Placing images on top of other images in wxpython - image

I know this question is pretty basic, and I'm sorry for posting it, but I literally have spent the last hour googling and I still havent found an answer.
I coded a blackjack game using pygame, and want to convert it to wxpython mostly as a way to learn wxpython. In pygame the graphics are easy, I have a base image I display (basically just the table), and then I can just display other images on top of it as the action unfolds, for example the cards. Each time the player hits I just draw a new card in a different position. When The hand is over and I want to go to the next hand, I just display the base image again, and it covers everything up and viola! Its really simple all I have to use is blit() and pygame.display.update().
I cant seem to find anyway to do this in wxpython. All the examples I find are for drawing items in new widgets, or drawing vector graphics over an image, or opening new frames with images, etc.
any help is greatly appreciated, thank you very much.

The AlphaDrawing example in the wxPython demo shows how to overlap multiple drawings. This uses wx.GraphicContext / wx.GCDC. If you look at the documentation, you'll note that it has CreateBitmapFromImage and CreateBitmap methods that probably apply to what you want to do. See also the DragImage demo and the following links for related information:
wx python card game (look at the original that was done in wx)

I found this post, which reading the comments, does a good job of showing me want I was looking for.
Delete image in wxpython?


Lightbox for Flex

Ey. I've seen the other post about Lightbox gallery effect for Flex, but after having played around with it I cant seem to get it to work 100% (The image is as small as the thumb, and I cant make it bigger). And this also lacks some functionality I'd like to have.
So, one example would be, of course, this:
If you click any image on the image set you can swap between them with an arrow. This is what I'd like to have.
Also, it would be nice if it was possible to display the thumbnails for the other images in the same set under the bigger picture(when one image is already clicked).
I've tried to search for components like this, but I cant seem to find any other.
If any of you know of any nice components or snippets of code for this kind of effect then please let me know! =)
Kind regards,
Stian Berg Larsen
So I've searched around and tried a number of examples, but I cant seem to get any of them to work. There is always an error, and none of the examples are exactly what I want.
I simply need a way to show images like Lightbox. With a prev/next arrow and maybe a close button. Nothing more than that. How would I go about making this, or use an existing component?
Im using a TileGroup to hold all my thumbs (so that they will fill out the width of the Group with more images if there are room for it). If it's possible to generate this list of thumbnails dynamically too then that would be great, but basically what I need is to show images with a Lightbox style when I click them.
Thanks! =)
I ended up just making my own lightbox effect. :)
Created an Actionscript class (based on Group) and added image loading functionality, prev/next/close buttons and borders and such. Works like a charm :)

How to crop only certain area using HTML5 + Javascript or server side language?

Before asking my question, I have a test page to make it everyone understand my question better. The URL is
You can move the red selection.
I like to crop only the area of red selection. I thought it could be done easily in HTML5 canvas, but that was my mistake. First I googled about it 2 days, but I couldn't find a solution. There are many HTML5 based cropping tools, but they only have square selection.
I then looked into PHP GD and imagemagick, but I couldn't find a solution as well.
I looked at the adobe online photoshop, but they're missing free-form lasso tool or free-form selection tool as well.
did anyone see a similar javascript/php/ruby/ or any other web-based technology?
or is this even possible?
just to answer to the question if this is possible.
I had to deal with same problem and took me a (full) weekend to solve it using HTML5 .
Have a look at a demo here.
Hope it helps.
Just a bit of pseudocode:
1.Draw the picture on canvas.
2.Record mouse clicks on canvas.
3.Draw a pattern using the mouse clicks coordinates
4.Fill pattern with original image.
5. Replace original image with pattern.
Source code released
I'm working on the same subject. My idea now was to draw the opposite polygon(s) and make these transparent using imagecolorallocatealpha.
The polygon is then drawn with imagefilledpolygon. For the client side we will be using predefined images (thus predefined polygons in php). I have come across this as well:
Hope this helps somewhat.
use html5 to draw the line/ coordinates,
than just use clip() instead of stroke

Using images in Matlab GUI

I'm working on a small image processing project in MATLAB. I have worked with MATLAB before, but never created a GUI. The GUI I want to create could be pretty advanced, so I need some hints on how to get started.
The purpose of the GUI would be to load an image and have it shown to the user. The user then has to click on two points in the image, of which the coordinates are stored (in pixels) in a variable. If possible, a colored dot is shown where the user has clicked. After the user finished with the current image, he can load a next one.
I have some experience with Java, and I think this wouldn't be too hard in Swing. But MATLAB seems like not having the purpose of creating such an advanced GUI. However, the whole project until now is in MATLAB, so it would be nice if I could manage to do it. Any help? Hints? Things I should look at?
Thanks a lot.
This is not a very complex task to be done in MATLAB.
For simple instructions about adding a picture to a GUI, take a look at this post:
For instructions on various interactions between GUI axes and the mouse pointer, check this video (keep in mind that your picture in the GUI lies within normal MATLAB axes):
In general, Doug's tutorial videos are great for MATLAB beginners, and I'd advise you to take a look at more of them.

Qt, CEGUI or wxWidgets for a text game GUI?

