Should I index primary key column(s) in Oracle - oracle

I've recently stopped to think that Primary Keys are not indexes, they're a combination of Unique and Null constraints. And till now, I've never created index for PK columns. My question is if I should create index for PK columns if this column is going to be used in the WHERE part of many queries.

Oracle will create an index for you, or can use an existing one. Whether a unique or non-unique index is used is up to you.
A primary key itself is not an index, and nor is a unique constraint -- they are both constraints. However an index is used to support them.
A unique index is rather different as it can exist in the absence of a unique or primary key constraint, and neither constraint type require that the index supporting it be unique.


How unique index internally works in Oracle?

I have read some articles and oracle documentation on unique and nonunique indexes. What I understood is Index is Index and constraint is constraint.
Constraint uses the index to ensure data integrity.
The primary key uses the unique or nonunique index to ensure that column is unique and not null.
The same goes for unique constrain.
But constraints can use a non-unique index if we want them deferrable.
The question comes for a unique index, it is just an index and I can not see any constraint associated with it so what is going on internally so the unique index won't allow for duplicate values, it is some internal semantics working as a constraint to ensure index uniqueness?
And let's say a unique index has the ability to be unique without any constraint then I want to understand the relation of constraints with indexes in every sense.
"There really is no such thing as a nonunique entry in a B*Tree index. In a nonunique index, Oracle simply stores the rowid by appending it to the key as an extra column with a length byte to make the key unique. For example, an index such as CREATE INDEX I ON T(X,Y) is conceptually CREATE UNIQUE INDEX I ON T(X,Y,ROWID). In a unique index, as defined by you, Oracle does not add the rowid to the index key. In a nonunique index, you will find that the data is sorted first by index key values (in the order of the index key) and then by rowid ascending. In a unique index, the data is sorted only by the index key values".
Though unique, primary key constraints and unique indexes both help with uniqueness, their objectives differ.
A unique or primary key constraints are meant to enforce data integrity. They might create a unique index implicitly and then it uses unique index to maintain integrity or it can use nonunique index as the key enforcement. Anyway index (unique or nonunique) always used to support primary key.
A unique index serves to make data access efficient. Its primary purpose is to help performance, but it does maintain uniqueness as a corollary and primary key may use this.

Do I need a primary key with an Oracle identity column?

I am using Oracle 12c and I have an IDENTITY column set as GENERATED ALWAYS.
customerName VARCHAR2(30) NULL,
Since the ID is automatically from a sequence it will be always unique.
Do I need a PK on the ID column, and if yes, will it impact the performance?
Would an index produce the same result with a better performance on INSERT?
No, you don't need a primary key necessarily, but you should always provide the optimiser as much information about your data as possible - including a unique constraint whenever possible.
In the case of a surrogate key (like your ID), it's almost always appropriate to declare it as a Primary Key, since it's the most likely candidate for referential constraints.
You could use an ordinary index on ID, and performance of lookups will be comparable depending on data volume - but there is virtually no good reason in this case to use a non-unique index instead of a unique index - and there is no good reason in this case to avoid the constraint which will require an index anyway.
Yes, you always should have a Uniqueness constraint (with rare exceptions) on an ID column if indeed it is (and should be) unique, regardless of the method by which it is populated - whether the value is provided by your application code or via an IDENTITY column.

Why dropping a primary key is not dropping its unique index?

I have a table with Col1 and Col2 as a composite primary key pk_composit_key and a unique index that was automatically created for the constraint.
I then altered the table to add new column Col3.
I dropped the pk_composit_key constraint:
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT pk_composit_key;
Now, When I tried to insert records I got ORA-00001: unique constraint pk_composit_key violated.
Why am I getting that error?
When the key was dropped why wasn't the unique index dropped automatically?
You mentioned exporting and importing the schema, and if that happened in the environment that showed this behaviour it would explain what you're seeing; at least if you used legacy imp rather than the data pump impdp.
The original import documentation states the order objects are imported:
Table objects are imported as they are read from the export dump file. The dump file contains objects in the following order:
Type definitions
Table definitions
Table data
Table indexes
Integrity constraints, views, procedures, and triggers
Bitmap, function-based, and domain indexes
So the unique index would have been imported, then the constraint would have been created.
When you drop a primary key constraint:
If the primary key was created using an existing index, then the index is not dropped.
If the primary key was created using a system-generated index, then the index is dropped.
Because of the import order, the constraint is using an existing index,so the first bullet applies; and the index is retained when the constraint is dropped.
You can use the drop index clause to drop the index even if it wasn't created automatically:
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP CONSTRAINT pk_composit_key DROP INDEX;
See also My Oracle Support note 370633.1; and 1455492.1 suggests similar behaviour will occur with data pump import as well. I'm not aware of any way to check if an index is associated with a constraint at this level; there is no difference in the dba_constraints or dba_indexes views when you create the index manually or automatically. Including drop index will make it consistent though.
It depends on how unique index was created...below are the various ways and behaviour
1) first create unique index (on the column for which primary key to be defined) and then add the primary key constraint. In this situation your DDL to add the primary key will utilize the existing unique index. So when you drop the primary key it will not drop the index but only primary key. ==> this is your situation I guess...
2) While creating the table you define the primary key OR when you add the primary key when there was no existing unique index for the column(s) on which primary key to be defined, so system will create a unique index and use it for primary key. So in this case when you drop the primary key the unique index will also get dropped.

Is primary key by default indexed in oracle

I have a table with a long value as primary key.
Now i think that oracle by default will create a index on it.And i dont need to
create a index explicityly.
The question is :Is primary key by default indexed by oracle in this case?
Yes, a primary key (or any unique column constraint) will create an index, if there is not already one present.
This is the case for almost all databases. Otherwise the uniqueness constraint cannot be efficiently enforced.

What are the implicit indexes added by oracle

As per my knowledge, when a primary key is defined in a table an index is created for that column. So I don't have to create an index explicitly.
Are there any other way an implicit indexes added by oracle?
Only for primary key constraints and unique key constraints.
Note that this is an implementation detail only so that those constraints can be enforced efficiently.
