of a method to replicate only the user visible text of an xib (in a different language) without replicating the entire xib file for each language, please let us know.
Useful post, much easier than multiple XIBs. I extended the code to handle UISegmentedControl:
if ([v isKindOfClass:[UISegmentedControl class]]) {
UISegmentedControl* s = (UISegmentedControl*)v;
for (int i = 0; i < s.numberOfSegments; i++) {
[s setTitle:NSLocalizedString([s titleForSegmentAtIndex:i],nil) forSegmentAtIndex:i];
I was looking for the exactly answer given by Flax, marked as right, but I needed it in Swift. So I translated into it. Thanks Flax.
func replaceTextWithLocalizedTextInSubviewsForView(view: UIView) {
for v in view.subviews {
if v.subviews.count > 0 {
if (v.isKindOfClass(UILabel)) {
let myLabel: UILabel = v as! UILabel
myLabel.text = NSLocalizedString(myLabel.text!, comment: "Text to translate.")
if (v.isKindOfClass(UIButton)) {
let myButton: UIButton = v as! UIButton
myButton.setTitle(NSLocalizedString((myButton.titleLabel?.text)!, comment: "Text to translate.") as String, forState: .Normal)
That works for Swift 2.1
I used a similar approach as Leszek Szary described for my views in Swift.
Using a Boolean value as opposed to the localization keys, I added an "On/Off" drop down menu that determines whether the initial text values should be localized or not. This allows for the Storyboard to be kept clean without any extra upkeep.
When a value is selected, a single Runtime Attribute is added to the view and is used as a condition from within it's setter.
Here is the code from my .swift file which extends UIButton, UILabel, UITabBarItem and UITextField, including the text field placeholder and button control states:
import UIKit
extension String {
public var localize: String {
return NSLocalizedString(self, comment: "")
extension UIButton {
#IBInspectable public var Localize: Bool {
get { return false }
set { if (newValue) {
setTitle( title(for:.normal)?.localize, for:.normal)
setTitle( title(for:.highlighted)?.localize, for:.highlighted)
setTitle( title(for:.selected)?.localize, for:.selected)
setTitle( title(for:.disabled)?.localize, for:.disabled)
extension UILabel {
#IBInspectable public var Localize: Bool {
get { return false }
set { if (newValue) { text = text?.localize }}
extension UITabBarItem {
#IBInspectable public var Localize: Bool {
get { return false }
set { if (newValue) { title = title?.localize }}
extension UITextField {
#IBInspectable public var Localize: Bool {
get { return false }
set { if (newValue) {
placeholder = placeholder?.localize
text = text?.localize
You could also use the new property to easily translate values that are set while your program is running like this:
let button = UIButton()
button.setTitle("Normal Text", for: .normal)
button.setTitle("Selected Text", for: .selected)
button.Localize = true
I came across this post and several others while trying to make xib localization easier for myself. I posted my method of including IBOutles for labels/buttons on this question, worked great for me, keeps all changes limited to the Localization.strings files.
IMHO Xcode has one among the worst localization features available around...
I really don't like developing for Android but I must admit Android Studio has a better localization system.
That said, because I really cannot stand anymore to recreate Storyboard.strings after each mod (you know, Xcode won't update them for you...), this is how I do :
I have a couple of extensions to loop subviews (and subviews of subviews) and I deal with each of the main objects (labels, textfield, buttons...) by localizing their main properties (text, placeholde...) through a simple helper (AltoUtil.ls) which is a "short" version for NSLocalizedString.
Then I insert texts and placeholders with underscores (for example "_first_name", "_email_address") in my storyboard/xibs and I add those strings to each Localizable.strings file.
Now I just need to call the localize() function in viewDidLoad (or whereber I need it) so that I can have the whole view controller localized. For cells I just call the localize() inside the awakeFromNib() method for example.
