Graph search algorithm where edges can be blocked by obstacles - algorithm

I want to find a low-cost path between two vertices on a directed graph where the cost of each edge is the same. Ease of implementing the algorithm and performance time are very important, so I am willing to sacrifice an optimal solution for one that is near-optimal, if the algorithm is simpler and quicker.
An edge can be blocked by an obstacle. The probability that an edge is blocked is known beforehand. Blockages are independent of each other. An edge is found to be unblocked or blocked when the vertex at the head of the edge is reached.
My problem is similar to the Canadian Traveller Problem, but my understanding is that solutions for stochastic programming problems are relatively difficult to implement, and the time taken to find an optimal policy can be relatively high.
At the moment, I am thinking of converting the problem into a deterministic one so that it can be solved using a search algorithm like A*. Is this a good approach, and if so, how can I do this?

This problem is a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). POMDPs can be solved deterministically, but usually use a randomized algorithm to find an approximately-optimal solution. Finding the true optimum policy does not have a polynomial time solution, and even approximate solutions can be slow. On the upside, once you've found the policy, following it is fast.
Some of the available solvers:
Symbolic Perseus


Greedy Algorithm vs Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

I'm doing an assignment on Travelling Salesman and I want to know the difference between the Greedy Algorithm and the Nearest Neighbor algorithm. I looked it up and they seemed almost the same to me. And there weren't any good resources tha compared them. What is their difference?
Actually, I'm having a hard time finding the similarity :) You talk about two very different algorithms here, for different kinds of problems.
Greedy algorithm is being used mainly for graphs, as it's supposed to solve staged-problems, when each stage requires us to make a decision. For example, when trying to find the shortest way from one point to another, it would choose each time the closest point to the current point it stands at.
K-NN is a lazy classification algorithm, being used a lot in machine learning problems. It calculates the class for a value depending on its distance from the k closest points in the set.
Thinking about it, you can actually say that each stage of the greedy algorithm uses a 1-Nearest-Neighbours algorithm to find the closest point, but it's pretty ridiculous... :)
Hope it's understandable!

Solving maze with "islands"

I have this layout of a maze that I am having trouble thinking of how to implement a solution for:
I know there are many resources for maze solving algorithms e.g. but I am not sure which algorithm is best suited for the given maze.
There are three areas labelled “*” which are the locations that MazeSolver needs to go to before being able to exit the maze from the entrance at the top of the map.
I would appreciate pseudo code of solving the maze islands part. I would be looking for a simple solution and optimal time is not really an issue. The thing is even though an overview of the maze is provided beforehand to the solver, it may not be completely accurate at when the maze solver actually does the maze so its a little more complicated than coding it before hand or using an algorithm that uses omniscient view of the maze and needs to "half" human/doable if you get what I mean...
While the robot/robot programmer will be supplied with a map of the mine for each rescue, the map may be out of date due to new mining or due to damage from the event.
For this application the robot is required to first of all locate all the rescue areas and determine if they are occupied. The robot will have to be totally autonomous. When these have been investigated the robot should then do a check of all the passageways for humans.
The robot should also be self-navigating. While a GPS system is a natural choice, in this case it cannot be used due to the thickness of the rock ceiling preventing any GPS signals, therefore you are also required to design a navigation system for the robot. For this end, small hardware alterations, such as additional sensors or deployable radio beacons, may be added to the robot. Please note that at least one of the shelters is located in an “Island”.
Assuming you are not looking for a shortest path to get out of the maze - just any path, create some order for your Islands: island1,island2,...,islandk.
Now, assuming you know how to solve a "regular" maze, you need to find paths from:
start->island1, island1->island2, ...., islandk->end
Some comments:
Solving "regular" maze can be done using BFS, or DFS (the later is not optimal though).
If you are looking for a more efficient solution, you can use
all-to-all shortest path rather than multiple "regular" maze solving.
If you are looking for a shortest path, this is a variation of Traveling Salesman Problem. Possible solution is discussed here.
If you want to also pass through all passages, you can do it using a DFS that continues until all nodes are discovered. Again, this won't be the shortest such path, but finding the shortest path is going to be NP-Hard.
This problem is related to the Travelling salesman problem problem, which is NP-Hard, so I wouldn't expect any quick solutions for larger number of islands.
For small number of islands, you can do this: for each 2 islands (including your starting position), compute the shortest path between them. Since you are interested in distances between relatively low fraction of vertices, I recommend using the Dijkstra's algorithm, since it is relatively easy and can be done by hand (for reasonably large graf).
Now you have the shortest distances between all points of interest and it is when you need to find the Hamiltonian optimal path between them. Fortunately, the distances satisfy a metric, so you can have 2-approximation (easy, even by hand) or even 3/2-approximation (not so easy) algorithms, but no polynomial algorithms are known.
For perfect solution with 3 islands you have to check only 6 ways how to visit them (easy), but for 6 islands you can visit them in 720 ways, and for n in n! so good luck with that.

