Can be smoothing image in a loaded SWF? - image

I'm trying to load an SWF into another in AS3/Haxe. The loaded SWF contains some images - but only on some elements. (Like graphics.beginBitmapFill(); ...)
This images are not smoothed, and jaggy.
Can this images be smoothed anyhow during runtime?
Any hack interested! :)
Thanks in advance!
Update: Sorry, but I forget to mention, that I'm loading more AS2-SWFs (AVM1) into one AS3-SWF (AVM2) with AVM2Loader, which hack the loaded bytes, and convert the AVM1 SWFs into AVM2 - it works very well. :)
So, in these SWFs I need to find the images/bitmaps, but only found the Shapes, which graphics elements has the 'images'. If I clear this graphics, then all images are gone, so I think, the images are in some graphics.beginBitmapFill(...);, without smoothing. I want to reach them, and switch smoothing on at runtime, if possible.
(Sorry, if the first time I was not enough clear.)
Edit (Jan 23 '14): I found solution for it. It is not fast, and required Flash Player 11.6. Every MovieClip graphics properties has a new readGraphicsData function, which give all the graphics commands (Vector IGraphicsData) to draw the whole MC. And iterate in these commands, if I change every bitmapFill command smooth parameter to true, and redraw the MC, it will be smoothed, and nice.
That's it. Not fast, but working.

I found solution for it. It is not fast, and required Flash Player 11.6. Every MovieClip graphics properties has a new readGraphicsData function, which give all the graphics commands (Vector IGraphicsData) to draw the whole MC. And iterate in these commands, if I change every bitmapFill command smooth parameter to true, and redraw the MC, it will be smoothed, and nice.
That's it. Not fast, but working.

function onLoad(event):Void
pic.forceSmoothing = true;

Smoothing is a property of bitmaps that's off by default.
var image = new Bitmap(bitmapData);
image.smoothing = true;
Typically, your bitmapData will be in the loader.content.bitmapData when loading externally, but it's up to you were you've stored it.
If you want to smooth all images in a loaded SWF without any knowledge of the structure of the SWF, then you'll have to recursively dig through the hiarchy of that SWF, and depending on whether or not the object is a Bitmap, turn on smoothing.
function recursivelySmooth(obj):void {
for (var i:int = 0; obj.getChildAt(i); i++) {
var item:* = obj.getChildAt(i);
if (item is Bitmap) {
item.smoothing = true;
} else if (item.hasOwnProperty("numChildren") == true) {
This was written freehand, so you may have to doublecheck everything is correct, but that's the basic idea. Just call recursivelySmooth() on your swf, and it'll dig through all objects that can have child elements and smooth them.


Three.js calling makes animated objects vanish

In Three.js, Calling makes objects just vanish, without any error or warning on the console.
I use THREE.ObjectLoader to load a JSON file created in blender. The srt (position/scale/quaternion) animation is in the generated file. As are the morphtargets. To optimise filesize I animated the srt as a series of null objects. The morphtargets tracks are in the main object, which I clone 5 times to build the characters (balloons to be exact).
I previously did extensive testing to introduce shape/morph animation. After being succesfull I finalised all the animations. Only to be trumped by the disappearing models. The srt (position/scale/quaternion) animation was working fine before. But after refactoring the code, to be less spagettied, upon calling The objects just vanish, exactly then. Echoeing the mixers and the array containing the clips, everything looks correct (ie I see the tracks, the names are right etc). Also examining the newly generated JSON, it seems the same and correct (also I have not changed the SRT animations, only introduced shapeanimation)
So I am lost, and think this looks more and more like a bug. From previous experience I do know it works (or has worked).
I created a jsfiddle:
[edit] I turned on the and call the function from the link in the div [/edit] please note I commented out calling So you see the load and init work. See the function listed below
function playScene(scene) {
for (parentName in srtMixers) {
var clpName = "balloon1_fly";
var clp = THREE.AnimationClip.findByName(animLib, clpName);
var action = srtMixers[parentName].clipAction(clp);
action.clampWhenFinished = true;
console.log("playScene:", clpName, clp, parentName, srtMixers);
//this is when the problem happens;
This is the JSON I am loading:
there was something very wrong with the scaling indeed.
The io_three JSON exporter for Blender (r87 dev) writes incorrect matrix transformation data in the geometry object (really tiny scaling values). The animation track with the scaling keys were correctly written as 1,1,1. So all the objects just scaled out of view immediately.
Hard to see because the geometry has no separate scaling value but a matrix. Seems to happen when you set "Scene" to true on export.
Worked around the problem by entering the scaling value in the keyframe tracks. But this will only work if you have no scaling animation (so the keys are all one).
Meanwhile I have extensively edited the JSON by hand. Because this is not the only incorrect data. The formatting of the animation object is also wrong. The durations for the morphTargetInfluence Keys is also incorrect. The formatting of these keys is also not always correct.
Hope this helps some other ppl

How to see image data using opencv in visual studio?

