Bean Validation for POST requisition in JAX-RS with Jersey implementation - validation

I'm using the Jersey implementation for JAX-RS, and I was looking for an example where I can use the Bean Validation in POST requisitions. I have this operation, for example:
public Map<String, Object> saveAnnotation(
#FormParam("user") String userStr,
#FormParam("documentId") String documentId,
#FormParam("documentPage") Integer documentPage,
#FormParam("annotationContent") String annotationContent,
#FormParam("annotationId") Long annotationId,
#FormParam("isMobile") Boolean isMobile) { // the code... }
I wanna use validations constraints (#NotNull, #Pattern, etc) for each method param. I saw this doc where they're using the Seam Framework to do that.
Currently, I'm trying to use the javax.validation implementation to validate my requests, but it doesn't working.
Is there a way to use the JSR-303 specification with JAX-RS?

This is currently not possible using Jersey; one possible alternative is to write a customer resource filter and bind to the #NotNull, etc. annotations.
It would be simpler if it was encapsulated in a resource class because you could then bind to a #Valid annotation on your method and validate the bean in one shot.
Because JSR-303 is designed to deal with beans and not a collection of parameters then it ends up being very verbose when you try to bend it to your will.
IMHO it's better not to keep validation inside your class anyway and to either use the pipes and filters pattern, i.e. ContainerRequestFilter, or to use something like AspectJ as #Willy suggested.

It's possible. See docs for latest Jersey


How to handle optional service dependency of service in Spring Boot?

I've a service called InformationService. It optionally depends on ReleaseService. If the property external.releaseservice.url is set, the InformationService shall make a request to it and enrich it's own response with aggregate data.
If however the url is not defined, the response shall simply return a string like not available for the fields in question.
What's the spring boot way to achieve this? Inject an Optional<ReleaseService> into the InformationService? Is there another pattern for this?
You have three ways to achieve this.
#Autowired(required = false)
This works, but it requires field injection, which is not great for unit tests as is well known.
#Autowired(required = false)
private ReleaseService releaseService;
Java Optional type
As you said, Optional will also do the job and it allows you to stick to constructor injection. This is my suggested approach.
Spring's ObjectProvider
There is also an ObjectProvider designed specifically for injection points which you can use to achieve this as follows.
public InformationService(ObjectProvider<ReleaseService> releaseServiceProvider) {
this.releaseService = releaseServiceProvider.getIfAvailable();
It is more cumbersome and therefore I would avoid it. There is an advantage that allows you to specify a default instance if none is available but I guess that is not what you need.

Spring boot: #Valid not working with #RequestHeader

I'm really struggling to combine #Valid with #RequestHeader.
Might this be not supported or is there a way to enable it? I couldn't find useful information about that...
When I annotate the whole controller with #Validated it works, so it is not a big issue. However, I feel like it should work with #Valid as well, so I wanted to know if I'm missing something here.
Code example:
public String validationControllerHeader(#Valid #RequestHeader #Pattern(regexp = "[a-z]{3}[0-9]+") String someheader) {
return someheader;
I'm using #Valid in the same test controller for query parameters and body validation too and there it works, so the issue is only present with headers.
Using spring boot 2.3.1.RELEASE
You are definitely supposed to use #Validated in your controller class, as it indicates that the validation is meant to be performed in that class. From the documentation:
To be eligible for Spring-driven method validation, all target classes need to be annotated with Spring’s #Validated annotation, which can optionally also declare the validation groups to use.
And, as you are using #Pattern (which is a Bean Validation annotation), you don't need #Valid.

Is there a way to link JAX-RS resource to another resource like in Spring HATEOAS?

