VB6 application : WebBrowser.Navigate refresh every 3 minutes - vb6

I am making an application using VB6 in which a WebBrowser window is launched using this code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
WebBrowser1.Navigate ("http://google.com")
End Sub
How can I make the window refresh the same url every let's say 3 minutes ?
I know it should be something well known but i am still searching my way through VB programming

You don't need 2 timers. just have a global variable globalTimer As Date that keeps the last time you navigated
You can set Timer1 to run every second or minute. To be more accurate, I recommend every second.
Dim globalTimer As Date
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If Now >= DateAdd("n", 3, globalTimer) Then ' its been at least 3 minutes since last Navigation
WebBrowser1.Navigate ("http://google.com") ' Navigate
globalTimer = Now ' store the new navigation time
End If
End Sub

You can use a timer to run code at a regular interval.
As the VB6 timer has a maximum interval of ~65s, you can set it to a 60,000ms interval, and keep a separate counter and when it gets to 3, reset it back to 0 and perform a refresh.
Private Sub Timer_Timer
'Increment minute count
FireCount = FireCount + 1
If FireCount = 3 then
'Reset to 0 for next time
FireCount = 0
'Refresh web browser
End If
End Sub


Why is this AppleScript idle timer not triggering correctly?

I am trying to create a timer that increments at a certain time (in this case, whenever the time is xx:03:24) and sends a notification when it reaches a user-inputted value. Once it does so, it resets the increment and repeats until manually quit.
However, this code is not reliably triggering when it is supposed to. Does anyone have a guess as to why?
on quit
continue quit
end quit
tell application "Notifications Scripting"
set event handlers script path to (path to me)
end tell
global actions, newActions
using terms from application "Notifications Scripting"
on notification activated
tell application "Safari"
set winlist to every window
repeat with win in winlist
set numtabs to 0
set tablist to every tab of win
set numtabs to length of tablist
end try
if numtabs is greater than 0 then
repeat with t in tablist
if "fallenlondon.storynexus.com" is in (URL of t as string) then
tell application "System Events"
tell window id (id of win as integer) of application "Safari" to set current tab to tab (index of t as integer)
end tell
end if
end repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
end notification activated
end using terms from
display dialog "How many actions do you want to build up before being notified?" default answer "1"
set actions to (text returned of result) as number
set newActions to 0
on idle
if ((seconds of (current date)) = 24) and ((minutes of (current date)) mod 10 = 3) then
set newActions to (newActions + 1)
set delayTime to 540
set delayTime to 0.5
end if
if newActions ≥ actions then
if newActions = 1 then
tell application "Notifications Scripting" to display notification "Fallen London" message "You have " & newActions & " new action!" sound name "Glass"
tell application "Notifications Scripting" to display notification "Fallen London" message "You have " & newActions & " new actions!" sound name "Glass"
end if
set newActions to 0
end if
return delayTime
end idle
I would not expect your idle implementation to work reliably. It is not a precision timing mechanism; therefore the following assumption is unsound:
if ((seconds of (current date)) = 24) and ((minutes of (current date)) mod 10 = 3) then
You're attempting to hit a 1-second window in a 10-minute loop here, and if you miss that window it'll be another 10 minutes till you get to try again.
A reliable way to do it is to store a date representing the time upon which to next trigger, then periodically check if the current date is now after that date and trigger if it does:
to nextTriggerDate() -- returns next xx:x3:23 date
set d to current date
set {d's minutes, d's seconds} to {((d's minutes) div 10 * 10) + 3, 23}
if d < (current date) then set d to d + 10 * minutes
end nextTriggerDate
property _triggerDate : nextTriggerDate()
on idle
if (current date) > _triggerDate then
set _triggerDate to nextTriggerDate()
end if
return 1
end idle
Alternatively, you could use NSTimer via the AppleScript-ObjC bridge, which is designed specifically for this type of task, or set up a launchd script to run an AppleScript on the specified times if you don't want to be tied to a stay-open applet.
I think you have a few things working against you with your code.
First thing to note is that only the code within the idle handler will be called on each idle event. In other words, if you're expecting the main body of your script to run with each idle process, it will not.
try this as an example...
on run
display dialog "hello!" giving up after 3
end run
on idle
display dialog "Idle test!" giving up after 3
return 5
on idle
When you save the code above as a stay open script, you'll get one dialog that says "hello" then you'll get the "Idle test!" message several times, until you quit the script. Remember to save it as "Stay Open"
To fix this, if you expect all the code outside of the idle handler to run, create a custom function from it that you call from your idle handler.
on yourCustomFunction()
-- All the code you want to run prior when the idle function is called
end yourCustomFunction
on idle
-- any other additional code you want to run here
return 5
end idle
Another thing I'd like to point out. You don't need to tell application "Notifications Scripting", you can just display notification as shown below.
on idle
if ((seconds of (current date)) = 24) and ((minutes of (current date)) mod 10 = 3) then
set newActions to (newActions + 1)
set delayTime to 540
set delayTime to 0.5
end if
if newActions ≥ actions then
if newActions = 1 then
display notification "You have " & newActions & " new action!" with title "Fallen London" sound name "Glass"
display notification "You have " & newActions & " new actions!" with title "Fallen London" sound name "Glass"
end if
set newActions to 0
end if
return delayTime
end idle
Lastly, I would recommend adding an on run handler rather than just writing your code in the script without it.

