Struts2+Spring3+Tiles3 - spring

I would like to integrate tiles 3 to my web application spring3+struts2+hibernate,
but I don't have any idea of were to begin. All examples that I see use struts2 with tiles only, no integration of spring.

Here are few inputs how to integrate it.
For Integrating Struts2 with Spring use struts2-Spring plugin, all you need to have required spring jars and plugin, and your spring configuration file.Plugin document contains a basic start as how to configure it and how to use it, just follow those instructions and you are good to go (i am assuming you know how to use Spring )
Struts2 is independent of Hibernate and you are free to use it on your own way, though there are some plugins available , but i will suggest not to use them
For tiles there is again a plugin to take care of integration.
All these plugin will help you to integrate various technologies, but how to use them and how they work, you need to get know about them independently.


How to integrate the spring boot project generated by swagger with OSGi and deploy it in Apache karaf?

How to integrate the spring boot project generated by swagger with OSGi and deploy it in Apache karaf?
How should I write my pom.xml and how to modify the startup class. If there is something not detailed, I will add it. Thank you!
You don't. It's not strictly impossible but it would be a lot of work and struggle and you will not get any benefits out of it.
If you want SpringBoot - stick to that. You will sacrifice modularity, strong encapsulation, enforced clean architecture and bunch of other architectural thing that will matter a lot in the long run. But you will gain something that is easy to work with in the beginning and tons of code to copy/paste.
If you are playing the long game - I'd recommend to forget about SpringBoot and learn how to build modular OSGi applications. Recent version allow you to use popular technologies like JAX-RS and CDI. You can probably use one of the Swagger's JAX-RS generators and then convert the outcome to proper modular code. It may even be that there is a generator that generates OSGi JAX-RS code already.

Can a simple JSp and servlet code be migrated to Spring framework?

I am a newbie in web development. I'm using servlets and JSP for web development.However, I've learnt lately that Spring Framework is apt for that which incorporate servlets, jsp etc. So, my question is that can I now run my program using Spring framework ? Like, I have 2 jsp codes, and 1 servlet class. So, how can I migrate the code in Spring Framework ? what additional things or codes do I need to maintain ?
Migrating an existing J2EE project is easy.
You will get rid of a lot of "boilerplate" code in the process. The easiest way to do it in my opinion will be to use SpringToolSuite.
Import your project in STS and then add "Maven" nature to it. In the pom configuration you can edit all the jars that you need and mention the spring framework. Once all this is setup it will be just a matter of minutes to change the code if it is small.
You can follow these video tutorials about maven and spring to learn about it.
There are more tutorials by "New Circle training" on youtube for the same.
I would also recommend you to read Spring in action 3rd edition-Manning
This book is a must and the best way to learn spring framework. Hope this helps

Spring Security without spring core?

I have a really simple question, that I just can't find the answer.
If I want to use only Spring Security, do I need Spring core or any other dependency?
In this link, in the bottom I see only spring security jars as dependencies, but still I couldn't get it to work. I only got it to work when I used a lot more of spring jars (core, context, and more).
So, what are the minimal dependencies I need for using Spring Security? All I need is an authorization and authentication framework, and I want as little dependencies as possible.
Thank you!
For every spring extension you need to use Srping core, because every extension is build on top of spring core

How to integrate the GWT command pattern with spring

I have a project where I am using the GWT command pattern to implement the RPC. Here how i can integrate the Spring with GWT. Without Spring I am able to achieve the RPC. But here i need to use Spring Dependency Injection for GWT server side packages.
I am unable to find suitable sample or links to implement that.
Can anyone please provide the links and samples which has this requirement.
Without command pattern, I am able to integrate spring with GWT by referring following links
If you are using gwt-dispatch then you can use the gwt-dispatch-spring-ext to make it work with spring instead of guice. I haven't looked at these for a while - not sure to what extent they are being maintained - please do check before deciding to use these.

WebDAV / Spring integration?

It appears there is built in support in the form of a servlet for tomcat (see here), but we use spring heavily in my company. I haven't been able to find any examples of spring/webDav integration. More directly, I'd like to use spring to customize the handling of the various WebDAV methods so it wasn't just reading from a filesystem. I'd like to read from a different data store. Anyone have any experience or know if this is possible?
It is possible. I was looking for the same thing, couldn't find Spring integration with Apache Jackrabbit or Apache Sling but did find it with Milton, see
There you can checkout a maven project and see WebDAV (with Spring) in action.
