360 degree 3D view of a room using a single rotating kinect - algorithm

I am working on a research project to construct the 360 degree 3D view of a room using a single rotating kinect placed in the center.
My current approach is to obtain the 3D point clouds obtained by kinect after every 2 to 5 degrees of rotation, using the Iterative Closest Point Algorithm.
Note that we need to build the view real time as the kinect rotates so we need to capture the point cloud after a small degree of rotation of kinect.
However the ICP algo is computationally expensive.
I am looking for a better solution to the above problem. Any help/ pointers in this direction will be appreciated.

I'm not sure how familiar you are with the intersection of machine learning and computer vision. But recently, a much harder problem has been solved with advances in machine learning: generating 3D models of large areas from an unstructured collection of images. For example, this example of "building Rome in a day": see this video, as it may just blow your mind.
With your mind suitably blown, you may want to check out the machine learning techniques that allowed this computation to take place efficiently in this video.
You may want to follow up with Noah Snavely's PhD thesis and check out the algorithms that he used and other work that has been incorporated to build this system. It seems that the problem of reconstructing a single room from one rotating point must be a much easier inference problem. Then again, you may just want to check out the implementation in their software :)


Algorithm, tool or technique to represent 3D probability density functions on space

I'm working on a project with computer vision (opencv 2.4 on c++). On this project I'm trying to detect certain features to build a map (an internal representation) of the world around.
The information I have available is the camera pose (6D vector with 3 position and 3 angular values), calibration values (focal length, distortion, etc) and the features detected on the object being tracked (this features are basically the contour of the object but it doesn't really matter)
Since the camera pose, the position of the features and other variables are subject to errors, I want to model the object as a 3D probability density function (with the probability of finding the "object" on a given 3D point on space, this is important since each contour has a probability associated of how likely it is that it is an actually object-contour instead of a noise-contour(bear with me)).
If the object were a sphere, I would detect a circle (contour). Since I know the camera pose, but have no depth information, the internal representation of that object should be a fuzzy cylinder (or a cone, if the camera's perspective is included but it's not relevant). If new information is available (new images from a different location) a new contour would be detected, with it's own fuzzy cylinder merged with previous data. Now we should have a region where the probability of finding the object is greater in some areas and weaker somewhere else. As new information is available, the model should converge to the original object shape.
I hope the idea is clear now.
This model should be able to:
Grow dynamically if needed.
Update efficiently as new observations are made (updating the probability inside making stronger the areas observed multiple times and weaker otherwise). Ideally the system should be able to update in real time.
Now the question:
How can I do to computationally represent this kind of fuzzy information in such a way that I can perform these tasks on it?
Any suitable algorithm, data structure, c++ library or tool would help.
I'll answer with the computer vision equivalent of Monty Python: "SLAM, SLAM, SLAM, SLAM!": :-) I'd suggest starting with Sebastian Thrun's tome.
However, there's older older work on the Bayesian side of active computer vision that's directly relevant to your question of geometry estimation, e.g. Whaite and Ferrie's seminal IEEE paper on uncertainty modeling (Waithe, P. and Ferrie, F. (1991). From uncertainty to visual exploration. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 13(10):1038–1049.). For a more general (and perhaps mathematically neater) view on this subject, see also chapter 4 of D.J.C. MacKay's Ph.D. thesis.