I tried to sign up, but I was unable; perhaps a problem from my side. Hopefully I'll get an answer as anonymous.
I apologize for the grammar/syntax, but English isn't my native language.
Recently I lost my job, so I have enough spare time to try something fun. I decided to create a simple text RPG game for me and some friends. It will very close to the board games like Talisman, Dungeon Run, and HeroQuest, using dice and a simple attribute/skill system. So no 3d graphics. The only 2d element, if I decide to include it, will be a map
that will allow the hero to move between locations. Currently I'm using Windows XP SP3, for the game I use wxDev-C++, and although cross platform would be cool, I don't really care.
I have some experience in C++ (currently using wxDev-C++), but I'm far from being called an expert or even a great programmer. I was about to start writing parts of the code, but I decided to check if creating a GUI for the game is possible. In some forums, many suggested I use Qt, CEGUI or wxWidgets, but most examples I saw are grey boxes that are
indifferent at best, when I want something that fits better in a fantasy setting. I don't claim I would do better, but I want a GUI that is more fantasy related.
What I want from the GUI:
1. A "cool" Gui with decent graphics. I could even create an image to serve as a mask in Photoshop, but the GUI builder will have to support imported images.
2. A relatively large textbox in the middle (with a scrollbar) that will display die rolls, damage and options.
3. The ability to display dynamically values (like the change in the health after each action without requiring to refresh manually)
4. Display an icon or a small image of the character in the area where I display stats/abilities.
5. Open new windows created with tha same GUI builder to allocate points, buy/sell things and open a map.
About the map in the game: I decided to create a map in photoshop. When the hero decides to move to another location, a new window will open showing the map. I thought of 2 possible ways to move between locations: 1) Create hotspots on the image and select one by clicking on the name of the location.(I dare not think about the complexity of this so we
move to idea #2) and 2) Have the image as a backgroung to a grid with vertical and horizontal coordinates. When the hero selects a new area to visit, he clicks on the area, but what he really does is click on the grid, which returns the two values (x,y) of the location and informs the game about the area the hero wants to visit.
Yeah, yeah, I know it's too much, so what I'm most interested in are the 1-3. I know that even if they are possible, it will propably take forever, but as I said I have spare time, and I like learning new things. I apologize for the size of the post, but I decided to post as many info as possible so you know what I want.
If any of you has used Qt, CEGUI or wxWidgets could you tell which covers most of my criteria? I saw some great stuff build with CEGUI, but I don't know if it is too hard to learn?
Thank in advance.
I know my answer comes pretty late, I only recently started using stackoverflow fairly recently, but maybe this response will help anybody.
CEGUI fully supports skinning widgets using XML. Our CEED editor (WYSIWYG) fully supports layout editing, but the skinning editor (LNF editor) is not finished as of now (11.11.2014), the development version supports exchanging images however and changing sizes and proportions, but more advanced adjustments have to be done in XML.
CEGUI has an imageset editor, fully supported by the CEED editor. Creating imagesets (sets of named subimages, with position and dimension inside a big texture atlas) is supported there. Additionally there is a way to create imagesets from just a bunch of jpg/png/... files using a tool. You would have to ask for specifics in the forum though because it is not integrated into CEED yet.
So basically with CEGUI you are free to make whatever fantasy GUI you want. Skinning simple elements like buttons and progress bars isn't much work in XML anyways. Without the finished editor, some more advanced widgets are more work to skin, but many skins have already been created done this way and some of them are even publically available in the forum and in the CEGUI stock files.
StaticText widgets supports what you want, you can even use images in there or change fonts and colours in the text if you want. Scrollbars are supported too.
I am not sure what you mean by this. You have to specify this.
A simple "Generic/Image" widget is available in CEGUI for this purpose. You can use precreated images or even RTT textures.
You can create and destroy windows in CEGUI without issues.
Regarding the map: I m not sure what you mean, but getting the position of a click in respect to an image (representing the map) is possible in CEGUI.
CEGUI is not particularly hard to learn. There is always the forums and the chat if you got questions. For an Open Source project it is quite well documented so if you read all of the API docu, and look at the supplied samples in the sample browser, you should already get quite far. And for everything additional there is the forum (search), the IRC chat and a community wiki (mind the targeted versions of an article there though)
For a project like yours, CEGUI seems perfectly suited (this is what it was created for in the first place). Qt is not really optimal for games for numerous reasons. wxWidgets I have never used.

Opengl Window with mouse control for win 32

I am new to OpenGl, almost new to C++.
I am looking for some code that does the following things.
Open an OpenGL window (maybe using glut)
Rotate the view point when the user press the left mouse button
zoom when the user press the right mouse button
translate the point of view the user press the central button
Basically what I need is a very simple graphics platform in which I will plot results coming from my algorithms. I have tried using the glut library and some code coming from the web, but no luck!
This should be a basic project, can you please point me where to find it. It just seems unreal to me that a so simple project turns to be so hard to find, but I have been googling for hours and no results.
I really appreciate your help,
thank you very much
You're asking for a fair amount of code there. Basic, but not insubstantial. Even if we do provide the code to do what you've asked, I'm not sure if you'll be able to use it to do what you want. The Red Book is a "bible" of openGL programming of sorts and will provide you with many of the functions and how to use them. I found the entire thing online here. Look into Chapters 1-3 for your drawing and rotating. Also, Lighthouse 3D has some great tutorials for you to look at for mouse events (Link). Some knowledge of linear algebra really helps, but you can manage without it.
I don't think it directly implements everything you want, but you might want to look at the 3D graph control on Code Project. This is hardly unique though -- you might want to Google for something like "opengl activex" and look at some of the alternatives. I doubt any will directly implement all you've asked for -- they'll probably include most of the basic operations, but it'll be up to you to make the connection between the mouse operations and the actions in the window.