I'm sure this is not the fastest method (due to subviews loop) but I don't get any slowdown compared to other methods I used to use and it's pretty productive.
import UIKit
extension UIView {
func localize()
for view in self.allSubviews()
if let label = view as? UILabel
label.text = AltoUtil.ls(label.text)
else if let textField = view as? UITextField
textField.text = AltoUtil.ls(textField.text)
textField.placeholder = AltoUtil.ls(textField.placeholder)
else if let button = view as? UIButton
button.setTitle(AltoUtil.ls(button.title(for: UIControl.State.normal)), for: UIControl.State.normal)
else if let searchBar = view as? UISearchBar
searchBar.placeholder = AltoUtil.ls(searchBar.placeholder)
func allSubviews() -> [UIView]
return subviews + subviews.flatMap { $0.allSubviews() }
The second extension is needed to localize view controllers title and tab bar items in view controllers. You can add any item you need to localize.
import UIKit
extension UIViewController {
func localize()
self.title = AltoUtil.ls(self.navigationItem.title)
self.tabBarItem?.title = AltoUtil.ls(self.tabBarItem?.title)
I have an NSDocument based app in which I want to limit the number of documents open at the same time (for a Lite version). I just want to have n documents, and if the user tries to open more than n, show a message with a link to the full app download.
I have managed to count the number of documents using NSDocumentController and, inside readFromFileWrapper, I can return FALSE. That prevents the new doc from opening, but it shows a standard error message. I don't know how to avoid that. I would like to open a new window from a nib.
Is there any way to prevent NSDocument showing the standard error message when returning FALSE from readFromFileWrapper? Or is there any other way to prevent the document from opening before readFromFileWrapper is called?
Try the init method, which is called both when creating a new document and when opening a saved document. You simply return nil if the limit has been reached. However, I have not tried this, and it might cause the same error to be displayed.
- (id)init {
if([[NSDocumentController documents] count] >= DOCUMENT_LIMIT) {
[self release];
return nil;
In case the same error is displayed, you could use a custom NSDocumentController. Your implementations would check the number of open documents, display the message at the limit, and call the normal implementation otherwise.
- (id)openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay:(BOOL)displayDocument error:(NSError **)outError {
if([[self documents] count] >= DOCUMENT_LIMIT) {
// fill outError
return nil;
return [super openUntitledDocumentAndDisplay:displayDocument error:outError];
- (id)openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)absoluteURL display:(BOOL)displayDocument error:(NSError **)outError {
NSDocument *doc = [self documentForURL:absoluteURL];
if(doc) { // already open, just show it
[doc showWindows];
return doc;
if([[self documents] count] >= DOCUMENT_LIMIT) {
// fill outError
return nil;
return [super openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:absoluteURL display:displayDocument];
I have implemented delete functionality in cocoa application now i want to show one message box when user click on delete button.
Take a look at NSAlert, which has a synchronous -runModal method:
NSAlert *alert = [[[NSAlert alloc] init] autorelease];
[alert setMessageText:#"Hi there."];
[alert runModal];
As Peter mentions, a better alternative is to use the alert as a modal sheet on the window, e.g.:
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow:window
Buttons can be added via -addButtonWithTitle::
[a addButtonWithTitle:#"First"];
[a addButtonWithTitle:#"Second"];
The return code tells you which button was pressed:
- (void) alertDidEnd:(NSAlert *)a returnCode:(NSInteger)rc contextInfo:(void *)ci {
switch(rc) {
case NSAlertFirstButtonReturn:
// "First" pressed
case NSAlertSecondButtonReturn:
// "Second" pressed
// ...
Long time has passed since the accepted answer and things have changed:
Swift is becoming more and more popular.
beginSheetModalForWindow(_:modalDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo:) is deprecated, we should use beginSheetModalForWindow:completionHandler: instead.
Latest code sample in Swift:
func messageBox() {
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.messageText = "Do you want to save the changes you made in the document?"
alert.informativeText = "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them."
alert.addButtonWithTitle("Don't Save")
alert.beginSheetModalForWindow(window, completionHandler: savingHandler)
func savingHandler(response: NSModalResponse) {
switch(response) {
case NSAlertFirstButtonReturn:
case NSAlertSecondButtonReturn:
case NSAlertThirdButtonReturn:
println("Don't Save")
In case you want a synchronous version:
func messageBox() {
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.messageText = "Do you want to save the changes you made in the document?"
alert.informativeText = "Your changes will be lost if you don't save them."
alert.addButtonWithTitle("Don't Save")
let result = alert.runModal()
switch(result) {
case NSAlertFirstButtonReturn:
case NSAlertSecondButtonReturn:
case NSAlertThirdButtonReturn:
println("Don't Save")