Switch between IE browser tabs for specific time intervals using script

Currently I'm using IE 11, I have 4 displays opened. I want to toggle between the tabs for specific intervals of time. We want this setup for monitoring purpose. I need a script for this task.
Kindly refer the following code :
set shellApp = createobject("shell.application")
for each sTitle in Array("v9", "Google", "Gmail", "ETC")
ShowIEWindow sTitle, shellApp, 10 ' sec
loop ' forever
sub ShowIEWindow(sTitle, oShell, nWaitsec)
for each w in oShell.windows
with w
if lCase(.LocationName) = lcase(sTitle) and InStr(lCase(.FullName),"iexplore") > 0then
'w.visible = true ' show
wsh.sleep nWaitsec * 1000 ' milliseconds
' w.visible = false ' hide
end if
end with
end sub
Above code will refresh tabs that specified in the array if they are opened in internet explorer.
Now, instead of Refreshing the window, you need to find method that switches between different tabs.
I also tested the above code and working for me. Hope this will helps !! :)

Excel 2016 breaks previously working VBA macro

I have developed a small VBA macro in Excel that's supposed to add the values of cells in row 15 to the values of cells in row 6 during workbook change (in my case entering a number in row 15 and pressing tab).
Initially, I developed and used it in Excel 2013, then I have switched to Mac and have since used it in Excel for Mac 2011. Now, I have installed Excel for Mac 2016 and all of a sudden, the macro doesn't work anymore.
This is the script:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("C15:H15")) > 0 Then
Call copySub
End If
End Sub
Sub copySub()
Sheets("sheet1").Protect , UserInterFaceOnly:=True
For i = 3 To 8
Cells(6, i).Value = Cells(6, i).Value + Cells(15, i).Value
Cells(15, i).Value = 0
Next i
End Sub
When I enter a value and press tab in Excel 2016, I get the runtime error 91 "Object variable or With block variable not set". The error seems to occur in the line:
Cells(6, i).Value = Cells(6, i).Value + Cells(15, i).Value
I have also tried to store the sum in a variable before assigning it to Cells(6, i).Value, but that didn't help either.
Did Microsoft change the logic of the sheet protection, especially with the parameter UserInterFaceOnly set to true? Or what's going on here?
I hope you can help me.
Are you sure you've copied this code correctly? There's no way it would work in any version of Excel.
Your problems are these:
Intersect returns a Range object so your code would throw a 91 error.
There's most likely a case error in your line Sheets("sheet1").Protect ... as it's probably called "Sheet1". If so, this would throw a 91 error.
If you changed that worksheet name from "sheet1", it'd throw a 91 error.
Why are you only protecting the sheet at Worksheet_Change. This should really be done in Workbook_Open? And if you do that, how does the user change the cells without specific cells being free from protection?
It's unclear which worksheets you're referring to and where the copySub routine is held. I've updated your code as it is to remove the main errors and written in the capacity to nominate your worksheet - you'll have to adjust that as you wish. Good luck.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Target.Worksheet
If Not Intersect(Target, ws.Range("C15:H15")) Is Nothing Then
Call copySub(ws)
End If
End Sub
Sub copySub(ws As Worksheet)
ws.Protect , UserInterFaceOnly:=True
Application.EnableEvents = False
For i = 3 To 8
ws.Cells(6, i).Value = ws.Cells(6, i).Value + ws.Cells(15, i).Value
ws.Cells(15, i).Value = 0
Next i
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

