How to make TabBar transparent - xcode

I want to make the tabbar transparent and leave the icons still there. So that when you look at it the icons on the tabbar look like they are their by themselves. Whats the code for me to do this? Right now this is the code i have
UIImage* tabBarBackground = [UIImage imageNamed:#""];
[[UITabBar appearance] setBackgroundImage:tabBarBackground];
[[UITabBar appearance] setSelectionIndicatorImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#""]];

Try this code
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0, self.view.bounds.size.width, 48);
UIView *trans_view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
[trans_view setBackgroundColor:[[UIColor alloc] initWithRed:0.0
alpha:0.5]];//you can change alpha value also
[tabBar1 insertSubview:trans_view atIndex:0];//tabBar1 = your tabbar reference
[trans_view release];
this link also will help you

The easiest way to make a tab bar transparent is by setting the tab bar background image to a transparent image in the interface builder.
You can get a transparent png image whose height and width is equal to the tab bar's from the net.
Note: By changing the alpha value, you actually end up dimming the tab bar's icons as well. Make sure this is what you want, otherwise using a transparent background image is a better option.


How to make a MTKView inside a NSScrollView show the scrollbars

If I resize the window to be smaller than the metal view I can see the scrollbars for a second but I cannot click on them nor they stay visible. Do you know how I can change this behavior? I would expect the scrollbars to be visible and clickable as long as the window is smaller than the metal view.
nsview = gdk_quartz_window_get_nsview(window);
NSScrollView *scroll_view = [[NSScrollView alloc]initWithFrame: [nsview frame]];
[scroll_view setBorderType: NSNoBorder];
[scroll_view setHasVerticalScroller: YES];
[scroll_view setHasHorizontalScroller: YES];
[scroll_view setAutoresizingMask: NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable];
[nsview addSubview: scroll_view];
self->clip_view = [[DvFlippedClipView alloc]initWithFrame: [nsview frame]];
[scroll_view setContentView: self->clip_view];
self->mtk_view = [[MTKView alloc]initWithFrame: [nsview frame]
device: self->device];
self->mtk_view.framebufferOnly = YES;
self->mtk_view.autoResizeDrawable = NO;
self->mtk_view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
self->mtk_view_delegate = [[DvMetalViewDelegate alloc] init: self->mtk_view];
self->mtk_view.delegate = self->mtk_view_delegate;
[scroll_view setDocumentView: self->mtk_view];
From a different callback I do the following:
[self->mtk_view setBounds:NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, height)];
[self->mtk_view setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, height)];
self->mtk_view.drawableSize = CGSizeMake(width, height);
I had a similar problem yesterday, and I suspect the strange scroller behavior and lack of scrolling altogether may be stemming from what I suspect your problem is. Hopefully it will at least enlighten your or someone else if you haven't already found an answer.
My view hierarchy looks like this:
The problem was that I had set MTKView as the view property of CenterTopViewController, rather than the Bordered Scroll View. Doing that, for all practical intents and purposes, removed MTKView from the hierarchy and set it so that its superview property pointed to the split view in which all of this resides. The scroll view did not seem to be part of the responder chain, and was never handling any scroll events (or at least not in any meaningful way).
Setting the scroll view as the view property of the view controller fixed everything.
If you're confused as to why there is an unnecessary view above the MTKView, it's just a result of almost desperate attempts to uncover the problem before I figured it out. I haven't gotten around to fixing it yet.

Drawing correct CALayer colors honoring NSAppearance

I am looking into theming my app by setting window.appearance.
In my app, I draw some stuff inside layers. I also use Core Plot, which renders its charts in layers.
For the default aqua appearance, I just use the system colors (such as NSColor.textColor and NSColor.gridColor) and they are drawn in the correct color in CALayer. But changing the window's appearance to vibrant dark causes colors to be drawn incorrectly.
Is there any way to obtain the correct color for a givenNSAppearance? Private API is acceptable too.
If the question is not clear, here is a very simple example to show the problem.
I set up a CATextLayer that is added as a sublayer of the main view's sublayers and an NSTextFied that is added as a subview:
CATextLayer* textLayer = [CATextLayer new];
textLayer.string = #"Is this colored correctly? (Layer)";
textLayer.foregroundColor = NSColor.textColor.CGColor;
textLayer.contentsScale = 2.0;
textLayer.frame = (CGRect){0,0, [textLayer preferredFrameSize]};
NSTextField* textField = [NSTextField new];
textField.stringValue = #"Is this colored correctly? (View)";
textField.textColor = NSColor.textColor;
textField.font = (__bridge id)textLayer.font;
textField.editable = NO;
textField.selectable = NO;
textField.bezeled = NO;
textField.backgroundColor = nil;
[textField sizeToFit];
textField.frame = (CGRect){0, 60, textField.bounds.size};
[self.view.layer addSublayer:textLayer];
[self.view addSubview:textField];
On an Aqua window, both appear correctly:
However, on a dark vibrant window, the layer does not, while the text field does:
I'd like to know how to get the correct color for a given NSAppearance.
So I had an incorrect approach.
The right way to do it, is to implement -updateLayer in the view and take the colors' CGColor snapshot there. -updateLayer is called when the appearance changes, so the view can update it with the correct color values.