In Spring we've got #ExposesResourceFor annotation which can link our resource with other resources. Thanks to this our Value objects (representations) can know nothing of the actual resources.
Is there a way to do it in JAX-RS? I'm using Dropwizard with Jersey and Jackson and all I see is #InjectLinks annotation which I can use in a value object like this:
public class UserGroup {
public String name;
public URI myResource;
public UserGroup(String name){ = name;
But unfortunatelly my Value Objects should know nothing about Resources, so I'm asking can I do such linking on the level of resources - link in spring-hateoas in controllers, as mentioned above.
With #InjectLinks, you don't have to declare the links in your model class. You can create a "wrapper" representation class, as shown in declarative-linking from the Jersey examples (though this solution is not really on the resource class level as you wish).
Another possible solution (rather than declarative linking) is to use the JAX-RS 2.0 Link class, and do the linking programmatically (with no ties to the Jersey implementation/annotations). You can either add the links to your response headers, as see here, or add Links to you model classes, as seen here (or use the wrapper class for this also, so as to not to invade your model classes)
Some Resources
Declarative Hyperlinking
Using Link for headers

Spring DTO validation in Service or Controller?

I'm building a straight forward AJAX / JSON web service with Spring. The common data flow is:
some DTO from browser
Spring #Controller method
Spring #Service method
I'm looking for the most easy way to handle data validation.
I know the #Valid annotation which works pretty well inside #Controller methods.
Why does #Valid not work within #Service methods?
I mean: A service method can be used by any other service and controller. So wouldn't it make much more sense to validate at #Service level?
Let's take this simple example:
public class MyDTO {
public String required
public int age;
public MyDomainObject foo(MyDTO myDTO) {
// persist myDTO
// and return created domain object
MyService myService;
#Autowired // some simple bean mapper like Dozer or Orika
Mapper mapper; // for converting domain objects to DTO
public MyDomainObjectDTO doSomething(#RequestBody MyDTO myDTO) {, MyDomainObjectDTO.class);
Is it common practice that the service method receives the DTO?
If yes: What's the best practice to validate that DTO inside the service method?
If no: Should maybe the controller manipulate the Domain object and just let the service save that object? (this seems pretty useless to me)
In my opinion the service should be responsible for only data consistency.
How do you solve this?
My answer? Both.
The service must check its own contract for validity.
The controller is part of the UI. It should validate and bind for a better user experience, but the service should not rely on it.
The service cannot know how it's being called. What if you wrap it as a REST service?
The service also knows about business logic violations in a way that no UI can. It needs to validate to make sure that the use case is fulfilled appropriately.
Double bag it; do both.
See my other answer: Check preconditions in Controller or Service layer
If you really want to do validation like error handling in your Service layer similar to Spring MVC you can use javax.validation and AspectJ (to advice the methods to validate) which is what I do because I like making reflection do the work and declarative programming (annotations).
Spring MVC doesn't need to do AspectJ/AOP to do the error handling because the methods are being called through reflection (url routing/dispatching).
Finally for you MVC code you should know that #Valid is sort of unofficially deprecated. Instead consider #Validated which will leverage more of the javax.validation features.

Handling of pre-slash in #RequestMapping

Imagine that I have a Spring MVC controller something like this:
public class MyController{
#RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="/edit/{id}")
public String edit(Model model, HttpServletRequest request, Authentication authentication){
My question is regarding the inner value parameter to the #RequestMapping annotation at the function level. Is the pre-slash on /edit/{id} required, or does edit/{id} do the job just as well? I would have imagined that the pre-slash would set the request to be absolute, regardless of the class level mapping, but it seems to be ignored.
Is one or the other considered better practice?
In the Spring documentation, they seem to always use the pre-slash. Are there any practical benefits to doing that?
According to the spring documentation, having a class level #RequestMapping annotation implies that all method level #RequestMappings will be relative to that of the class'.
It might be nice however, to have the ability to override the relative mappings in some rare cases.
I personally prefer to add pre-slash in value of #RequestMapping. In code level you can see: If the value does not start with an / then Spring (DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping) will add it. Details answer you can visit: Use or not leading slash in value for #RequestMapping. Need official docs or point to Spring source?