I wrote an OPENCV project in VS2010 and the results were not the ones as I expected so I ran the debugger to see where is the problem. When I wanted to see the data inside the image loaded I didn't know how to do it so if I want to see the data inside my images what should I do?
It is pretty simple in matlab for seeing different channel of an image i.e.
p1 = a(:,:,1)
p2 = b(:,:,2)
In opencv I wrote the same thing but I don't know how to see all the element at once just like Matlab.
a= imread("test.jpg")
vector<Mat> T1;
T1 = planes[0];
// How can I see the data inside T1 when debugging the code ?
I think this is what you are looking for - it's a great Visual Studio add-on
Just download the installer, make sure VS is closed, run it, re-open VS and voila! Now, when you point to an OpenCV data structure, all kinds of nice info is showed.
Limitations: I saw some problems with multichannel images (it only shows the first channel) and it also has trouble displaying large matrices. If you want to see raw data in a big matrix, you can use the old good VS trick with debug variables: Stop at a breakpoint, go to Watch tab, and write there
((float*) ,10
Where float is the matrix type, myMat is your matrix, and 10 is the number of values you want to print. It will display the first 10 values at the memory location of If you do not correctly choose the data type, you'll see garbage. In my example, myMat is of type cv::Mat.
And never forget the power of visualizers:
imshow("Image", myMat);
If your data fits into an image. You can use the contrib module's colormap to enhance your visualizers.
I can't actually believe that nobody suggested Image Watch yet. It's the most amazing add-in ever. It shows you a view with all your Mat variables (images (gray and color), matrices) while debugging, there's useful stuff like zooming or contrast-stretching and you can even apply more complex functions directly in the plugin in real-time. It makes debugging of any kind of image operations a breeze and it's immensely helpful if you do calculations and linear algebra stuff with your cv::Mat matrices.
I recommend to use a NativeViewer extension. It actually displays the content of an image in a preview window, not only the properly formatted info.
If you don't want to use a plug-in or extension to Visual Studio, you can access the elements one by one in the debugging watch tab by typing this:[T1.step.buf[0]*i + T1.step.buf[1]*j];
where i is the row you want to look at and j is the column.
after downloading imagewatch use the command in watch window
index of image in the vector
You can use the immediate window and the extenshion method like this one
/// <summary>
/// Displays image
/// </summary>
public static void Display (this Mat m, Rect rect = default, string windowName = "")
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(windowName))
windowName = m.ToString();
var img = rect == default ? m : m.Crop(rect);
double coef = Math.Min(1600d / img.Width, 800d / img.Height);
Cv2.ImShow(windowName, img.Resize(new Size(coef * img.Width, (coef * img.Height) > 1 ? coef * img.Height : 1)));
Then you stop at a breakpoint and call yourImage.Display() in the immediate window.
If you can use CLion you can utilize the OpenCV Image Viewer plugin, which displays matrices while debugging just on click.
Disclaimer: I'm an author of this plugin