Making 3D representation of an object with a webcam

Is it possible to make a 3D representation of an object by capturing many different angles using a webcam? If it is, how is it possible and how is the image-processing done?
My plan is to make a 3D representation of a person using a webcam, then from the 3D representation, i will be able to tell the person's vital statistics.
As Bart said (but did not post as an actual answer) this is entirely possible.
The research topic you are interested in is often called multi view stereo or something similar.
The basic idea resolves around using point correspondences between two (or more) images and then try to find the best matching camera positions. When the positions are found you can use stereo algorithms to back project the image points into a 3D coordinate system and form a point cloud.
From that point cloud you can then further process it to get the measurements you are looking for.
If you are completely new to the subject you have some fascinating reading to look forward to!
Bart proposed Multiple view geometry by Hartley and Zisserman, which is a very nice book indeed.
As Bart and Kigurai pointed out, this process has been studied under the title of "stereo" or "multi-view stereo" techniques. To be able to get a 3D model from a set of pictures, you need to do the following:
a) You need to know the "internal" parameters of a camera. This includes the focal length of the camera, the principal point of the image and account for radial distortion in the image.
b) You also need to know the position and orientation of each camera with respect to each other or a "world" co-ordinate system. This is called the "pose" of the camera.
There are algorithms to perform (a) and (b) which are described in Hartley and Zisserman's "Multiple View Geometry" book. Alternatively, you can use Noah Snavely's "Bundler" http://phototour.cs.washington.edu/bundler/ software to also do the same thing in a very robust manner.
Once you have the camera parameters, you essentially know how a 3D point (X,Y,Z) in the world maps to an image co-ordinate (u,v) on the photo. You also know how to map an image co-ordinate to the world. You can create a dense point cloud by searching for a match for each pixel on one photo in a photo taken from a different view-point. This requires a two-dimensional search. You can simplify this procedure by making the search 1-dimensional. This is called "rectification". You essentially take two photos and transform then so that their rows correspond to the same line in the world (simplified statement). Now you only have to search along image rows.
An algorithm for this can be also found in Hartley and Zisserman.
Finally, you need to do the matching based on some measure. There is a lot of literature out there on "stereo matching". Another word used is "disparity estimation". This is basically searching for the match of pixel (u,v) on one photo to its match (u, v') on the other photo. Once you have the match, the difference between them can be used to map back to a 3D point.
You can use Yasutaka Furukawa's "CMVS" or "PMVS2" software to do this. Or if you want to experiment by yourself, openCV is a open-source computer vision toolbox to do many of the sub-tasks required for this.
This can be done with two webcams in the same ways your eyes work. It is called stereoscopic vision.
Have a look at this:
An affordable alternative to get 3D data would be the Kinect camera system.
Maybe not the answer you are hoping for but Microsoft's Kinect is doing that exact thing, there are some open source drivers out there that allow you to connect it to your windows/linux box.

3d model construction using multiple images from multiple points (kinect)

is it possible to construct a 3d model of a still object if various images along with depth data was gathered from various angles, what I was thinking was have a sort of a circular conveyor belt where a kinect would be placed and the conveyor belt while the real object that is to be reconstructed in 3d space sits in the middle. The conveyor belt thereafter rotates around the image in a circle and lots of images are captured (perhaps 10 image per second) which would allow the kinect to catch an image from every angle including the depth data, theoretically this is possible. The model would also have to be recreated with the textures.
What I would like to know is whether there are any similar projects/software already available and any links would be appreciated
Whether this is possible within perhaps 6 months
How would I proceed to do this? Such as any similar algorithm you could point me to and such
It is definitely possible and there are a lot of 3D scanners which work out there, with more or less the same principle of stereoscopy.
You probably know this, but just to contextualize: The idea is to get two images from the same point and to use triangulation to compute the 3d coordinates of the point in your scene. Although this is quite easy, the big issue is to find the correspondence between the points in your 2 images, and this is where you need a good software to extract and recognize similar points.
There is an open-source project called Meshlab for 3d vision, which includes 3d reconstruction* algorithms. I don't know the details of the algorithms, but the software is definitely a good entrance point if you want to play with 3d.
I used to know some other ones, I will try to find them and add them here:
(*Wiki page has no content, redirects to login for editing)
Check out https://bitbucket.org/tobin/kinect-point-cloud-demo/overview which is a code sample for the Kinect for Windows SDK that does specifically this. Currently it uses the bitmaps captured by the depth sensor, and iterates through the byte array to create a point cloud in a PLY format that can read by MeshLab. The next stage of us is to apply/refine a delanunay triangle algoirthim to form a mesh instead of points, which a texture can be applied. A third stage would then me a mesh merging formula to combine multiple caputres from the Kinect to form a full 3D object mesh.
This is based on some work I done in June using Kinect for the purposes of 3D printing capture.
The .NET code in this source code repository will however get you started with what you want to achieve.
Autodesk has a piece of software that will do what you are asking for it is called "Photofly". It is currently in the labs section. Using a series of images taken from multiple angles the 3d geometry is created and then photo mapped with your images to create the scene.
If you interested more in theoretical (i mean if you want to know how) part of this problem,
here is some document from Microsoft Research about moving depth camera and 3D reconstruction.
Try out VisualSfM (http://ccwu.me/vsfm/) by Changchang Wu (http://ccwu.me/)
It takes multiple images from different angles of the scene and outputs a 3D point cloud.
The algorithm is called "Structure from Motion".
Brief idea of the algorithm : It involves extracting feature points in each image; finding correspondences between them across images; building feature tracks, estimating camera matrices and thereby the 3D coordinates of the feature points.

