I have the following three-way data (I X J X K) for my polymerization system: Z (23x4x3)
Z(:,:,1) = [0 6.70 NaN NaN
0.14 5.79 27212.52 17735.36
0.26 5.04 26545.98 17279.95
0.35 4.43 26007.91 16902.22
0.43 3.92 25567.61 16586.18
0.49 3.50 25202.48 16319.65
0.54 3.15 24898.99 16094.87
0.59 2.85 24648.07 15906.19
0.63 2.60 24441.06 15748.28
0.66 2.38 24270.42 15616.51
0.68 2.20 24130.05 15506.90
0.71 2.05 24014.78 15415.87
0.73 1.92 23921.74 15341.59
0.74 1.80 23847.57 15281.63
0.76 1.70 23789.06 15233.54
0.77 1.61 23744.29 15195.99
0.78 1.54 23710.83 15167.01
0.79 1.47 23687.05 15145.38
0.80 1.41 23671.47 15129.72
0.81 1.36 23662.99 15119.14
0.81 1.31 23660.58 15112.77
0.82 1.27 23663.32 15109.86
0.82 1.23 23670.44 15109.74];
Z(:,:,2) = [0 6.70 NaN NaN
0.17 5.63 24826.03 16191.26
0.30 4.80 24198.87 15757.83
0.40 4.14 23720.27 15417.52
0.47 3.61 23347.38 15147.16
0.54 3.19 23058.01 14933.52
0.59 2.85 22836.18 14766.65
0.63 2.57 22667.24 14637.38
0.66 2.34 22539.27 14537.68
0.69 2.15 22445.60 14463.08
0.71 2.00 22379.90 14409.04
0.73 1.87 22336.70 14371.44
0.75 1.76 22311.74 14347.04
0.76 1.66 22301.57 14333.13
0.77 1.58 22303.32 14327.31
0.78 1.51 22314.83 14327.75
0.79 1.45 22334.27 14333.00
0.80 1.40 22360.11 14341.81
0.81 1.36 22391.09 14353.22
0.81 1.32 22426.11 14366.39
0.82 1.28 22464.22 14380.67
0.82 1.25 22504.61 14395.53
0.82 1.23 22546.61 14410.57];
Z(:,:,3) = [0 6.70 NaN NaN
0.19 5.45 22687.71 14805.97
0.34 4.53 22119.24 14408.55
0.44 3.84 21720.37 14120.95
0.52 3.31 21437.68 13912.54
0.58 2.90 21244.60 13766.39
0.63 2.59 21117.60 13667.05
0.66 2.34 21040.03 13602.91
0.69 2.14 21000.70 13565.85
0.72 1.98 20990.89 13549.24
0.73 1.85 21003.53 13547.54
0.75 1.74 21033.19 13556.41
0.76 1.65 21075.85 13572.54
0.77 1.58 21128.37 13593.46
0.78 1.52 21188.17 13617.25
0.79 1.47 21253.16 13642.44
0.80 1.42 21321.69 13668.02
0.80 1.39 21392.34 13693.18
0.81 1.36 21463.83 13717.38
0.81 1.33 21535.27 13740.33
0.81 1.31 21605.87 13761.81
0.82 1.29 21674.84 13781.70
0.82 1.27 21741.68 13799.97];
where I is time (y-axis), J is variables (x-axis) and K is batch (z-axis). However, since I want to use this data to do PCA and PLS analysis, I must change this (time x variables x batch) dimension to (batch (I) x variables (J) x time (K)) dimension, means that the new Z is Z(3 x 4 x 23).
To perform this I can extract the first row value from each slab (K dimension) and rearrange them as a new matrix slab using the following command:
Thus, I use for loop to get the results for all 23 slabs. But I cant (dont know how to) store the results in workspace except for the last one. The command I used:
[I,J,K] = size(Z);
SLAB = zeros(K,J,I); %preallocating the matrix; where I=23,J=4,K=3
for t = 1 : I %here I = 23
slab = squeeze(Z(t,:,:))’; %removing semicolon here I can see the wanted results in command window
SLAB = slab;
HOpe anyone here can help me on this.