Heuristic and A* algorithm

I was reading about dijkstra algorithm and A* star algorithm. I know that the difference is the heuristic used. But what is a heuristic and how this influence the algorithms? Heuristic is just an way to measure the distance? But dijkstra considers the distance too? Sorry, but my question is about heuristic and what it means and why to use them... (I had read about it, but don't understant)
Other question: When should be used each one?
Thank you
In this context, a heuristic is a way of providing the algorithm with some form of extra evaluative information, so that the algorithm can find a 'good enough' solution, without exhaustively searching every possible solution.
Dijkstra's Algorithm does not use a heuristic. It expands outwards from the start node, and examines every node in the graph in order to find the shortest path. While this is accurate, it can be computationally expensive.
By comparison, the A* algorithm uses a distance + cost heuristic, to guide the algorithm in its choice of the next node to explore. This means that the algorithm finds a possible search solution without examining every node on the graph. It is therefore much cheaper to run, but at a loss of complete accuracy. It works because the result is usually close enough to the optimal solution, and is found cheaper than an exhaustive search of the entire graph.
As to when you should use each, it really depends on the application. However, using the A* algorithm requires an admissible heuristic, so this may not be applicable in situations where such information is unavailable to the algorithm.
A heuristic basically means an idea or an intuition! Any strategy that you use to solve a hard problem is a heuristic! In some fields (like combinatorial problems) it refers to the strategy that can help you solve a NP hard problem suboptimally within a polynomial time.
Dijkstra solves the single-source routing problem, i.e. it gives you the cost of going froma single point to any other point in the space.
A* solves a single-source single-target problem. It gives you a minimum distance path from a given point to another given point.
A* is usually faster than Dijkstra provided you give it an admissible heuristic, this is, an estimate of the distance to the goal, that never overestimates said distance. Contrary to a previous answer given here, if the heuristic used is admissible, A* is complete and will give you the optimal answer.

Traversing weighted graph through all vertecies ending up at the same point

Is there an algorithm that will allow me to traverse a weighted graph in the following manner?
Start at a specific node
Go through all vertecies in the graph
Do this in the least amount of time (weights are times)
End up at the starting node
Sounds like the Travelling Salesman Problem to me. An NP-hard problem. There is no polynomial time algorithm that will give you the optimum solution. You could use a search heuristic to get a close to optimal solution though.
As Greg Sexton stated before me, it is a classic example of the Travelling Salesman Problem. There are many advanced algorithms about for handling this style of problem, which is best for your particular situation rather depends on the graph. If the number of vertices is high, you will need substantial computational power to get it done within a realistic time frame.
I am not sure, if any efficient algorithm exists, but a brute force approach would surely give you the answer.
In any case, can you give the constraints on the number of vertices/edges.

Algorithm: shortest path between all points

Suppose I have 10 points. I know the distance between each point.
I need to find the shortest possible route passing through all points.
I have tried a couple of algorithms (Dijkstra, Floyd Warshall,...) and they all give me the shortest path between start and end, but they don't make a route with all points on it.
Permutations work fine, but they are too resource-expensive.
What algorithms can you advise me to look into for this problem? Or is there a documented way to do this with the above-mentioned algorithms?
Have a look at travelling salesman problem.
You may want to look into some of the heuristic solutions. They may not be able to give you 100% exact results, but often they can come up with good enough solutions (2 to 3 % away from optimal solutions) in a reasonable amount of time.
This is obviously Travelling Salesman problem. Specifically for N=10, you can either try the O(N!) naive algorithm, or using Dynamic Programming, you can reduce this to O(n^2 2^n), by trading space.
Beyond that, since this is an NP-hard problem, you can only hope for an approximation or heuristic, given the usual caveats.
As others have mentioned, this is an instance of the TSP. I think Concord, developed at Georgia Tech is the current state-of-the-art solver. It can handle upwards of 10,000 points within a few seconds. It also has an API that's easy to work with.
I think this is what you're looking for, actually:
Floyd Warshall
In computer science, the Floyd–Warshall algorithm (sometimes known as
the WFI Algorithm[clarification needed], Roy–Floyd algorithm or just
Floyd's algorithm) is a graph analysis algorithm for finding shortest
paths in a weighted graph (with positive or negative edge weights). A
single execution of the algorithm will find the lengths (summed
weights) of the shortest paths between all pairs of vertices though it
does not return details of the paths themselves
In the "Path reconstruction" subsection it explains the data structure you'll need to store the "paths" (actually you just store the next node to go to and then trivially reconstruct whichever path is required as needed).
