Maven Spring Selenium Integration Tests - Running Tomcat before Selenium - spring

I'm learning how to run Selenium Integration Tests in Maven. I've configured Selenium and the Tomcat Maven Plugin using Cargo.
This is my pom.xml file:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<home>D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache Tomcat 7.0.27</home>
<home>D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache Tomcat 7.0.27</home>
These are the logs of Netbeans when I say Build:
Building SeleniumTest 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[debug] execute contextualize
Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
Copying 0 resource
Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
[debug] execute contextualize
Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
skip non existing resourceDirectory C:\Users\Colenso\Documents\NetBeansProjects\SeleniumTest\src\test\resources
Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\Colenso\Documents\NetBeansProjects\SeleniumTest\target\test-classes
Compiling 1 source file to C:\Users\Colenso\Documents\NetBeansProjects\SeleniumTest\target\test-classes
Tests are skipped.
Packaging webapp
Assembling webapp [SeleniumTest] in [C:\Users\Colenso\Documents\NetBeansProjects\SeleniumTest\target\SeleniumTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT]
Processing war project
Copying webapp resources [C:\Users\Colenso\Documents\NetBeansProjects\SeleniumTest\src\main\webapp]
Webapp assembled in [454 msecs]
Building war: C:\Users\Colenso\Documents\NetBeansProjects\SeleniumTest\target\SeleniumTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war
Surefire report directory: C:\Users\Colenso\Documents\NetBeansProjects\SeleniumTest\target\surefire-reports
Running test.integrationTests.SimpleTest
Configuring TestNG with: TestNG652Configurator
As you can see, It is only building the .war file and Neither starting my tomcat container nor deploying the .war file on it.
If I say Run in Netbeans, I can see Tomcat Starting up and my application running. However the Integration Tests are not done.

To run the integration tests you have to tell maven to run the integration-test phase. Either you run mvn integration-test or mvc install (install works because it came after integration-test in mavens phases)
#See Maven Build Lifecycle
BTW: you should have a look at maven-failsave-plugin. It is a test plugin like surefire but intended to run integration tests. - So you can have two plugins in you pom (surefire for unit tests and failsave for integration tests), so you do not need so much reconfiguration of surefire.


Parallel execution with maven-surefire-plugin is throwing PluginResolutionException

I am trying to execute my feature files via files (by mentioning them in pom.xml) , in parallel using maven-surefire-plugin, for which i have set up pom.xml as below, but when i run pom.xml as maven test, its throwing PluginResolutionException when the version is 3.0.0-M3, when i have update the version to 2.19.1, the maven test is not running my feature files but the build is shown as successful
I have tried with different versions but not worked
Also I have tried replacing the configuration part with below changes
still my feature files are not executed but the build is
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
PS: After reading the below artical
I understand that there is link between the Junit version and surefireflugin i use in my project, bow one thing is for sure, the correct combination of Junit and maven-surefire-plugin is very much necessary, i have tried with below combinations
JUnit 4.7
plugin 3.0.0-M3
JUnit 4.12
plugin 2.20
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
but its not helpful, I suppose i am doing mistake in choosing this versions and the config of plugin with proper parameters, please help me
My complete pom is as below
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<executable>C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_211\bin\javac</executable>
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
My feature files should run in parallel
My feature files are not executed
After changing the dependencies and plugin as suggested by sureshmani, this is how it looks
Finally i am able to solve this, to my initial pom, have started doing below changes. Which ran my feature files in parallel
Change 1: I happen to add the dependency for cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin along with plugin ,so i have deleted the plugin
Change 2: I have realized that the cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin is not able to recognize the feature files when I have them placed src/main/java , some of the posts said i have to move all feature files to src/main/resources/feature , where features is package
Change 3: I have realized that cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin is not able to recognize the resources like step def's and drivers etc, so i have used build-helper-maven-plugin where i have declared the resources as below
Change 4: cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin in the maven life cycle in my IDE, because for some reason maven is not able to consider this plugin in it execution
Eclipse --> Windoes --> Preferences --> Maven->LifeCycleMappings-> copy paste below code
Then , click on "Reload workspace lifecycle mapping metadata" button in Preference
Maven modal
My final pom looks like this
<project xmlns=""
<!-- <dependency>
<executable>C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_211\bin\javac</executable>
<version> 4.2.0</version>
<format> json </format>
<!-- Specify a custom template for the generated sources (this is a path
relative to the project base directory) -->
<!-- <customVmTemplate>src/test/resources/
</customVmTemplate> -->
<!-- Specify a custom package name for generated sources. Default is no
package. -->
<!--<packageName></packageName> <plugins> <plugin> <name>json</name>
<plugin> <name>html</name> </plugin> <plugin> <name>pretty</name> </plugin>
</plugins> -->
Even after these changes, an error started showing at <execution> in pom, it says
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: com.github.temyers:cucumber-
jvm-parallel-plugin:4.2.0:generateRunners (execution: generateRunners, phase:
But, its fine, i am able to run the feature files in parallel even with this above