Send UIImageView (label background) to back to display UILabel

I am trying to add an image as a background to a UILabel, but my UILabel's title cannot be seen, even though I tried to send the background image to the back. My code is below and any advice on how to help with this would be great, thanks!
UIImageView *labelBackground = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"image.png"]];
[myLabel addSubview:labelBackground];
[myLabel sendSubviewToBack:labelBackground];
myLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[myLabel setText:title];
When you add a view (your image view) as a subview to another view (your label), the subview will always be in front of its superview. They would either need to be siblings:
[myContainer addSubview:labelBackground];
[myContainer addSubview:myLabel];
or better yet, the label should be a subview of the image view:
[labelBackground addSubview:myLabel];
[myContainer addSubView:labelBackground];
Another solution might be to use your image as a background color for your label:
[myLabel setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:myUIImage]];
But note that the image will be repeated instead of centered or stretched.
Try adding the UILabel as a subview of the UIImageView, rather than the other way around.
This will result in the UIImageView being the "container" of the label, and thus the label being on top of the UIImageView.

Draw NSView background partially, with a gradient

I have a NSView, subclassed, with custom background drawing, filling it with a gradient.
In IB, I've put a checkbox on it, somewhere in the middle.
This is the drawRect method.
-(void) drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
CGFloat sc = 0.9f;
CGFloat ec = 0.6f;
NSColor* startingColor = [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:sc green:sc blue:sc alpha:1];
NSColor* endingColor = [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:ec green:ec blue:ec alpha:1];
NSGradient *grad = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithStartingColor:startingColor endingColor:endingColor];
[grad drawInRect:dirtyRect angle:270];
What happens is, this same method gets called to draw the whole view area first and then for the part, where NSButton (checkbox) lies on top of it. OF course the checkbox background is drawn with a complete gradient and it is not right, since the portion is much smaller. The same happens with other controls I put on the said NSView.
What is the suggested approach on such thing?
One option is to make controls height the same as the views' but this will result in problems in the future.
The answer is, always draw the WHOLE area of the view, not just the dirtyRect
[grad drawInRect:[self bounds] angle:270];

UINavigationBar with image and default gradient background with iOS5

I'm attempting to use the new [UINavigationBar appearance] functionality in iOS5 to add a logo image to the UINavigationBars in my application. Primarily, I'd like to keep the default gradient, but center a transparent png in the NavBar. The logo image is roughly 120 pixels wide (240 pixels#2x).
I have first attempted this by setting the background image. The default behavior for setBackgroundImage:forBarMetrics: appears to be to tile the image, and all transparent parts show the default navbar background color, black. I can also set the background color via the appearance modifier, and get a flat color background, but I'd really like to get the original gradient behavior without maintaining a separate image resource for it. It also makes it easier to adjust in code, since I can adjust the tint there, rather than re-generating a new image if I decide to change it.
What I'm trying to use:
UIImage *logoImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"logoImage"];
[[UINavigationBar appearance] setBackgroundImage:logoImage forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];
You can do this two ways. If you want to always have the image in the navigation bar, then create an image view and set it as a subview of the navigation bar:
[self setLogoImageView:[[UIImageView alloc] init]];
[logoImageView setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"logo.png"]];
[logoImageView setContentMode:UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit];
CGRect navFrame = [[navController navigationBar] frame];
float imageViewHeight = navFrame.size.height - 9;
float x_pos = navFrame.origin.x + navFrame.size.width/2 - 111/2;
float y_pos = navFrame.size.height/2 - imageViewHeight/2.0;
CGRect logoFrame = CGRectMake(x_pos, y_pos, 111, imageViewHeight);
[logoImageView setFrame:logoFrame];
[[[self navigationController] navigationBar] addSubview:logoImageView];
If you only want to display the logo in a certain view, then set the view's navigation item:
[logoImageView setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight];
[[self navigationItem] setTitleView:logoImageView];