Looking for ways for a robot to locate itself in the house

I am hacking a vacuum cleaner robot to control it with a microcontroller (Arduino). I want to make it more efficient when cleaning a room. For now, it just go straight and turn when it hits something.
But I have trouble finding the best algorithm or method to use to know its position in the room. I am looking for an idea that stays cheap (less than $100) and not to complex (one that don't require a PhD thesis in computer vision). I can add some discrete markers in the room if necessary.
Right now, my robot has:
One webcam
Three proximity sensors (around 1 meter range)
Compass (no used for now)
Its speed can vary if the battery is full or nearly empty
A netbook Eee PC is embedded on the robot
Do you have any idea for doing this? Does any standard method exist for these kind of problems?
Note: if this question belongs on another website, please move it, I couldn't find a better place than Stack Overflow.
The problem of figuring out a robot's position in its environment is called localization. Computer science researchers have been trying to solve this problem for many years, with limited success. One problem is that you need reasonably good sensory input to figure out where you are, and sensory input from webcams (i.e. computer vision) is far from a solved problem.
If that didn't scare you off: one of the approaches to localization that I find easiest to understand is particle filtering. The idea goes something like this:
You keep track of a bunch of particles, each of which represents one possible location in the environment.
Each particle also has an associated probability that tells you how confident you are that the particle really represents your true location in the environment.
When you start off, all of these particles might be distributed uniformly throughout your environment and be given equal probabilities. Here the robot is gray and the particles are green.
When your robot moves, you move each particle. You might also degrade each particle's probability to represent the uncertainty in how the motors actually move the robot.
When your robot observes something (e.g. a landmark seen with the webcam, a wifi signal, etc.) you can increase the probability of particles that agree with that observation.
You might also want to periodically replace the lowest-probability particles with new particles based on observations.
To decide where the robot actually is, you can either use the particle with the highest probability, the highest-probability cluster, the weighted average of all particles, etc.
If you search around a bit, you'll find plenty of examples: e.g. a video of a robot using particle filtering to determine its location in a small room.
Particle filtering is nice because it's pretty easy to understand. That makes implementing and tweaking it a little less difficult. There are other similar techniques (like Kalman filters) that are arguably more theoretically sound but can be harder to get your head around.
A QR Code poster in each room would not only make an interesting Modern art piece, but would be relatively easy to spot with the camera!
If you can place some markers in the room, using the camera could be an option. If 2 known markers have an angular displacement (left to right) then the camera and the markers lie on a circle whose radius is related to the measured angle between the markers. I don't recall the formula right off, but the arc segment (on that circle) between the markers will be twice the angle you see. If you have the markers at known height and the camera is at a fixed angle of inclination, you can compute the distance to the markers. Either of these methods alone can nail down your position given enough markers. Using both will help do it with fewer markers.
Unfortunately, those methods are imperfect due to measurement errors. You get around this by using a Kalman estimator to incorporate multiple noisy measurements to arrive at a good position estimate - you can then feed in some dead reckoning information (which is also imperfect) to refine it further. This part is goes pretty deep into math, but I'd say it's a requirement to do a great job at what you're attempting. You can do OK without it, but if you want an optimal solution (in terms of best position estimate for given input) there is no better way. If you actually want a career in autonomous robotics, this will play large in your future. (
Once you can determine your position you can cover the room in any pattern you'd like. Keep using the bump sensor to help construct a map of obstacles and then you'll need to devise a way to scan incorporating the obstacles.
Not sure if you've got the math background yet, but here is the book:
This doesn't replace the accepted answer (which is great, thanks!) but I might recommend getting a Kinect and use that instead of your webcam, either through Microsoft's recently released official drivers or using the hacked drivers if your EeePC doesn't have Windows 7 (presumably it does not).
That way the positioning will be improved by the 3D vision. Observing landmarks will now tell you how far away the landmark is, and not just where in the visual field that landmark is located.
Regardless, the accepted answer doesn't really address how to pick out landmarks in the visual field, and simply assumes that you can. While the Kinect drivers may already have feature detection included (I'm not sure) you can also use OpenCV for detecting features in the image.
One solution would be to use a strategy similar to "flood fill" (wikipedia). To get the controller to accurately perform sweeps, it needs a sense of distance. You can calibrate your bot using the proximity sensors: e.g. run motor for 1 sec = xx change in proximity. With that info, you can move your bot for an exact distance, and continue sweeping the room using flood fill.
Assuming you are not looking for a generalised solution, you may actually know the room's shape, size, potential obstacle locations, etc. When the bot exists the factory there is no info about its future operating environment, which kind of forces it to be inefficient from the outset.
If that's you case, you can hardcode that info, and then use basic measurements (ie. rotary encoders on wheels + compass) to precisely figure out its location in the room/house. No need for wifi triangulation or crazy sensor setups in my opinion. At least for a start.
Ever considered GPS? Every position on earth has a unique GPS coordinates - with resolution of 1 to 3 metres, and doing differential GPS you can go down to sub-10 cm range - more info here:
And Arduino does have lots of options of GPS-modules:
After you have collected all the key coordinates points of the house, you can then write the routine for the arduino to move the robot from point to point (as collected above) - assuming it will do all those obstacles avoidance stuff.
More information can be found here:
And inside the list I found this - specifically for your case: Arduino + GPS + localization:
I was thinking about this problem too. But I don't understand why you can't just triangulate? Have two or three beacons (e.g. IR LEDs of different frequencies) and a IR rotating sensor 'eye' on a servo. You could then get an almost constant fix on your position. I expect the accuracy would be in low cm range and it would be cheap. You can then map anything you bump into easily.
Maybe you could also use any interruption in the beacon beams to plot objects that are quite far from the robot too.
You have a camera you said ? Did you consider looking at the ceiling ? There is little chance that two rooms have identical dimensions, so you can identify in which room you are, position in the room can be computed from angular distance to the borders of the ceiling and direction can probably be extracted by the position of doors.
This will require some image processing but the vacuum cleaner moving slowly to be efficiently cleaning will have enough time to compute.
Good luck !
Use Ultra Sonic Sensor HC-SR04 or similar.
As above told sense the walls distance from robot with sensors and room part with QR code.
When your are near to a wall turn 90 degree and move as width of your robot and again turn 90deg( i.e. 90 deg left turn) and again move your robot I think it will help :)