Thank you
I found the solution;
since I know the slab will have size of (K,J,I), so must provide the same format in the for loop:
[I,J,K] = size(Z);
SLAB = zeros(K,J,I); %preallocating the matrix; where I=23,J=4,K=3
for t = 1 : I %here I = 23
slab(:,:,t) = squeeze(Z(t,:,:))’;
What is the F1-score of the model in the following? I used scikit learn package.
print(classification_report(y_true, y_pred, target_names=target_names))
precision recall f1-score support
class 0 0.50 1.00 0.67 1
class 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 1
class 2 1.00 0.67 0.80 3
accuracy 0.60 5
macro avg 0.50 0.56 0.49 5
weighted avg 0.70 0.60 0.61 5
This article explains it pretty well
Basically it's
F1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
I have a 200x200 correlation matrix text file that I would like to turn into a single row.
a b c d e
a 1.00 0.33 0.34 0.26 0.20
b 0.33 1.00 0.40 0.48 0.41
c 0.34 0.40 1.00 0.59 0.35
d 0.26 0.48 0.59 1.00 0.43
e 0.20 0.41 0.35 0.43 1.00
I want to turn it into:
a_b a_c a_d a_e b_c b_d b_e c_d c_e d_e
0.33 0.34 0.26 0.20 0.40 0.48 0.41 0.59 0.35 0.43
I need a code that can:
1. Join the variable names to make a single row of headers (e.g. turn "a" and "b" into "a_b") and
2. Turn only one half of the correlation matrix (bottom or top triangle) into a single row
A bit of extra information: I have around 500 participants in a study and each of them has a correlation matrix file. I want to consolidate these separate data files into one file where each row is one participant's correlation matrix.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I run gfortran 4.9.2 on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine with an Intel Core i5-4570 (Haswell). I compile and execute on this same machine.
Compiling my code (scientific simulation) with
gfortran -frecord-marker-4 -fno-automatic -O3 -fdefault-real-8 (...)
-Wline-truncation -Wsurprising -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow (...)
-march=core2 -mfpmath=sse -c
is about ~30% FASTER than compiling with
gfortran -frecord-marker-4 -fno-automatic -O3 -fdefault-real-8 (...)
-Wline-truncation -Wsurprising -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow (...)
-march=haswell -mfpmath=sse -c
(-march=native gives the same result as with -march=haswell).
This feels strange/weird to me, as I would expect having additional instructions available should make the code faster, not slower.
First: this a new machine and a replacement of my old one at work so unfortunately:
I can't test with the previous processor anymore
It is difficult for me test with another gfortran version than the one installed
Now, I did some profiling with gprof and different -march= settings (see gcc online listing). On this test:
core2, nehalem, westmere all lead to ~85s
starting from sandybridge (adding the AVX instruction set), execution time jumps to 122s (128s for haswell).
Here are the reported profiles, cut at functions > 1.0s self time.
Flat profile for -march=core2:
Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls us/call us/call name
8.92 6.18 6.18 __sinl_internal
8.50 12.07 5.89 __cosl_internal
7.26 17.10 5.03 _mcount_private
6.42 21.55 4.45 exp
6.41 25.99 4.44 exp2l
5.08 29.51 3.52 __fentry__
3.71 32.08 2.57 35922427 0.07 0.18 predn_
3.53 34.53 2.45 log2l
3.36 36.86 2.33 79418108 0.03 0.03 vxs_tvxs_
2.90 38.87 2.01 97875942 0.02 0.02 rk4m_
2.83 40.83 1.96 403671 4.86 77.44 radarx_
2.16 42.33 1.50 4063165 0.37 0.43 dchdd_
2.14 43.81 1.48 pow
2.11 45.27 1.46 8475809 0.17 0.27 aerosj_
2.09 46.72 1.45 23079874 0.06 0.06 snrm2_
1.86 48.01 1.29 cos
1.80 49.26 1.25 sin
1.75 50.47 1.21 15980084 0.08 0.08 sgemv_
1.66 51.62 1.15 61799016 0.02 0.05 x2acc_
1.64 52.76 1.14 43182542 0.03 0.03 atmostd_
1.56 53.84 1.08 24821235 0.04 0.04 axb_
1.53 54.90 1.06 138497449 0.01 0.01 axvc_
Flat profile for -march=haswell:
Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
% cumulative self self total
time seconds seconds calls us/call us/call name
6.49 6.71 6.71 __sinl_internal
6.05 12.96 6.25 __cosl_internal
5.55 18.70 5.74 _mcount_private
5.16 24.03 5.33 exp
5.14 29.34 5.31 cos
4.87 34.37 5.03 sin
4.67 39.20 4.83 exp2l
4.55 43.90 4.70 35922756 0.13 0.34 predn_
4.38 48.43 4.53 8475884 0.53 0.69 aerosj_
3.72 52.27 3.84 pow
3.43 55.82 3.55 __fentry__
2.79 58.70 2.88 403672 7.13 120.62 radarx_
2.64 61.43 2.73 79396558 0.03 0.03 vxs_tvxs_
2.36 63.87 2.44 log2l
1.95 65.89 2.02 97881202 0.02 0.02 rk4m_
1.80 67.75 1.86 12314052 0.15 0.15 axs_txs_
1.74 69.55 1.80 8475848 0.21 0.66 mvpd_
1.72 71.33 1.78 36345392 0.05 0.05 gauss_
1.53 72.91 1.58 25028687 0.06 0.06 aescudi_
1.52 74.48 1.57 43187368 0.04 0.04 atmostd_
1.44 75.97 1.49 23077428 0.06 0.06 snrm2_
1.43 77.45 1.48 17560212 0.08 0.08 txs_axs_
1.38 78.88 1.43 4062635 0.35 0.42 dchdd_
1.36 80.29 1.41 internal_modf
1.30 81.63 1.34 61800367 0.02 0.06 x2acc_
1.26 82.93 1.30 log
1.25 84.22 1.29 138497176 0.01 0.01 axvc_
1.24 85.50 1.28 15978523 0.08 0.08 sgemv_
1.10 86.64 1.14 10707022 0.11 0.11 ec_txs_
1.09 87.77 1.13 8475648 0.13 0.21 g_eval_
1.06 88.87 1.10 __logl_internal
0.98 89.88 1.01 17765874 0.06 0.07 solgeo_
0.98 90.89 1.01 15978523 0.06 0.06 sger_
You'll notice basically everything seems slower with -haswell (even internal functions like sin/cos/exp !).
I can give an example of code, the function vxs_tvxs, which consumes 2.73s vs 2.33s:
if (VTOT==0.) then
if (VH==0.) then
TVXS(1,:)=(/ cg*cc, cg*sc, -sg/)
TVXS(2,:)=(/ -sc, cc, 0./)
TVXS(3,:)=(/ sg*cc, sg*sc, cg/)
Seems quite an innocuous function to me...
I have made a very simple program
REAL VXS0(3),VXS(3),TVXS(3,3)
call cpu_time(start)
do k=1,50 000 000
call cpu_time(finish)
Unfortunately, in this test case, all -march settings end up with about the same time requirement.
So I really don't get what is happening... plus, as we see from the previous profile, the fact that even internal functions are costing more feels very puzzling.
I've begun to believe that data frames hold no advantages over matrices, except for notational convenience. However, I noticed this oddity when running unique on matrices and data frames: it seems to run faster on a data frame.
a = matrix(sample(2,10^6,replace = TRUE), ncol = 10)
b = as.data.frame(a)
u1 = unique(a)
user system elapsed
1.840 0.000 1.846
u2 = unique(b)
user system elapsed
0.380 0.000 0.379
The timing results diverge even more substantially as the number of rows is increased. So, there are two parts to this question.
Why is this slower for a matrix? It seems faster to convert to a data frame, run unique, and then convert back.
Is there any reason not to just wrap unique in myUnique, which does the conversions in part #1?
Note 1. Given that a matrix is atomic, it seems that unique should be faster for a matrix, rather than slower. Being able to iterate over fixed-size, contiguous blocks of memory should generally be faster than running over separate blocks of linked lists (I assume that's how data frames are implemented...).
Note 2. As demonstrated by the performance of data.table, running unique on a data frame or a matrix is a comparatively bad idea - see the answer by Matthew Dowle and the comments for relative timings. I've migrated a lot of objects to data tables, and this performance is another reason to do so. So although users should be well served to adopt data tables, for pedagogical / community reasons I'll leave the question open for now regarding the why does this take longer on the matrix objects. The answers below address where does the time go, and how else can we get better performance (i.e. data tables). The answer to why is close at hand - the code can be found via unique.data.frame and unique.matrix. :) An English explanation of what it's doing & why is all that is lacking.