Tycho copy-dependencies do not include plugin dependencies

For one plugin in my tycho reactor I would like to copy a "pure-maven" dependency and its transitive ones in a folder named "lib/".
Currently if I use the copy-dependencies goal from maven-dependency-plugin, my dependency is correctly copied but the "plugin-dependencies" resolved by tycho are also copied, and I don't want those.
Any suggestion to achieve this goal ? I'm currently using the following code snippet
Any suggestions are welcome.
Following this discussion on Eclipse forums it seems that we can tell maven to only include dependencies coming from the current pom.xml file using a combination of excludeScope and includeScope tags.
This updated XML snippet does the job as expected
<!-- The lines below are aimed at telling maven NOT TO COPY tycho dependencies. Do not remove those! -->
<!-- See: -->

Cannot get Cobertura coverage report

I use SonarQube 4.5.2, with Maven in an Eclipse project. Here are fragments from my POM:
<argLine>-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M</argLine>
<extraJvmArgs>-Xss2M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -Xmx2048m -Xdebug </extraJvmArgs>
<!-- <extraJvmArgs>-Xss2M -XX:MaxPermSize=400M -Xms700M -Xmx1024M</extraJvmArgs> -->
<!-- SonarQube enables the appropriate plugin from the coverage report that already finds -->
<!-- <>cobertura</> -->
<!-- <sonar.jacoco.reportPath>${project.basedir}/../target/jacoco.exec</sonar.jacoco.reportPath> -->
Now when I run mvn clean -Psonar test cobertura:cobertura sonar:sonar, I would expect to visit http://localhost:9000/ and check the code coverage widget. But it shows 0%. Does anyone has an idea why is this happen?
Java version 1.6.0_45.
Eclipse Luna.
SonarQube 4.5.2.

JMS config settings for jetty deployment using cargo

We have a current web application that is deployed to OAS (Oracle Application Server).
I am trying to implement some functional tests using selenium for this application. I created a new maven project specifically for functional testing, which uses cargo to deploy the application war file (webapp-site.war) to the default container provided by cargo (Jetty). pom.xml attached at the end.
The problem I am facing is in trying to configure jms properties. The current setting in the web application uses OAS specific values from an environment specific file (shown below):
When I start up jetty using cargo, the deployment of the application war fails when it looks for the "RMIInitialContextFactory" and does not find it. This is an OAS specific jar which is not available in the global maven repository. I managed to download and install this jar in the local maven repo, but then it showed a missing class from another oracle specific jar not present in the global maven repo. Also, even I resolved all such dependencies to external jar, I am unsure of how it would perform with Jetty.
It would be really helpful to know how to configure these properties in cargo specific to jetty and have it picked up by the deployable application war.
Attaching the pom.xml of the functional test module below:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Functional tests for webapp</name>
<!-- CARGO is used to deploy the RAPS application for functional testing -->
<!-- Skip the normal tests, we'll run them in the integration-test phase -->
Any help would be great !!
I found a way of solving the problem.
We use some environment specific settings in the project. I created a new environment profile in the build for functional tests and created a new with the initial context factory pointing to the one provided by jetty.
It worked.

maven-failsafe-plugin not seeing my tests (seleniumHQ)

i'm writing tests via selenium web driver here's my code :
<!-- Skip the normal tests, we'll run them in the integration-test phase-->
My test class named
after reading this post : failsafe plugin won't run on one project but will run on another -- why?
I changed the name of my class so it's:
<!-- Skip the normal tests, we'll run them in the integration-test phase-->
But the problem persist.
The goal of the maven-failsafe-plugin is named integration-test instead of test. Furthermore if you changed your naming convention to the convention of maven-failsafe-plugin than you don't need any configuration which includes etc. files. Just use the defaults.
Furthermore i assume you have started running the integration tests via:
mvn verify