Need help with circle collision and rotation? - Game Physics

Ok so I have bunch of balls:
What I'm trying to figure out is how to make these circles:
Rotate based on the surfaces they are touching
Fix collision penetration when dealing with multiple touching objects.
EDIT: This is what I mean by rotation
Ball 0 will rotate anti-clockwise as it's leaning on Ball 3
Ball 5 will rotate clockwise as it's leaning on Ball 0
Even though solutions to this are universal, just for the record I'm using Javascript and SVG, and would prefer implementing this myself rather than using a library.
Help would be very much appreciated. Thanks! :)
Here are a few links I think would help you out on your quest:
Advanced Character Physics
Javascript Ball Simulation
Box2D has what your looking for, and its open source I believe. You can download the files and see how they do what they do in order to achieve your effect.
Let me know if this helps, trying to get better at answering questions on here. :)
So I went ahead and thought this out just a bit more to give some insight as far as how I would approach it. Take a look at the image below:
Basically, compare the angles on a grid, if the ball is falling +30 degrees compared to the ball it falls on then rotate the ball positively. If its falling -30 degrees compared to the ball it fall on then rotate the ball negatively. Im not saying this is the correct solution, but just thinking about it, this is the way I would approach the problem off the bat.
From a physics standpoint it sounds like you want to conserve both linear and angular momentum.
As a starting point, you'll want establish ODE matrices that model both and then perform some linear algebra to solve them. I personally would use Numpy/Scipy (probably using a sparse array) for that solution. But there are many approaches (sympy comes to mind). What modules do you want to use?
You'll want to familiarize yourself with coefficient of restitution and coefficient of friction and decide if you want to conserve kinetic energy too. (do you want/care if they keep bouncing and rolling around forever?) (you'll probably need energy matrices as well)
You'll be solving these matrices every timestep all the while checking the condition that no two ball centers are closer than the sum of the two radii. (..and if they do, you adjust the momentum and energy terms for a post-collision condition)
This is just the barest of beginnings to a big project. Can I ask why you want to do this from scratch?
I would recommend checking out game physics simulation books and articles. See O'Reilly's Physics for Game Developers and the Gamasutra website, for example.