In this implementation, unique.matrix is the same as unique.array
> identical(unique.array, unique.matrix)
[1] TRUE
unique.array has to handle multi-dimensional arrays which requires additional processing to ‘collapse’ the extra dimensions (those extra calls to paste()) which are not needed in the 2-dimensional case. The key section of code is:
collapse <- (ndim > 1L) && (prod(dx[-MARGIN]) > 1L)
temp <- if (collapse)
apply(x, MARGIN, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "\r"))
unique.data.frame is optimised for the 2D case, unique.matrix is not. It could be, as you suggest, it just isn't in the current implementation.
Note that in all cases (unique.{array,matrix,data.table}) where there is more than one dimension it is the string representation that is compared for uniqueness. For floating point numbers this means 15 decimal digits so
NROW(unique(a <- matrix(rep(c(1, 1+4e-15), 2), nrow = 2)))
is 1 while
NROW(unique(a <- matrix(rep(c(1, 1+5e-15), 2), nrow = 2)))
NROW(unique(a <- matrix(rep(c(1, 1+4e-15), 1), nrow = 2)))
are both 2. Are you sure unique is what you want?
Not sure but I guess that because matrix is one contiguous vector, R copies it into column vectors first (like a data.frame) because paste needs a list of vectors. Note that both are slow because both use paste.
Perhaps because unique.data.table is already many times faster. Please upgrade to v1.6.7 by downloading it from the R-Forge repository because that has the fix to unique you raised in this question. data.table doesn't use paste to do unique.
a = matrix(sample(2,10^6,replace = TRUE), ncol = 10)
b = as.data.frame(a)
user system elapsed
2.98 0.00 2.99
user system elapsed
0.99 0.00 0.99
c = as.data.table(b)
user system elapsed
0.03 0.02 0.05 # 60 times faster than u1, 20 times faster than u2
[1] TRUE
In attempting to answer my own question, especially part 1, we can see where the time is spent by looking at the results of Rprof. I ran this again, with 5M elements.
Here are the results for the first unique operation (for the matrix):
> summaryRprof("u1.txt")
self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
"paste" 5.70 52.58 5.96 54.98
"apply" 2.70 24.91 10.68 98.52
"FUN" 0.86 7.93 6.82 62.92
"lapply" 0.82 7.56 1.00 9.23
"list" 0.30 2.77 0.30 2.77
"!" 0.14 1.29 0.14 1.29
"c" 0.10 0.92 0.10 0.92
"unlist" 0.08 0.74 1.08 9.96
"aperm.default" 0.06 0.55 0.06 0.55
"is.null" 0.06 0.55 0.06 0.55
"duplicated.default" 0.02 0.18 0.02 0.18
total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
"unique" 10.84 100.00 0.00 0.00
"unique.matrix" 10.84 100.00 0.00 0.00
"apply" 10.68 98.52 2.70 24.91
"FUN" 6.82 62.92 0.86 7.93
"paste" 5.96 54.98 5.70 52.58
"unlist" 1.08 9.96 0.08 0.74
"lapply" 1.00 9.23 0.82 7.56
"list" 0.30 2.77 0.30 2.77
"!" 0.14 1.29 0.14 1.29
"do.call" 0.14 1.29 0.00 0.00
"c" 0.10 0.92 0.10 0.92
"aperm.default" 0.06 0.55 0.06 0.55
"is.null" 0.06 0.55 0.06 0.55
"aperm" 0.06 0.55 0.00 0.00
"duplicated.default" 0.02 0.18 0.02 0.18
[1] 0.02
[1] 10.84
And for the data frame:
> summaryRprof("u2.txt")
self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
"paste" 1.72 94.51 1.72 94.51
"[.data.frame" 0.06 3.30 1.82 100.00
"duplicated.default" 0.04 2.20 0.04 2.20
total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
"[.data.frame" 1.82 100.00 0.06 3.30
"[" 1.82 100.00 0.00 0.00
"unique" 1.82 100.00 0.00 0.00
"unique.data.frame" 1.82 100.00 0.00 0.00
"duplicated" 1.76 96.70 0.00 0.00
"duplicated.data.frame" 1.76 96.70 0.00 0.00
"paste" 1.72 94.51 1.72 94.51
"do.call" 1.72 94.51 0.00 0.00
"duplicated.default" 0.04 2.20 0.04 2.20
[1] 0.02
[1] 1.82
What we notice is that the matrix version spends a lot of time on apply, paste, and lapply. In contrast, the data frame version simple runs duplicated.data.frame and most of the time is spent in paste, presumably aggregating results.
