C4272 Error when using QT3D library in visual Studio - visual-studio-2010

i am using microsoft visual studio 2010 for developing an application. Additionally I am using the QT3D library as an external library.
The QT 3D library is sucessfuly installed and integrated with visual studio. I know this because I can compile and run the examples.
but when I try to write my own code, the visual studio compiler gives me the following error
c4272 : 'function' : is marked __declspec(dllimport); must specify native calling convention when importing a function.
The error message is received a few hundred times, for each of the member functions which are present in the classes in the library header files.
I suspect, that problem has something to do with the linking of the libraries. In the Additional include files the Path is given as follows
When I iclude the header files, the auto complete option can detect these libraries.
the additional library file paths are given as follows.
any ideas?
Best Regards


How Do I Use These .dll Files In My Visual Studio Project?

I am working with a C# version of ncurses called Curses Sharp. So far, I've been following the instructions on how to properly install it.
Through these instructions, I've been able to generate the following files:
When I try to add these as project references in Visual Studio 2019, however, only CursesSharp.dll will import. Attempting to import CursesWrapper.dll results in this error:
This file is necessary for the functioning of CursesSharp. However, I can't find anything online about how to properly import a wrapper into Visual Studio, or what I'm doing wrong. Any help is much appreciated.
Attempting to add just CursesSharp resulted in this error:
You don't need to reference that library directly. It appears tha CursesWrapper.dll is a C++ library that's imported by CursesSharp.dll via P/Invoke (native calls). Just reference CursesSharp.dll and you will be fine. The other library just needs to be present, but it is found automatically.

Assimp linker error Visual Studio 2013 - invalid or corrupt file

I am trying to make assimp work with Visual Studio 2013, but I always get this error:
Error 1 LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x2F0
I followed all the steps here -> Assimp model loading library install/linking troubles
Built assimp from source using cmake, Visual Studio 12 2013 and put the includes and generated dll file in the solution folder. Added the paths in visual studio VC++ Directories (Include, library), C++ (Additional include dirs), Linker (Additional Library dirs, Additional Dependencies).
Am I missing something?
In addition, can someone suggest some other tools to read obj files and load vertex/index/texture buffers directly from the file?
You need to link against the assimp.lib, not against the assimp.dll. The lib is used to say your aplication that it has to load the dll when starting your application.

DLL Incompatibility in various versions of visual studio

I've a DLL file that is compiled with visual studio 2008 (suppose stub.dll), I know the exported function signatures of this DLL, but I don't know about it's internal implementation.
This DLL itself uses some other exported functions from another DLL which I should write (suppose server.dll)
I'm writing my server.dll in visual studio 2013 & export all desired functions correctly, my test programs can use exported functions without any problem, but when I want to use stub.dll it failes to load dynamic library.
Since I've no access to it's source, so I can't debug it to find where the problem is, but I guess it should be some kind of incompatibility between various versions of compiler or linker that I can't use server.dll within stub.dll (just about calling convention, I'm sure both of them use _stdcall calling convention).
any idea?

Using Gloox with Visual Studio 2010

I am trying to use the gloox library (C++) to create a Windows XMPP application. It seems simple enough, except I don't know how to import gloox into Visual Studio 2010 so I can include it in my application project.
I've looked at the instructions provided in the read-me (shown below), but when I try to compile the library, I get this error:
Cannot open source file: 'src\tlsgnutlsserver.cpp': No such file or directory
Instructions provided in the read-me file:
Building gloox on MSVC++
use the included project file or create your own
adjust include + library paths if necessary
to receive any debug output you should use the LogSink facilities (this is not win32-specific)
Does anyone have experience using Gloox with VS10? If yes, can you please help me out? Thanks!
I assume you're using the official 1.0 tarball? I had the same problem (missing source file) and had to acquire the source from SVN instead. I used the 1.0 branch.
I encountered a few other build problems, namely
the release build configuration was set to build an Application (.exe) instead of Dynamic library (.dll) (Project->Properties->General->Configuration Type)
I needed to add DLL_EXPORT to the preprocessor definitions (Project->Properties->Configuration Properties->C/C++ ->Properties->Preprocessor)
src\atomicrefcount.cpp needed to be added to the project's source files. (Project->Add Existing Item)
This worked for me in express editions of both VC++ 2010 and VC++ 2008.
Hopefully it helps you as well.

Using MinGW/GCC built DLL in a Visual Studio 2010 C++/CLI project

I have a communication library built on top of Qt and Google Protocol Buffers. It's currently being built with MinGW/GCC on Windows. My goal is to use the same library in C# on .NET, with the help of a thin wrapper on top using C++/CLI (bridging the unmanaged code with managed code).
I tried using the MinGW produced DLL directly in my C++/CLI project, but I keep getting linker errors (cant remember the error codes right now, but something about missing tokens and functions/signatures).
First question is: Should I be able to use the MinGW-produced DLL with the Visual Studio compiler/linker? Or do I need to compile the library again, using only VS compiler for all projects?
If I should be able to use the MinGW-produced DLL directly, how do I reference it in Visual Studio 2010? In project settings it seems to look for *.lib files, but I can't find any .lib files in the output of MinGW/GCC. It does produce *.a files, but it seems like Visual Studio don't handle this kind of file..
I should also mention that both Qt and protobuf are also compiled with MinGW. But I can of course recompile all the parts in VS 2010 if necessary.. Would have been nice to save the recompile time though, since our buildserver already has a working setup using MinGW.
The easiest way to use it would be by recompiling it with Visual Studio. This is when I am assuming C++ types and classes used in the interface you intend to use.
In case you have a C interface to this library you could dynamically load the library via LoadLibrary and use GetProcAddress to access those functions.
However it depends completly on the way how you intend to use the library.