VBA written in Excel for Windows not working on Mac

I have a set of macros to hide and unhide columns based on the contents of a specific row. They were all written in Excel 2013 for Windows (running in parallels on my MBA, if that's relevant) and work fine there. But when I open the worksheet in Excel 2011 for Mac, the macros give odd results. The "unhide all columns" macro works fine; the other functions get as far as hiding all columns but not as far as unhiding the ones I want to see.
I can only assume Excel for Mac is having a problem with what's in the FOR EACH loop, but I can't figure out what! I'd appreciate any guidance: I need to get this system working on both Windows and Mac.
Code below.
This function works:
Sub GANTT_Filter_Show_All()
Dim rngDates As Range
Set rngDates = Range("GANTT_Dates")
rngDates.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End Sub
But this one only hides all the columns:
Sub GANTT_Filter_This_Quarter()
Dim intCurrentMonth As Integer, intCurrentYear As Integer, rngDates As Range, cell As Range
Dim intCurrentQuarterMonths(3) As Integer
Set rngDates = Range("GANTT_Dates")
intCurrentMonth = DatePart("m", Date)
intCurrentYear = DatePart("yyyy", Date)
'loading months of current quarter into an array intCurrentMonth
Select Case intCurrentMonth
Case 1 To 3
intCurrentQuarterMonths(0) = 1
intCurrentQuarterMonths(1) = 2
intCurrentQuarterMonths(2) = 3
Case 4 To 6
intCurrentQuarterMonths(0) = 4
intCurrentQuarterMonths(1) = 5
intCurrentQuarterMonths(2) = 6
Case 7 To 9
intCurrentQuarterMonths(0) = 7
intCurrentQuarterMonths(1) = 8
intCurrentQuarterMonths(2) = 9
Case 10 To 12
intCurrentQuarterMonths(0) = 10
intCurrentQuarterMonths(1) = 11
intCurrentQuarterMonths(2) = 12
End Select
'hiding all columns
rngDates.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
'comparing each column to array of months in current quarter and hiding if false
For Each cell In rngDates
For Each v In intCurrentQuarterMonths
If v = DatePart("m", cell.Value) And DatePart("yyyy", cell.Value) = intCurrentYear Then cell.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Next v
Next cell
Application.Goto Reference:=Range("a1"), Scroll:=True
End Sub
I'm with #Steven on this one, nothing obviously wrong with the code. I'm not a Mac user, but it's entirely possible that there's some weirdness around the date functions, particularly those that require formatting to resolve.
I would try replacing the calls to DatePart() with calls to Month() and Year() in situations like this - even for non-Mac users. It doesn't rely on parsing the strings for formatting, so it's much more efficient (and easy to read):
Sub Benchmarks()
Dim starting As Double, test As Date, i As Long
test = Now
starting = Timer
For i = 1 To 1000000
Year test
Next i
Debug.Print "Elapsed: " & (Timer - starting)
starting = Timer
For i = 1 To 1000000
DatePart "yyyy", test
Next i
Debug.Print "Elapsed: " & (Timer - starting)
End Sub
Since you likely can't run the benchmark...
Elapsed for Year(): 0.109375
Elapsed for DatePart(): 0.515625
Also note that in addition to this, the dates in the column you're searching are coming through as Variants, it may help to explicitly cast them to dates:
If v = Month(CDate(cell.Value)) And intCurrentYear = Year(CDate(cell.Value)) Then
cell.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End If

visual basic difference in dates between two lines in text file

I am new to vb express and looking for a way to read two lines in a text file get the difference between then and loop it till the end its a simple clock in clock out system which store each persons clock on and off time in a text file like so
03/11/2014 09:55:02
03/11/2014 14:55:02
03/11/2014 16:55:02
03/11/2014 19:55:02
04/11/2014 09:00:02
04/11/2014 13:00:00
I know I use the DateDiff to get the time but I only want them to work out the difference between line 1 and 2 then 3 and 4 and add them all up is it possible to do that without over complicating things?
I guys I have worked it out I have done this by reading the text filed line by line in a loop at the moment I have not put any validation in to show people who have forgot but the basics are there
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "times\08.txt"
Dim start As DateTime
Dim finish As DateTime
Dim total
If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FILE_NAME)
Do While objReader.Peek() <> -1
start = objReader.ReadLine() & vbNewLine
finish = objReader.ReadLine() & vbNewLine
duration = DateDiff(DateInterval.Minute, start, finish)
total = duration + total
Label2.Text = total