Although this explains where the time is going, it doesn't explain why these have different implementations, nor the effects of simply changing from one object type to another.
I am trying to get ddply to run in parallel on my mac. The code I've used is as follows:
library(ggplot2) # for the purposes of getting the baseball data.frame
> system.time(ddply(baseball, .(year), numcolwise(mean)))
user system elapsed
0.959 0.106 1.522
> system.time(ddply(baseball, .(year), numcolwise(mean), .parallel=TRUE))
user system elapsed
2.221 2.790 2.552
Why is ddply slower when I run .parallel=TRUE? I have searched online to no avail. I've also tried registerDoMC() and the results were the same.
The baseball data may be too small to see improvement by making the computations parallel; the overhead of passing the data to the different processes may be swamping any speedup by doing the calculations in parallel. Using the rbenchmark package:
baseball10 <- baseball[rep(seq(length=nrow(baseball)), 10),]
benchmark(noparallel = ddply(baseball, .(year), numcolwise(mean)),
parallel = ddply(baseball, .(year), numcolwise(mean), .parallel=TRUE),
noparallel10 = ddply(baseball10, .(year), numcolwise(mean)),
parallel10 = ddply(baseball10, .(year), numcolwise(mean), .parallel=TRUE),
replications = 10)
gives results
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
1 noparallel 10 4.562 1.000000 4.145 0.408 0.000 0.000
3 noparallel10 10 14.134 3.098203 9.815 4.242 0.000 0.000
2 parallel 10 11.927 2.614423 2.394 1.107 4.836 6.891
4 parallel10 10 18.406 4.034634 4.045 2.580 10.210 9.769
With a 10 times bigger data set, the penalty for parallel is smaller. A more complicated computation would also tilt it even further in parallel's favor, likely giving it an advantage.
This was run on a Mac OS X 10.5.8 Core 2 Duo machine.
Running in parallel will be slower than running sequentially when the communication costs between the nodes is greater than the calculation time of the function. In other words, it takes longer to send the data to/from the nodes than it does to perform the calculation.
For the same data set, the communication costs are approximately fixed, so parallel processing is going to be more useful as the time spent evaluating the function increases.
The code below shows 0.14 seconds (on my machine) are spent is spent evaluating .fun. That means communication has to be less than 0.07 seconds and that's not realistic for a data set the size of baseball.
system.time(ddply(baseball, .(year), numcolwise(mean)))
# user system elapsed
# 0.28 0.02 0.30
# self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
# [.data.frame 0.04 12.50 0.10 31.25
# unlist 0.04 12.50 0.10 31.25
# match 0.04 12.50 0.04 12.50
# .fun 0.02 6.25 0.14 43.75
# structure 0.02 6.25 0.12 37.50
# [[ 0.02 6.25 0.08 25.00
# FUN 0.02 6.25 0.06 18.75
# rbind.fill 0.02 6.25 0.06 18.75
# anyDuplicated 0.02 6.25 0.02 6.25
# gc 0.02 6.25 0.02 6.25
# is.array 0.02 6.25 0.02 6.25
# list 0.02 6.25 0.02 6.25
# mean.default 0.02 6.25 0.02 6.25
Here's the parallel version with snow:
cl <- makeSOCKcluster(2)
system.time(ddply(baseball, .(year), numcolwise(mean), .parallel=TRUE))
# user system elapsed
# 0.46 0.01 0.73
# self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
# .Call 0.24 33.33 0.24 33.33
# socketSelect 0.16 22.22 0.16 22.22
# lazyLoadDBfetch 0.08 11.11 0.08 11.11
# accumulate.iforeach 0.04 5.56 0.06 8.33
# rbind.fill 0.04 5.56 0.06 8.33
# structure 0.04 5.56 0.04 5.56
# <Anonymous> 0.02 2.78 0.54 75.00
# lapply 0.02 2.78 0.04 5.56
# constantFoldEnv 0.02 2.78 0.02 2.78
# gc 0.02 2.78 0.02 2.78
# stopifnot 0.02 2.78 0.02 2.78
# summary.connection 0.02 2.78 0.02 2.78