NSWindow Flip Animation - Like iWork

I'm attempting to implement window-flipping identical to that in iWork -
However, I can't quite seem to find a straightforward way of doing this. Some tutorials suggest sticking snapshot-images of both sides of the window in a bigger, transparent window and animate those. This might work, but seems a bit hacky, and the sample code is always bloated. Some tutorials suggest using private APIs, and since this app may be MAS-bound, I'd like to avoid that.
How should I go about implementing this? Does anyone have any hints?
I've rewritten the ancient code linked below into NSWindow+Flipping. You can grab these source files from my misc. Cocoa collection on GitHub, PCSnippets.
You can achieve this using CoreGraphics framework. Take a look at this:
- (void) flipWithDuration: (float) duration forwards: (BOOL) forwards
CGSTransitionSpec spec;
CGSTransitionHandle transitionHandle;
CGSConnection cid = CGSDefaultConnection;
spec.type = CGSFlip;
spec.option = 0x80 | (forwards ? 2 : 1);
spec.wid = [self windowNumber];
spec.backColor = nil;
transitionHandle = -1;
CGSNewTransition (cid, &spec, &transitionHandle);
CGSInvokeTransition (cid, transitionHandle, duration);
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:
[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: duration]];
CGSReleaseTransition (cid, transitionHandle);
You can download sample project: here. More info here.
Take a look at this project. It's actually what You need.
About this project:
This category on NSWindow allows you to switch one window for
another, using the "flip" animation popularized by Dashboard widgets.
This was a nice excuse to learn something about CoreImage and how to
use it in Cocoa. The demo app shows how to use it. Scroll to the end
to see what's new in this version!
Basically, all you need to do is something like:
[someWindow flipToShowWindow:someOtherWindow forward:YES];
However, this code makes some assumptions: — someWindow (the initial
window) is already visible on-screen. — someOtherWindow (the final
window) is not already visible on-screen. — Both windows can be
resized to the same size, and aren't too large or complicated — the
latter conditions being less important the faster your CPU/video card
is. — The windows won't go away while the animation is running. — The
user won't try to click on the animated window or do something while
the animation is running.
The implementation is quite straightforward. I move the final to the
same position and size as the initial window. I then position a larger
transparent window so it covers that frame. I render both window
contents into CIImages, hide both windows, and start the animation.
Each frame of the animation renders a perspective-distorted image into
the transparent window. When the animation is done, I show the final
window. Some tricks are used to make this faster; the flipping window
is setup only once; the final window is hidden by setting its alpha to
0.0, not by ordering it out and later ordering it back in again, for instance.
The main bottleneck is the CoreImage filter, and the first frame
always takes much longer to render — 4 or 6 times what it takes for
the remaining frames. I suppose this time is spent with setup and
downloading to the video card. So I calculate the time this takes and
draw a second frame at a stage where the rotation begins to show. The
animation begins at this point, but, if those first two frames took
too long, I stretch the duration to make sure that at least 5 more
frames will get rendered. This will happen with slow hardware or large
windows. At the end, I don't render the last frame at all and swap the
final window in instead.

Slowing down looping animation as3

This is the first time I've ever posted in a forum, so thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to read/answer this question.
What I'm trying to create is basically a flipping coin animation, which starts off turning very fast and then slows down to stop with a (randomly generated) side facing upwards after about 8 seconds.
I've done the animation of a complete flip, which lasts about half a second, and made it in to a movieclip... now I'm stuck!
Any ideas how I might go about doing this in actionscript3?
The fastest way around this would be to use some very basic actionscript. First, create 2 animations (One heads, one tails). Now, you only need a single frame for this and don't need to place the movieclips on the stage. Use the following or similar code:
var whichSide:int = 0;
var coin1:coinAnimation1 = new coinAnimation1();
var coin2:coinAnimation2 = new coinAnimation2();
whichSide = math.Round(math.Random(1));
if(whichSide == 1)
Just don't forget to right click the movieclip and export for actionscript, giving the movieclips the class of: coinAnimation1 and coinAnimation2.
Hope this helps.
I've accomplished such animation on ´Keyframes´ using the Tweener class. You can easily tween on the keyframe parameter with specific transition...
Basic example:
Tweener.addTween(myMovieClip, {_frame:10, time:2.5});
More information about Tweener here

Slowness loading large (2M) images into listWidget

I have a simple QlistWidget where I'm loading images in one call using this code:
ui.listWidgetImages->setIconSize(QSize(60, 60));
QStringList::const_iterator i = filenames.constBegin(); // QStringList that holds the images paths
while (i != filenames.constEnd()) {
QString value = *i;
QListWidgetItem *standardItemnew = new QListWidgetItem(value, ui.listWidgetImages);
I guess the slowness is the result of scalling down the images to 60/60 size but, is there any way to speed up the process?
The fastest soluton would be to pre-generate the thumbnails or use thumbnails already embedded in the image.
If that's not feasible your only option may be to us Qt's multithreading. There are two sides to this. To start with the entire task of populating the list could be hived off into a separate thread so that the application doesn't lock during the process. More ambitiously, if the users have multi-core systems you might consider loading and scaling each image in a separate thread.
