Spring 3 Field Formatting - spring

I am looking at using the Spring's Field formatting in particular the existing DateFormatter. I do understand that I need to specify a pattern on an annotation in my POJO.
Instead of hard coding the pattern I need to be able to provide it dynamically, I know this is not feasible with annotations. To properly support internationalization I would need to look up a pattern from a properties file before passing it to a Formatter.
Can anyone suggest an approach I can take?

Not sure however you may try implementing InitializingBean or init-method and set the values dynamically.
like suggested in spring forum for cron expression.


Spring Boot - autoconfigure if any property with prefix exists

I'm trying to register an autoconfiguration with #ConditionalOnProperty. This configuration should be created when there is any property with a predefined prefix.
For example, this configuration should be created when there is one of the properties listed below
I've tried to use #ConditionalOnProperty with name=test.property, but it doesn't seem to be working. Maybe this can be sorted out using #ConditionalOnExpression, but I have no idea how SpEL expression should look like.
I'm wondering if there a way to achieve this without the need of implementing custom Condition.
Thanks for your help!
Unfortunately, it is not possible. #ConditionalOnProperty evaluates and compares only final property values in flat structure. It does not work on objects :(

Reusing Spring RequestMapping parsing functionality

I have some properties like
I would need to replace {custom} with some value at runtime
I know that Spring is using "#RequestMapping" with a similar syntax for #PathAttribute matching.
I'm wondering if there is some Class I can reuse from Spring to achieve what I need.
A good option for this is to use a UriComponentsBuilder - see reference here: http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/util/UriComponentsBuilder.html

Hibernate validator - conditionally apply validator

I want to apply certain #NotBlank annotations only if another field is false. On my current project we have to use hibernate validator, so no commons validation + valang available to solve this.
Since I'm not too fond of creating multiple custom annotations just to solve what should be an easy thing (bit bummed that this isn't part of the JSR-303 spec) I was wondering if anyone knew an acceptable way to accomplish this. I found a jar which accomplished that, but that was for hibernate 3. And due to the changes...
For this case, the suggested approach is to use class-level constraints instead Field or Property Level.
Please refer Hibernate Validator Docs
I now it is annoying. I had a scenario like this and tried something like #NotEmpty(depends="anotherField") and it was a totally failure.
Maybe some other members know another way to do this, but for now, I'm doing what Hibernate Validator says to do.

Best practice for validating a URL with Spring-MVC?

I am using Spring MVC for my web application.
I need to validate that the URL the user inputs is valid and was wondering if there is something in Spring that can do the basic checks for me (for example starts with http/https, has domain name etc).
ValidationUtils only contains very basic checks and I know I can write a regular expression in the validate() method however prefer to avoid it inm case someone has already done it :)
In the past, I have always utilized Hibernate Validator. Simply annotate the appropriate field in your form bean with a #URL constraint.
If you've never used the ORM part of Hibernate before, don't let that scare you. The Validator portion is not dependent on the ORM stuff, and integrating it into Spring is very straightforward.
If for some reason you can't use Hibernate Validator... or you just want to stick with what you're comfortable with, a good place for regex's is RegExLib.com; several patterns that can match a URI are listed there.
Ended up using UrlValidator from apache commons.
I know this question is quite old, but I just need the same and I think I'll go with the PropertyEditors in SpringFramework.
More precisely there is URLEditor, which you can use to convert a String representation to an actual URL object.
Here is a link to the respective documentation:
In my case, I think about using the following code within a Spring Validator to check whether a String entered by a user is a valid URL or not:
try {
PropertyEditor urlEditor = new URLEditor();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
errors.rejectValue("nameOfTheFieldToBeValidated", "url_is_invalid");
However, as for now, I'm unsure whether it is possible to configure which protocol is going to be accepted as valid (i.e. URLEditor seems to also accept URLs starting with "classpath:")
Use a spring interceptor:

Spring 3.0 URL pattern validation

I'm wanting to to add an endpoint like /user/foo where foo is one of a set of values determined at runtime. I'm wondering what the best way is to do this in Spring, or indeed if it should even been done in Spring an not handled at the controller level.
I'm currently using Springs security filter chain, so I did think about putting a filter in front of /user/* to do this validation. Is this a reasonable solution or is there a more desirable solution I have missed?
You can use #PathVariable annotation on a method argument. #PathVariable also allows regex if you need to validate the structure of the varible.
and for the regex
