is there any one know how to build eclipse-plugin for CDH4 ( 4.2.0 )?
I google it all the morning and only found some tips about 4.1.2 or older version.
My hadoop cluster is build by Cloudera Management, and the latest version of CDH is 4.2.0, I don't know how to build eclipse-plugin, or I should just roll back my CDH version to 4.1.2? if so, how to do that?
What version of Apache Storm should I have installed in order to use the latest version of StormCrawler?
Apache Storm 1.2.3 or 2.0.0
As of writing, the master branch of StormCrawler is based on Storm 1.2.3 as shown in the pom.xml, but there is a 2.x branch available as well.
Apache Hadoop Release
I downloaded Hadoop 2.6.4, but I find 2.7.2 was released earlier than 2.6.4, also 2.7.2 is stable. How can 2.7.2 is more stable than 2.6.4, and how can 2.7.2 released earlier than 2.6.4 ?
I guess 2.7.X are stable versions, 2.6.X are unstable versions ?
Hadoop community had decided to drop JDK6 runtime and works with JDK 7+ only.
On 2.x release versions they started this trough release 2.7.0.
To extend support for JDK6 hadoop users they started maintenance release for 2.6.x branch.
2.7.x versions contains roadmap features with JDK7 support.
2.6.x version contains point releases having critical fixes with JDK6 support.
To answer the question 2.6.x release post 2.7.x are point releases for 2.6.x branch containing critical fixes.
As long as stability is concerned, release 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 are stable.
Check POM configuration of Hadoop's 2.7.x & 2.6.x branches on github mirrors for JDK compatibility
I have an installed CDH cluster and used hadoop version, but it returns only with Hadoop version. Is there any way to get maybe all installed components version number on a graphical interface? Which command can get for example Spark version number?
Open CM (hostname:portnumber) -> Hosts tab -> Host Inspector to find what version of
CM and CDH is installed across all hosts in the cluster, as well as installed cdh components list with version details
Spark version can checked in using
spark-submit --version
Spark was developed separately from Hadoop-hdfs and Hadoop-mapreduce as a standalone tool which can be be used along with Hadoop, as such most of its interfaces are are different from hadoop.
I want to build hadoop eclipse plugin for hadoop 2.7.1 version. So how to build this plugin?
AFAIK the hadoop eclipse plugin is very very old and unmaintained. Some time ago I tried to use it with hadoop 2.3 and even I was able to install it, it never worked. I don't recommend you waste your time with old plugins.
I am using Cloudera Manager with CDH4.2.2 for my 3+1 cluster. On starting the installation with cloudera manager, it automatically downloads and installs JDK1.6. I want to use JDK1.7 with CDH for my convinience. Is it possible or is there any version of CDH which while installating Hadoop in the cluster automatically downloads and installs and successfully runs Hadoop with JDK1.7?
If yes, may I know which version of CDH is it and where do i get to download it from?
I want to work with JDK1.7 instead of 1.6 because i want to install Apache Giraph on CDH but it seems Giraph does not fit fine with JDK1.6 and needs the JDK1.7.
With Regards,
JDK 1.7 is supported for all CDH applications as of CDH 4.4 and Cloudera Manager 4.7.
That being said, no version of Cloudera Manager 4.x installs JDK 1.7 during the installation (latest version is 4.8.2). The only version of Cloudera Manager that installs JDK 1.7 automatically is 5.0.0.
To summarize: If you want an automated installation of JDK 1.7 via Cloudera Manager, you need to upgrade to CDH 5, and CM 5.0.0. Alternatively, you could upgrade to CDH4.4, and then perform a manual installation of JDK 1.7.