Jruby on rails - Torque box vs Tomcat - tomcat7

I am completely new in application server configuration and deployment. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and have JRuby on rails application (war file) that I want do deploy and to be visible from external networks.
I firstly started to read about Tomcat as it is mention in official Jruby git hub documentation but looking around and searching the torque box was offered as solution too.
Unfortunately, I've not been able to find a article where Tomcat and Torque box are compared. The only thing I know about Torque box is that it is based on Tomcat server and it is not good for development due to delays.
What will be the better choice to use for not commercial application and beginner?

Really you should be comparing Tomcat and JBoss, JBoss is what Torquebox wraps.
Tomcat is just a web application server, JBoss is much more.
This might help: JBoss vs Tomcat again
Torquebox (aka JBoss) for example includes a message queue and distributed caching.


Migrate OSGI application from Karaf 2.3.4 to Websphere Application server

I have an OSGI application deployed in Karaf v2.3.4, it worked well, but I want to migrate it to WebSphere application server, I want to know the difference between these two servers, and the guidlines for doing that
thanks for your help
I've lead the development of OSGi applications on WebSphere, but am less familiar with Karaf. From what I can tell, we share the same Blueprint implementation. I believe that Karaf supports the OSGi application (.eba) packaging model - WebSphere Application Server insists upon it.
You can download free, developer-licensed WebSphere Application Server runtimes and Eclipse-based tooling from wasdev.net. The simplest approach would be to import your application source into the tooling, and deploy it onto a runtime from there.
The Karaf home page describes it as 'a small OSGi based runtime which provides a lightweight container onto which various components and applications can be deployed.' WebSphere Application Server is a Java EE-compliant application server. Until the advent of the Liberty Profile, it could not have been described as 'small'. Both runtimes are OSGi based.
We don't have a specific guide for migrating OSGi applications from Karaf to WebSphere, which is why I recommend that you try it and see what happens. Good luck - do let us know how you get on, either here or on the wasdev.net forums.

How do i migrate application from Tomcat 6.0.35 to JBoss AS 7.1.1

Is there any tool or set of guidelines to migrate application using Spring, from Tomcat 6.0.35 to JBoss AS 7.1.1 ? Or is it better to just host app in JBoss and work backwards to fix issues one by one as suggested by some?
There is a migration center, but it says Tomcat is coming soon.
The biggest issues you would likely face are dependencies that you've included in your application that JBoss AS or WildFly already include. This is a little old, but might be helpful too.
Other than that it's tough to say what would need to be changed without knowing your environment and current configuration. The main idea behind Java EE is ideally it should work on any application server. That said, Spring isn't a Java EE standard and Tomcat is just a servlet container :) Not that there is anything wrong with either.

deploy Apache ServiceMix 4 application into JBoss Application Server 7

I have an standalone Apache ServiceMix 4.4 application, it works nicely. Now, I want to deploy this application inside a JBoss Application Server 7. I use Maven as project and dependency management tool.
My objective is deploying the application not touching any line of code, only maven POM files. I can add new dependencies, change some versions (minor) and use different tools. I want, as a second objective, integrate all the Apache CXF DOSGi container features into JBoss AS ones seamlessly.
I think it is possible, but I found information for old releases of JBoss and ServiceMix or incomplete guides like this.
Can someone provide more information about that?
I have found some issues in JBoss issue tracker:
Initial runtime support for Karaf based products
And some JBoss forum topics:
Migrating osgi bundles running in Karaf to JBoss 7 as OSGI container
I forgot to mention that my application is using Apache Karaf OSGi runtime.
Well Servicemix is "pre-"setup of a Container (Apache Karaf) and lot's of other Apache Projects like ActiveMq and Camel plus some ServiceMix specialties. So why would you want to deploy this setup in another Container?
If you want to do something like this, try to deploy std. Apache Camel, ActiveMQ and CXF and your own app in JBoss.

does Spring Insight need tcServer, or can it work with Eclipse and Tomcat?

does Spring Insight need tcServer, or can it work with Eclipse and Tomcat? I see some tutorials on Spring Insight, but all of them seem to use tcServer.
Technically, Spring Insight does not need tcServer to do its work. It can work with JBoss and other containers. However the easiest packaged solution for VMware is to distribute it as a template for tc Server. VMware does not document the classpath / JVM settings / setup needed for Insight to run with other containers. Again it's technically possible, but not currently supported. I believe that configuration will be out as supported in the near future (within a month or 2)
Since tc Server is free for developers and essentially the same as Tomcat, why can't you use it with tc Server? The integration is quite nice (especially with STS/Eclipse)

Start glassfish at boot in windows

This must be a dumb question, but I don't see any obvious references. How can I get glassfish to start at boot on a windows box?
Install GlassFish as a service that starts automatically:
Check out How do I run GlassFish as a Windows service? in the GlassFish Wiki for GlassFish v2.
Use the Platform Services Support for GlassFish v3 (more on this in this thread just in case).
PS: It's often preferable to mention the version you are using...
