Intersect Sprites with Raycaster - three.js

I want to realize a 3D interactive globe with three.js and I wonder if there is a way to intersect over Sprites primitive with the Raycaster?

If you check the source code for RayCaster at
it would appear that the intersectObject function only checks objects that are instances of THREE.Particle or THREE.Mesh, not THREE.Sprite. Possibly this is because sprites could be set to use screen coordinates, and so a ray that projects into your 3d scene wouldn't make sense in this situation, or if placed in the scene as the sprite image always faces the camera, it doesn't act like your standard 3d mesh.
Perhaps you could attach a PlaneGeometry or a very thin CubeGeometry to the position of your sprite, set its rotation to the rotation of the camera so that it is always parallel to the view plane of the camera like the sprite is, and then check for intersections with the mesh instead?


How can I add an event listener to a sprite on THREE js? [duplicate]

I want to realize a 3D interactive globe with three.js and I wonder if there is a way to intersect over Sprites primitive with the Raycaster?
If you check the source code for RayCaster at
it would appear that the intersectObject function only checks objects that are instances of THREE.Particle or THREE.Mesh, not THREE.Sprite. Possibly this is because sprites could be set to use screen coordinates, and so a ray that projects into your 3d scene wouldn't make sense in this situation, or if placed in the scene as the sprite image always faces the camera, it doesn't act like your standard 3d mesh.
Perhaps you could attach a PlaneGeometry or a very thin CubeGeometry to the position of your sprite, set its rotation to the rotation of the camera so that it is always parallel to the view plane of the camera like the sprite is, and then check for intersections with the mesh instead?

How can I prevent certain instances of a instance geometry from disappearing when center position no longer in view?

I'm learning webgl, threejs and glsl shaders. The scene you see below is my attempt at working with instanced geometry. I have 3 patches of "grass". The grass is actually made of instanced cones around the central position of the mesh I'm building.
As you can see, if the central position (marked with a white wireframe cone) of the mesh is no longer in the camera view, all instances disappear.
How can I prevent this?
And to be even more specific: Are all the grass patches, or all fire instances, or all particles of the same time supposed to be instanced at once and place around the scene how we see fit? My assumption is that they should. Right?
If you are using InstancedBufferGeometry, there are two ways you can deal with frustum culling.
One way is to turn frustum culling off for the mesh:
mesh.frustumCulled = false;
The other option is to set the bounding sphere of the mesh's geometry manually, if it is known in your case:
geometry.boundingSphere = new THREE.Sphere( new THREE.Vector3(), radius );
three.js r.88

Disable Particle rotation in Three.js

I'm trying to use Three.js to create an ’asteroid field' using particle systems or point clouds or stuff like that. One of the problems I've bumped into with all of these is that when the camera rotates around the z axis, the particles rotate individually with the camera, preserving the same orientation no matter how the camera is turned. I want the simulation to look as if the user is flying through a bunch of asteroids, and obviously asteroids don't magically spin whenever you tilt your head, so I was wondering if there is any way to prevent them from turning when the camera turns. Must particles always be upright?
If you want to rotate sprites you can use attribute SpriteMaterial.rotation:
var sprite = new THREE.Sprite( new THREE.SpriteMaterial({map: texture,rotation: Math.PI/4}));
see this
In your case, rotation of all sprites should be equal to camera rotation.

Three.js Merge objects and textures

My question is related to this article:
If my understanding is correct, a mesh made from the intersection of the original mesh and a cube is added to the scene to make a decal appear.
I need to save the final texture. So I was wondering if there is a way to 'merge' the texture of the original mesh and the added decal mesh?
You'd need to do some tricky stuff to convert from the model geometry space into UV coordinate space so you could draw the new pixels into the texture map. If you want to be able to use more than one material that way, you'd also probably need to implement some kind of "material map" similar to how some deferred rendering systems work. Otherwise you're limited to at most, one material per face, which wouldn't work for detailed decals with alpha.
I guess you could copy the UV coordinates from the original mesh into the decal mesh, and the use that information to reproject the decal texture into the original texture

How to create an orthographic/isometric directional light with three.js

I'm trying to create a shadow in my orthographic scene in three.js. I'd like to have a directional light so the shadow is offset from all objects equally in the scene. I am however having problems using DirectionalLight.
My first problem is that I can't get the shado to cover the entire scene, only part of it ever has a shadow. I played with the light's frustum settings, but can't figure out how to get it to cover the scene. Ideally I'd want the frustrum to match that of the camera.
The second problem is that the shadows aren't "clean". If I use a SpotLight the shadows have nice crisp borders (but obviously not the universal directionality I want). When I use a DirectionalLight the borders are misshappen and blurry.
In the samples the tile is a simply box created with CubeGeometry.
How can I create an ortographic directional light source for my scene?
