jqgrid and tinyMCE or FCKEditor - jqgrid

I've been trying for ages to add any kind of editor to jqGrid. so basically i want to be able to select a row and a modal opens and if it's type= textarea to show the editor.
Is this possible?
I found a lot of post with vague snippets of code but no real implementation.
Any help will be much appreciated.


JQGrid with Rich Text column

I'm building a JQGrid based solution for my SharePoint 2010 site and need help in incorporating a RichText inline editing functionality for one of the column. Most the examples are pertaining to plain text and didn't come across anything with RTE option.
Thanks in advance for your help!

Opening comment box in the same page

I want to open a text area when i press the comment button without page getting reloaded.Please help.I am a newbie in this field.
I have tried seeing some tutorials but not of much help.I have never used Jquery before
Use this jQuery code:
hide the textArea element by default.

Drop-down menu/ComboBox/listbox in TinyMce 4?

After doing some research in google for pretty long time found some info on Drop down menu, but the documentation doesn't have clear information for me to understand, or other docs are mostly on TinyMce3. I've customized TinyMce 4 adding a button, menu and sub-menus and have used Window Manager with text box and radio button(which is a checkbox, poor efforts I know), but I need a drop down list/listbox in Window Manager
edit : Radio buttons are not supported in tinymce4
helped a lot, I created a fiddle so that might help somebody out there customizing tinymce 4

Two JQGrid in Dialog Box

I am use two jqgrid in Dialog Box.
Problem is that in IE Display Only one Grid.
but in Firefox Both grids are display.
So what's problem.
please Help me.
Thanks in Advance.
Problem is That Script tag is in the Between the Body Tag.
So In IE Script is inside the tag so this type of Problem occurs.

Jqgrid header background

I want to apply background image for jqgrid, I was referring to enter link description here
where it was mentioned few methods, but I am not sure of its usage, I am new to jquery and jqgrid can some can share sample code? thanks.
You can customize the jQuery UI Theme or just redefine ui-icon-asc and ui-icon-desc classes with another background. Look at the answer to very close question.
