Docpad Scss doesn't work - sass

I'm trying to get docpad working with scss on a windows 7 system.
As far as I know i've got sass installed and working cause it starts running from the command line. The path in the environment vars is correct.
docpad is working cause I get compiled code in the out folder.
but when I add a css.scss file I get an error
Error: SCSS does not appear to be available on your system
I tried to add a plugin config:
scssPath: "/Ruby139/bin"
but that gives another error
Does anyone have an idea what to try now?

So the answer is set the correct path to the sass batch files in the ruby folder:
sassPath: 's:/Ruby193/bin/sass.bat'
scssPath: 's:/Ruby193/bin/scss.bat'


Why isn't my SASS watch command working?

Attempting on a Mac with the latest version of Yosemite
I'm using the latest version of sass to refactor my site. I'm setting up watch command via the command line. my directory setup has a scss folder with the main css stylesheet cloned as .scss. and no css folder.
When I attempt the sass --watch scss:css command while in the main project directory folder, I've been told that, if there isn't one present, a css folder should be generated and a cloned .css file should be created along with a map file. Command line tells me >>> Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop. however, changes are not being recorded.
I've tried updating my gems and uninstalling/ reinstalling sass, but nothing seems to be working.
Just tried this - the css folder doesn't get autogenerated. You need to generate it yourself. From there on, you should be good to go.
So if you are in the main project folder with subfolders called scss and css and you have, for example, a main.scss file in the scss directory, you can run the command exactly as you specified and everything should work as specified.

gulp-compass error "You need to have Ruby and Compass installed and in your system PATH"

I'm using gulp-compass to compile my scss to css using gulp task. I'm running on Windows 7.
My Gulp task:
gulp.task('styles', function() {
config_file: './config.rb',
css: 'stylesheets',
sass: 'sass',
require: ['susy', 'breakpoint']
I get the following error message:
Error: You need to have Ruby and Compass installed and in your system PATH for this task to work.
I have Ruby and Compass installed and in my system PATH so I can't see what's the problem.
I tried re-installing both Ruby and Compass and it didn't help either.
When I tried to use the same task on a Mac system it worked fine.
Replacing the gulp-compass plugin to gulp-ruby-sass is not an option due to a bug they have which block me from using certain sass features I need to use.
I don't have Windows 7 environment. I think you must add the following path to your system PATH.
I encountered this issue and resolved it by removing double quotes from my system path.
I had an entry for:
c:\"Program Files"\Perforce;
I changed it to:
c:\Program Files\Perforce;
The script apparently can't handle double quotes.
You can also get around this by explicitly adding the ruby folder to the "External Web Tools" locations but fixing the path is a better solution.

Get fonts from Font-Awesome-Sass gem copied into grunt compass output directory

I have successfully installed the "font-awesome-sass" ruby-gem and included it via "require"-property inside the compass gunt-config and via "import"-rule in my scss. So the font-awesome scss gets compiled into my output-css file, this works so far.
My problem now: how do I get the font files (.woff, .otf, ..) from the ruby-gem into my grunt output directory. The files are already referenced inside the output-css as located in "../css/fonts/" directory but they don't get copied automatically.
Am I missing something?
I believe you could accomplish with something like grunt-contrib-copy
$ npm install grunt-contrib-copy
In your Gruntfile.js add a task like:
copy: {
fonts: {
src: 'path/to/font-awesome/files/*',
dest: 'app/assets/fonts/font-awesome',
As shoesel mentioned; if you are using grunt I would probably also use NPM packages or bower to pull in font-awesome. If you do, the path to your assets will be determined by the package used to install them. Adjust your paths to match your app setup obviously but the general idea should work.

Unable to run SASS in Webstorm

I just installed Sass using Ruby Gems, although my project is in NodeJS in Webstorm. To enable the SASS file watcher in Webstorm. When I run "sass styles.scss" from the commandline, I get a .sass-cache folder but not the actual compiled CSS file. Webstorm does not show any errors in my SASS file. I need the file to compile to a .css file.
I am also trying to setup a filewatcher in Webstorm that is not compiling the scss file. My SCSS executable path in the filewatcher in Webstorm is this. C:\Ruby200-x64\bin\sass.bat.
Here are the filewatcher settings.
The error Webstorm shows in the console, when the .scss file is saved is (which is when the file watcher should be triggered), is this:
C:/Ruby200-x64/bin/sass.bat --no-cache --update styles.scss:styles.css
'"ruby.exe"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
The full argument to the file watcher that cant be entirely seen in the image above is this:
--no-cache --update $FileName$:$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Here it is:
Didn't numerate but from top to bottom,
Select you watcher, you can make presets for various situations (Maybe try to make a new one)
Path to my 32bit sass.bat (not 100% sure but I think that even scss.bat worked)
Output, you can see in screenshot below how it should work/look.

LiveReload + Compass error- Syntax error: File to import not found or unreadable

I have windows 7 and I've installed ruby, sass, compass, and LiveReload 0.9.2. When I make an update to my .scss files everything works fine until I try to import compass. I'm receiving this error.
Syntax error: File to import not found or unreadable
I've created a project in compass and have LiveReload watching the same folder.
When I run compass from the command line to watch files it works perfectly. It seems like LiveReload isn't finding the appropriate file to import. I've tried modifying the 'config.rb' file but still received the same error.
Is this a bug with the LiveReload 0.9.2? Or am i just being a numbskull?
Have you trying updating ?
Also, there are a few stuffs you need to be sure in order to compile compass.
Have you checked -> ?
Please, verify the above linked and let me know in which state are you.
